Comparison of Hillary to Richard Nixon


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Comparison of Hillary to Richard Nixon

Not turning over server for 5 mos.
Not answering questions directly
Refusing to admit it was her job to classify sensitive material
Cover up
obstruction -
mishandling classified material
having server professionally wiped when the FBI wanted to see contents
Aides electronics destroyed
Erasing Evidence
erasing 30,000 emails that were "personal" so investigators could not see them
about not wanting to use 2 electronics...she was already using two electronics for emails
said her emails (part of 30,000) were to Bill. He sent 2 emails in the time she was SoS.

Her Aides are going to testify at the Select Benghazi Hearing Sept. 3, 4. Maybe we will find out what happened to their destroyed blackberrys. Or will they take the 5th for Hillary?

Any other similarities?
You mean to tell me I hit them all in the first post? The next stage is to watch Hillary throw her people under the bus the way Nixon did on the "Saturday Night Massacre."
Jerry Zeifman, a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Clinton on the Watergate investigation fired her and refused to giver her a letter of recommendation after the investigation concluded.

There are ample links out's one;

Details of Hillary Clinton’s firing from the House Judiciary Committee staff for unethical behavior as she helped prepare articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon have been confirmed by the panel’s chief Republican counsel.

Franklin Polk backed up major claims by Jerry Zeifman, the general counsel and chief of staff
of the House Judiciary Committee who supervised Clinton’s work on the Watergate investigation in 1974.....

Read more at Counsel confirms Hillary’s ‘fraudulent’ Watergate brief
None of this accounts for shit.

1)She's female
2) A Liberal
3) The wife of a a former President
4) Pro-Choice/Pro-Wetback
5) Unequivocally backed by 47% of the voting public
6) A darling of the Liberal Media

She's a fucking shoe-in.
A couple months ago I would have agreed that she is untouchable. Now that the FBI is doing a full forensic search of that server and the undeniable parallels with General Petraeous I'd say she is in trouble with both the nomination and criminal charges. Her aids better enter the witness protection program.
A couple months ago I would have agreed that she is untouchable. Now that the FBI is doing a full forensic search of that server and the undeniable parallels with General Petraeous I'd say she is in trouble with both the nomination and criminal charges. Her aids better enter the witness protection program.
I appreciate your optimism, but this will go the way as our nation has gone since 2008.

Chicago politics... brought to you by Barack H. O'Bama. That drunken semi-negro Irishman.

wiped clean, and the bitch replied: “Like with a cloth or something?”
what a cnut !
From 1974, Hillary was a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Details of Hillary Clinton’s firing from the House Judiciary Committee staff for unethical behavior as she helped prepare articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon have been confirmed by the panel’s chief Republican counsel.

Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, called Clinton a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

He contends Clinton was collaborating with allies of the Kennedys to block revelation of Kennedy-administration activities that made Watergate “look like a day at the beach.”

Her brief, Zeifman said, was so fraudulent and ridiculous, she would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.

Polk confirmed Clinton wrote a brief arguing Nixon should not be granted legal counsel due to a lack of precedent. But Clinton deliberately ignored the then-recent case of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, who was allowed to have a lawyer during the impeachment attempt against him in 1970.

Moreover, Zeifman claims Clinton bolstered her fraudulent brief by removing all of the Douglas files from public access and storing them at her office, enabling her to argue as if the case never existed.

When the Watergate probe concluded, Zeifman said, he fired Clinton from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation. She was one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career, Calabrese pointed out.

Zeifman told the columnist he fired Clinton because she was a liar.

Calabrese concludes: “Disingenuously arguing a position? Vanishing documents? Selling out members of her own party to advance a personal agenda? Classic Hillary.

Read more at Counsel confirms Hillary’s ‘fraudulent’ Watergate brief

Unethical behavior.

Liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Fraudulent and ridiculous, removing all of the Douglas files from public access and storing them at her office. enabling her to argue as if the case never existed.

He fired Clinton from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation.

“Disingenuously arguing a position?

Vanishing documents?

Selling out members of her own party to advance a personal agenda?

Classic Hillary.
None of this accounts for shit.

1)She's female
2) A Liberal
3) The wife of a a former President
4) Pro-Choice/Pro-Wetback
5) Unequivocally backed by 47% of the voting public
6) A darling of the Liberal Media

She's a fucking shoe-in.
And she has been a liar and fraud since 1974. See post #8.
She has to be stopped.
'Comparison of Hillary to Richard Nixon"

...fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Such a comparison is a ridiculous, ignorant, and inane manifestation of blind partisan idiocy.
Comparison of Hillary to Richard Nixon

Not turning over server for 5 mos.
Not answering questions directly
Refusing to admit it was her job to classify sensitive material
Cover up
obstruction -
mishandling classified material
having server professionally wiped when the FBI wanted to see contents
Aides electronics destroyed
Erasing Evidence
erasing 30,000 emails that were "personal" so investigators could not see them
about not wanting to use 2 electronics...she was already using two electronics for emails
said her emails (part of 30,000) were to Bill. He sent 2 emails in the time she was SoS.

Her Aides are going to testify at the Select Benghazi Hearing Sept. 3, 4. Maybe we will find out what happened to their destroyed blackberrys. Or will they take the 5th for Hillary?

Any other similarities?

This is appropriate!
I'm not sure what equates to evil, but if nothing else, she is approaching the top of the pole. Can you imagine lying as easily as she does?
'Comparison of Hillary to Richard Nixon"

...fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Such a comparison is a ridiculous, ignorant, and inane manifestation of blind partisan idiocy.
So, go through the OP and tell me where I am wrong. You couldn't be incredibly biased so you cannot see the forest for the trees, are you?
She thinks she can laugh it off and people will laugh along with her only nobody's laughing but her.
I understand that liberal columnists are pleading with her to "come clean" and stop with the jokes. I don't know many liberal columnists, but one in particular started with an "R" in her name.
Any other similarities?

Nixon wasn't a crook, Hillary isn't a crook

Nixon had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam, Hillary had a secret plan to en the war in Libya

Nixon forgot to wipe the tapes, Hillary forgot to wipe the server.... eh..?

Nixon didn't go to jail, Hillary won't go to jail

Nixon was pretzeldent, Hillary will be pretzeldent too

Any other similarities?

Nixon wasn't a crook, Hillary isn't a crook

Nixon had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam, Hillary had a secret plan to en the war in Libya

Nixon forgot to wipe the tapes, Hillary forgot to wipe the server.... eh..?

Nixon didn't go to jail, Hillary won't go to jail

Nixon was pretzeldent, Hillary will be pretzeldent too

That is a totally insane post. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached and sentenced.

Hillary may very well be found to be a crook. She has an assortment of charges against her to the factual poster.

How do you know Nixon or Clinton had a secret plan?

Maybe Hillary will be pretzeldent, but she won't be president.

Like I said, insane post.

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