Compulsory National Service. Would You Serve?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
hope my college educated grandsons enjoy bootcamp.
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
We will never go back to a Draft
If WWIII occurs.and Gen Z is conscripted the West is over, if they even complied.This is the result of decades of weakening our nations and killing patriotism. Meanwhile, the Establishment and MSM are focusing on Trump. It is amazing. China is going to rule this planet. They know it and they know how as so many listen to Bill Marr, Rachel Maddow, Megyn Kelly and the rest of the clueless bunch. This isn't hyperbole, the UK Gen Z say they will NOT fight in a war for country because they say the government betrayed.them for generations. Do we think it is any different here? Do even the so-called alternative voices ask why? No, they mentally and emotionally masturbate over Trump. Chinas goals are simple, destroy America from within, divide and bankrupt America. The U.S is their only rival and they intend on wining by ensuring a poitical Oligarch that is much easier to control
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As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?

Well-regulated non-governmental home guard militia here. I am the last line of defense for this country, and I serve every day.

Ducit Amor Patriae, motherfuckers.
If WWIII occurs.and Gen Z is conscripted the West is over, if they even complied.This is the result of decades of weakening our nations and killing patriotism. Meanwhile, the Establishment and MSM are focusing on Trump. It is amazing. China is going to rule this planet. They know it and they know how as so many listen to Bill Marr, Rachel Maddow, Megyn Kelly and the rest of the clueless bunch. This isn't hyperbole, the UK Gen Z say they will NOT fight in a war for country because they say the government betrayed.them for generations. Do we think it is any different here? Do even the so-called alternative voices ask why? No, they mentally and emotionally masturbate over Trump. Chinas goals are simple, destroy America from within, divide and bankrupt America. The U.S is their only rival and they intend on wining by ensuring a poitical Oligarch that is much easier to control
I reminds me of the old question, “What if they threw a war and nobody came?” :eek:
We'd have to be in some serious trouble for uncle sam to be looking at sorts my age John

I know the feeling....
I'm too old and worn out physically myself....but I do know how to get a job done and run a crew....and old guys who get conscripted either end up doing that or just driving a shuttle service...

Just saying...they will use you to do something. Just the way it works. I watch what has happened in Ukraine with everyone getting conscripted and that's exactly what they did.
We'd have to be in some serious trouble for uncle sam to be looking at sorts my age John


You don't have to be able do 100 pullups to shoot commies and jihadists in the face.

It just takes three pounds of pressure with your index finger. :p
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
Pretty sure if I am drafted to become an IRS auditor, I will face court martial soon thereafter. It isn't that I couldn't do the job, but I am pretty willfully non-compliant when it comes to just pages of numbers. They make my eyes glaze over.
Pretty sure if I am drafted to become an IRS auditor, I will face court martial soon thereafter. It isn't that I couldn't do the job, but I am pretty willfully non-compliant when it comes to just pages of numbers. They make my eyes glaze over.
Well likely they would make you order electrical supplies for building projects or some other repair shop's supplies and check them in and etc.
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
The government must soon force people to do what the government thinks they should be doing because they are not being convinced that the government is right about everything 24/7.

It is only the natural progression.
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
Join up a find a vehicle to steal for a beer run.
As people find careers and jobs our there nobody is signing up for government jobs...from military to IRS auditors...

Huge shortage of manpower....especially in the military.

Just about every nation in the Western world needs people to do jobs. From the UK to Canada...especially the USA.

So....I expect a draft to start soon in order to fill these jobs. Do you sign up? Burn your draft card in protest and try to hide out in another country?
Do you serve but refuse to fight?
Do you go and fight?

What do you do?
I guess this recruitment tactic didnt work out so well...

Well likely they would make you order electrical supplies for building projects or some other repair shop's supplies and check them in and etc.

Well okay as long as I am not in charge of finding it again. My organizational default is "Hey there is an empty spot over there. Stick it there". I am in the middle of gutting a bathroom back to the studs and rebuilding it (doing half at a time sort of). At least a third of the time so far has been spent looking for my safety glasses, gloves, tape measure and carpenter's square. I am forever laying them down and then being unable to find them again.

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