Compulsory Health Insurance

You can also opt to not be an American. *poof* there goes your mandate.

a two week old can not make that decision.....but a two week old MUST be insured by law.

Not gonna kill what I am saying...maybe if you watched REAL NEWS you would be aware of the fact that this is one of the PRIMARY concerns amongst the legal community.

But please...continue watching the news that does not want you to know what they do not want you to know.

Oh your saying that there is a mandate to make a two-week old spend THEIR money on health insurance?????????????

Repeat after me - silly semantic BS.

You just dont get it...maybe by design......but you just dont get it.

I used a 2 week old to offset the argument of "who would not want to work" crap.

OK so how about this.....I will make it easy.

I have no legs, have money, I prefer not to work. I do not need to pay taxes as I do not work. I do not need health insurance as I have enough money to get by and I prefer saving it for food. is a unique mandate and all you want to do is prove me wrong as oipposed to say to yourself...well, even though it is a great thing and along the lines of my beliefs, that guy is making a valid is very historic and very unique.

Or do what you do....deny the truth. I really dont gve a fuck.

Obama needs some pointers.

I never thought I would say this....but that was a great post!
Seriously...not being sarcastic....
Thumbs up!
Sure; you are always free to leave anytime your heart desires.

my arrangements were made last nov
Good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


and my wife and i will be enjoying life in a country whose cost of living is 1/4 of what your paying

and you have to cough it up for your deathcare or go to jail. but you know what they say. better YOU than me

PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail


shall we send you a post card ??? :lol:
A lot of people seem to have especially strong opposition to requiring people to carry health insurance. Opposition based on principal I understand. It's just one more governmental encroachment on individual liberty. But from a practical standpoint, I don't really see why this is such a big deal (IMO the public option is a far worse idea).

What is the difference between a law that mandates you buy health insurance and a law that mandates you pay taxes to cover your own health insurance (and likely other's too)?

Why should we be required to pay money to insurance companies that will use that money to lobby Congress to deny us coverage?
If healthcare ever passes, it should induce a unique situation into the U.S. legal system; i.e., American citizens refusing to pay the tax, and pleading NOT GUILTY on the grounds of SANITY!
I have no legs, have money, I prefer not to work. I do not need to pay taxes as I do not work. I do not need health insurance as I have enough money to get by and I prefer saving it for food.
But you will NEED healthcare at some point - that's the point where your "choice" to not insure yourself will cost the rest of us money - unless you can cover ALL the costs with the cash you have on hand. And if you have that kind of cash on hand - food wouldn't be an issue at all.

Everyone thinks they are made of steel - will NEVER use any part of our healthcare system - so when they fail to prepare for that inevitability - EVERYONE else has to pick up the tab.

The problem is NOT that I don't get it - the problem is that I DO get it - the bill for YOUR healthcare that is .,....
I have no legs, have money, I prefer not to work. I do not need to pay taxes as I do not work. I do not need health insurance as I have enough money to get by and I prefer saving it for food.
But you will NEED healthcare at some point - that's the point where your "choice" to not insure yourself will cost the rest of us money - unless you can cover ALL the costs with the cash you have on hand. And if you have that kind of cash on hand - food wouldn't be an issue at all.

Everyone thinks they are made of steel - will NEVER use any part of our healthcare system - so when they fail to prepare for that inevitability - EVERYONE else has to pick up the tab.

The problem is NOT that I don't get it - the problem is that I DO get it - the bill for YOUR healthcare that is .,....

People who are obese use more medical resources than others. Fat bitches like you will cause me to pay more. Should the government decide what goes into your feedbag so as not to cost me anything?
I have no legs, have money, I prefer not to work. I do not need to pay taxes as I do not work. I do not need health insurance as I have enough money to get by and I prefer saving it for food.
But you will NEED healthcare at some point - that's the point where your "choice" to not insure yourself will cost the rest of us money - unless you can cover ALL the costs with the cash you have on hand. And if you have that kind of cash on hand - food wouldn't be an issue at all.

Everyone thinks they are made of steel - will NEVER use any part of our healthcare system - so when they fail to prepare for that inevitability - EVERYONE else has to pick up the tab.

The problem is NOT that I don't get it - the problem is that I DO get it - the bill for YOUR healthcare that is .,....

People who are obese use more medical resources than others. Fat bitches like you will cause me to pay more. Should the government decide what goes into your feedbag so as not to cost me anything?

Then tax sodas and cigarettes and alcohol to make up the difference.
But you will NEED healthcare at some point - that's the point where your "choice" to not insure yourself will cost the rest of us money - unless you can cover ALL the costs with the cash you have on hand. And if you have that kind of cash on hand - food wouldn't be an issue at all.

Everyone thinks they are made of steel - will NEVER use any part of our healthcare system - so when they fail to prepare for that inevitability - EVERYONE else has to pick up the tab.

The problem is NOT that I don't get it - the problem is that I DO get it - the bill for YOUR healthcare that is .,....

