Computer expert absolutely decimates the Dominion Voting System and the security abuses by Arizona election officials!!!!!

mamooth I told you it was LIVE BROADCAST of a computer expert who was giving his final report. It may or may not be available on the internet as I suspect the Democrats will do what they do and put up an internet block on his report.
bodecea Hard evidence pulled directly off of the Dominion Voting Machine used in the Arizona election by a forensics expert is irrefutable. Dembots like you can laugh off anything and you no doubt will.
Maricopa county will not hand over the data requested by the audit committee and ordered by a judge....if they had nothing to hide they would comply...just like every other county in AZ has.....
Those who are laughing and mocking this situation won't be so chuffed when our electoral system falls apart. The idiots seem incapable of grasping that Americans have ALWAYS had a clear choice. Ballots, or bullets. That isn't a threat so any of you pearl-clutchers, get over yourselves. It's merely an observation based in reality. Just as THEY refused to accept a duly elected president that they hated, they WILL accept him in the future or we'll see real, violent conflict in the streets. One half of this nation will NEVER bend the knee to the other half so the option is to compromise or to watch it all fall apart.
I watched it live and don't have a link but here are a few summary statement from the computer forensics expert:

He stated that Maricopa County was uncooperative to the point of being OBSTRUCTIONIST in providing information he requested.
He found evidence the Dominion Voting Machine was configured for a WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION.
He also found evidence of a remote access on the DAY that the Dominion data base was PURGED.
His summary statement was this system could have been hacked within 10 minutes by a hacker of average ability and that this
voting system has failed to meet any measure of security

So what this means is, there is NO WAY to prove or disprove Joe Biden won the election because like I've been saying for over a year, the Dominion Voting System was designed for vote tampering AND the resident database was purged.

The Arizona voting results should be voided. That is all.

Yet Dominion machines will be used in 2022. How pathetic is that?
I watched it live and don't have a link but here are a few summary statement from the computer forensics expert:

He stated that Maricopa County was uncooperative to the point of being OBSTRUCTIONIST in providing information he requested.
He found evidence the Dominion Voting Machine was configured for a WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION.
He also found evidence of a remote access on the DAY that the Dominion data base was PURGED.
His summary statement was this system could have been hacked within 10 minutes by a hacker of average ability and that this
voting system has failed to meet any measure of security

So what this means is, there is NO WAY to prove or disprove Joe Biden won the election because like I've been saying for over a year, the Dominion Voting System was designed for vote tampering AND the resident database was purged.

The Arizona voting results should be voided. That is all.
Well shit, that should pretty much seal the deal. When is he scheduled to testify? We need to get this evidence in front of a judge.
That's one reason why liberals are so cheerful in comparison.
Yeah, we saw all that "cheerfulness" on display between 2017 and 2021. You people, as a group, are psychopaths. You actually believe that the FIRM BELIEFS of tens of millions of Americans can simply be mocked and ignored without any repercussion to your lives.
You will never have to worry about a Trump, or an Andrew Jackson, or a Theodore Roosevelt ever again.
Maybe...maybe not, but one thing IS certain. If these thugs in DC think they can ride herd on the half of us who aren't on board with their bullshit, they're sorely mistaken. The next election that is seen in the same light as 2020 will begin the process of burning this republic DOWN. The fools on the Left believe in the safety of a militarized government where those they disagree with can be compelled to join the "State". The truth is that when tens of millions of Americans, located in communities all over the geography of the country decide to tell DC to f**k-off, DC has NO ability to enforce their "laws" on the citizens who are giving them the middle finger. Further, as their resort to armed tyranny grows, they'll lose even the fools who helped them begin their LAWLESS REGIME.
excalibur Getting Dominion Systems OUT OF OUR ELECTIONS should be a top priority by the GOP. They are designed for cheating, this not a matter of opinion. They just are.
excalibur Getting Dominion Systems OUT OF OUR ELECTIONS should be a top priority by the GOP. They are designed for cheating, this not a matter of opinion. They just are.

wow. I can't believe YouTube censored something as innocuous as this.

I don't know if this is the same thing, I put your link in a search engine and tried to find something close.

This is a bit trashy. . . But, if you fast forward, appears to have the actual news in it.

But this is just pure news, this is the Senate hearing, but can't be embedded. (But can't be deleted by Google either.)


If Google is deleting shit. . . well. . .

. . . that should be telling folks with critical thinking all they need to know. :rolleyes:


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