Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is

You do know that American students are dumber than Asian students across the board. Yet, Democrats believe teaching a bunch of nonsense to soothe feelings is more important than advanced math and science.
You do know that 'American' is a nationality and 'Asian' is a race, right?

So, who exactly are you comparing to whom because the majority of 'Americans' are white, are they not?
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My current billing rate is $125/hour, are you going to pay me for my time spent searching for what you could find yourself?
It would not be money well spent

I did look and found no quotes by DeSantos

So I’m confident you are repeating a lie
Government did not really grow until the mid 1960's. It took off. State, city, local, regional and federal agendas. So, before that, a higher percentage of people were on their own.
Was this in direct response to the passage of the civil rights act you think <wink wink>

Just kidding, sort of... no not really.
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Government did not really grow until the mid 1960's. It took off. State, city, local, regional and federal agendas. So, before that, a higher percentage of people were on their own.
Bullshit. Governmenmt has always expanded. No business is going to stay the same size when their customer base grows. Seems that some people want the same size goverment we had when 1 million people lived here even though we have 330 million people here.
It would not be money well spent

I did look and found no quotes by DeSantos

So I’m confident you are repeating a lie
Maybe it would be, maybe not.

I evaluate things the same way irrespective of the speaker. When I first heard this, I figured it could be a misstatement, because most of them generally remember and know better, what not to say out loud. But I saw DeSantis on the national evening news repeating what it was all about. If you're trying to find the quote verbatim that could be why you're not able to locate it.

This is what he stated in support of Florida's new "social studies curriculum" some anti-WOKE acronym they came up with:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to take incoming fire for his defense of the state's educational standards on slavery. (Sergio Flores/for The Washington Post)​
Black Republicans and fellow GOP presidential hopefuls continue to slam Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over new standards for how Black history is taught in Florida schools.​
The social studies standards, which DeSantis has repeatedly defended, include teaching middle-schoolers that “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”
Here's the direct quote:

At an event in Utah, Governor DeSantis defended how slavery will now be taught in Florida middle schools. Children will now be taught that enslaved persons picked up skills that they later “parlayed” into profitable crafts after slavery was abolished.​
“They’re probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life,” Mr DeSantis told reporters on Friday.​

This is the legislation I believe that allegedly has authorized much of the insanity we're now seeing in Florida. I have not read it in detail I only know about what's been excerpted in various news articles and stories:

Maybe it would be, maybe not.

I evaluate things the same way irrespective of the speaker. When I first heard this, I figured it could be a misstatement, because most of them generally remember and know better, what not to say out loud. But I saw DeSantis on the national evening news repeating what it was all about. If you're trying to find the quote verbatim that could be why you're not able to locate it.

This is what he stated in support of Florida's new "social studies curriculum" some anti-WOKE acronym they came up with:

Here's the direct quote:

At an event in Utah, Governor DeSantis defended how slavery will now be taught in Florida middle schools. Children will now be taught that enslaved persons picked up skills that they later “parlayed” into profitable crafts after slavery was abolished.​
“They’re probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life,” Mr DeSantis told reporters on Friday.​

This is the legislation I believe that allegedly has authorized much of the insanity we're now seeing in Florida. I have not read it in detail I only know about what's been excerpted in various news articles and stories:

I cant speak for DeSantos but my reaction to that statement is that it no way defends the practice of slavery in the first place

Instead I think it falls under the heading of a silver lining observation

Is it a reach?

Somewhat yes

But it comes as a reaction to liberal attempts to shame white children today that I know are harmful to our society
New York Governor Kathy Hochul is facing backlash for saying that black children in the Bronx don't know the word "computer".
"Right now, we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is," she said. "They don't know these things."
The Democrat made the comments while speaking to a technology panel in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
Ms Hochul later said that she misspoke and regrets it.

NY governor in gaffe on black children and computers - BBC News

Over and over the Democrats tell black people what they think of them. But black people just keep voting for them…..
How does IM2 post here then?

Thats what Democrats think of blacks.
Too stupid to know what’s a computer and too stupid to get a photo ID.
Both things propel us not the future. I hate to be captain obvious but not every kid is interested in math and science. Forcing that on everybody is not going to make us better. Again, fuck IQ test scores, they do not prove inteligence. Our standard of living is not because we don't make everybody study only math and science. And a lot of things are science, advertising is a science, psychology is a science, sociology is a science, gerentology is a science, and I can go on, so you can stop the idiotic right wing crowing about feelings because right wing ideology is based only on feelings as we see daily in this forum.

You've taken my words out of context. I never said EVERYONE needs to zero in on math and science but you cannot dispute that math and science are required to give the country a competitive edge. The problem is leftists want to dumb down math and science so EVERYONE can have a chance. Building a rocket or open heart surgery requires high degree of knowledge with almost absolute no margin of error. Dumbing those two topics will only lead to disaster.

You keep screaming idiotic feelings al you want but the evidence is everywhere. Societies with high advanced knowledge of math and science have better standard of living. Look at Singapore and South Korea. Compare those two countries with Haiti or Zimbabwe.
It’s more likely she just regrets people noticed she said it more than she does saying it.
Sometimes they mess up and accidentally tell you exactly what they think. White leftists have for years been treating brown people like they are beneath them, but they disguise it behind a facade of giving you a hand up. I'd love to meet one kid in The Bronx beyond the age of a Kindergartener who doesn't know what a computer is.

Spare me. It is sad how yu disingenuous Republicans take comments by Democrats out of context while making excuses for consistent Republican racist BELIEFS. Hochul was talking about lack of computer access in those communities, which is true.
There was no taking her comments out of context. There are always random moments where a liberal slips and exposes their true mind set when it comes to the capabilities of the average black person. They usually do that when they are being interviewed by a person they view as an ally.
Government did not really grow until the mid 1960's. It took off. State, city, local, regional and federal agendas. So, before that, a higher percentage of people were on their own.
The New Deal started the explosion in the power of federal government.
Bullshit. Governmenmt has always expanded. No business is going to stay the same size when their customer base grows. Seems that some people want the same size goverment we had when 1 million people lived here even though we have 330 million people here.
Until the mid 1960's all immigrants took care of themselves.

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