People who are obese use more medical resources than others. Fat bitches like you will cause me to pay more. Should the government decide what goes into your feedbag so as not to cost me anything?

Then tax sodas and cigarettes and alcohol to make up the difference.

Actually, it should be decided what Nodog can eat, as she cannot be trusted to make the right dietary choices.
You will die at some point and may not have enough money to cover your outstanding debts. These debts cause a burden on those of the living. You therefore, must carry life insurance.

Your lack of education may mean that a job is not available for you. You will require assistance. Therefore, you are required to get an education to at least an associates degree.

You may get injured and not be able to work. Therefore, you are required to carry disability insurance.

You may commit a crime and be unable to work or contribute to your costs of inprisonment. This will fall as a burden on society. You are required to carry criminal insurance.

You have no comon sense and may commit acts which are costly to society. Please submit your common sense insurance premium post haste.
You will die at some point and may not have enough money to cover your outstanding debts. These debts cause a burden on those of the living. You therefore, must carry life insurance.

Your lack of education may mean that a job is not available for you. You will require assistance. Therefore, you are required to get an education to at least an associates degree.

You may get injured and not be able to work. Therefore, you are required to carry disability insurance.

You may commit a crime and be unable to work or contribute to your costs of inprisonment. This will fall as a burden on society. You are required to carry criminal insurance.

You have no comon sense and may commit acts which are costly to society. Please submit your common sense insurance premium post haste.

You are describing liberal dreamland.
Punk is trying to stalk me around the boards and fling what I'm sure he/she considers to be aggravations at me because I took him/her to the cleaners and trashed his/her lil' illusion of personal responsibility.

It's pretty funny - and a sure sign he knows he lost his lil' argument BADLY.
Actually, we can't determine your actions with any degree of certainty. Please turn over all your money and decision-making to us immediately.

Punk is trying to stalk me around the boards and fling what I'm sure he/she considers to be aggravations at me because I took him/her to the cleaners and trashed his/her lil' illusion of personal responsibility.

It's pretty funny - and a sure sign he knows he lost his lil' argument BADLY.

Not even close. Your posts just happen to express extreme leftist thinking- which is fun to respond to.
I think we need to nationalize the insurance companies, make them all non-profit with a cap on the top salaries. Any extra money they take in should be redistributed to the policy holders at the end of the year like USAA does.

We need to change the law and allow hospitals to purchase their supplies outside the medical field. Why should they pay $20 for a small bottle of Tylenol when they can get a big one at Costco for $5?

Hospitals should also be non-profit. Only instead of putting all that extra money into building private wings, they should be forced to put at least 1/2 of it back into the hospital to lower the bills on the incoming patients, or redistribute it to those that paid too much for their treatment in the first place.

The say for treatment should be up to the doctor's and their patients, NOT the insurance companies.

Yeah. that's a great idea. Not.
In E.Germany they had a similar system. The gov't controlled all the hospitals and all the doctors were gov't employees.
And guess, what: their health care system was third rate at best. There was no incentive for doctors or hospitals or anyone to do their job, much less be innovative and cutting edge.
That's what happens when you eliminate the profit motive: people quit caring about their jobs because its the same pay no matter how little they work.
Demonstrate where Obama's plan 'socializes' the hospitals, pharmacies, doctor's offices, clinics, laboratories, etc. What a moron you so often are, Rab.
I think we need to nationalize the insurance companies, make them all non-profit with a cap on the top salaries. Any extra money they take in should be redistributed to the policy holders at the end of the year like USAA does.

We need to change the law and allow hospitals to purchase their supplies outside the medical field. Why should they pay $20 for a small bottle of Tylenol when they can get a big one at Costco for $5?

Hospitals should also be non-profit. Only instead of putting all that extra money into building private wings, they should be forced to put at least 1/2 of it back into the hospital to lower the bills on the incoming patients, or redistribute it to those that paid too much for their treatment in the first place.

The say for treatment should be up to the doctor's and their patients, NOT the insurance companies.

Yeah. that's a great idea. Not.
In E.Germany they had a similar system. The gov't controlled all the hospitals and all the doctors were gov't employees.
And guess, what: their health care system was third rate at best. There was no incentive for doctors or hospitals or anyone to do their job, much less be innovative and cutting edge.
That's what happens when you eliminate the profit motive: people quit caring about their jobs because its the same pay no matter how little they work.

This alleged 'public option' is not based on any previous or modern European models. This public option is a corporatist model. It serves two purposes: to dump those with preexisting conditions on the state and to increase subsidies to the health insurance companies. We're going to end up subsidizing the bonuses and salaries of the jackals running these insurance companies. The US government basically exists to dole out corporate welfare, whether it's to defense contractors, pharmaceutical companies, investment banks, insurance companies, etc.
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Demonstrate where Obama's plan 'socializes' the hospitals, pharmacies, doctor's offices, clinics, laboratories, etc. What a moron you so often are, Rab.

Its the unintednded (or intended) consequence of having a public option that has the largesse of taxpayer contributions "competing" with businesses that actually have to make a profit.

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