Computer geek humor

Office Supplies

I'd like to do an analysis in the changes in office supplies (e.g., Glu-Stic), since the advent of the Internet has changed how people send mail or documents.

I was intrigued by the rendition of Electro (Marvel Comics) in the recent film The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Hollywood is interested in comp-sci-fi/sci-fi storytelling. Anyone see the episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends with Electro generating the computer-virus creature Video-Man?

Three representatives of a computer company were riding in a taxi, when the taxi got a flat tire.

The driver asked his passengers to see if they could do anything to help.

First was a sales representative. He got out, examined the tire, then told the driver, “Your car's broken. You need to buy a new one.”

Next, the programmer got out and check the tire. “That's a hardware problem,” he said. “I can't help you with that.”

After that, the third passenger, a repair technician, got out to see what he could do. He opened the trunk, too out the spare tire, and the jack, and swapped out the tires, one by one, until he found the bad one.

[To get this one, you probably have to be old enough to remember when computers used discrete RAM chips, rather than SIMMs, DIMMs, and similar units, when RAM was less reliable than it now is, and when swapping out individual chips with a presumed good one was the common way to fix a computer with a RAM issue.]

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