Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

Maybe through a freedom of information act, someone could get permission to evaluate the votes and do some sort of audit on the machines before their next use of the machines? Not to reverse the election results, but to see if these electronic voting machines without the paper trail are even hackable, or the russians had a hand...? I still don't think there would be enough votes to reverse those wins....of Trump's.

Let's go out on a limb here: Say we do actually count those ballots and find something wrong thus giving Hillary the win in the states outlined. Would that be acceptable if we didn't so the same for every state?
Trump's victory is indeed looed at as a bug in the very fabric of reality... for the liberals connected to their echo-matrix.
Maybe through a freedom of information act, someone could get permission to evaluate the votes and do some sort of audit on the machines before their next use of the machines? Not to reverse the election results, but to see if these electronic voting machines without the paper trail are even hackable, or the russians had a hand...? I still don't think there would be enough votes to reverse those wins....of Trump's.

Let's go out on a limb here: Say we do actually count those ballots and find something wrong thus giving Hillary the win in the states outlined. Would that be acceptable if we didn't so the same for every state?

Sure, if Trump is going to pay for the hand count in ALL the other states. It's only fair. If Clinton or Stein are going to pay for the recount in WI, MI, and PA.
He said he was able to hack a machine and change the vote totals, and he did it on the VERY SAME machines that were used in the election.

And cyber experts say it couldn't be done--according to the CNN article. So yes, maybe if he pulled a new machine out of the box, and found a way to hack it, perhaps. But if cyber experts claim it's impossible, then there is something more in the actual machines used at voting places compared to the one the author used.
Sure, if Trump is going to pay for the hand count in ALL the other states. It's only fair. If Clinton of Stein are going to pay for the recount in WI, MI, and PA.

Then I say bring it on. From everything posted thus far, it's like betting on a horse with 100 to 1 odds of winning.
He said he was able to hack a machine and change the vote totals, and he did it on the VERY SAME machines that were used in the election.

And cyber experts say it couldn't be done--according to the CNN article. So yes, maybe if he pulled a new machine out of the box, and found a way to hack it, perhaps. But if cyber experts claim it's impossible, then there is something more in the actual machines used at voting places compared to the one the author used.

No. You are taking their answer wrong. They say it is impossible to hack the machines as they are not DIRECTLY connected to the internet. That's true. But that isn't what the professor is saying could have happened or how he did it. The malware was attached to the actual ballot that was created on a computer that WAS attached to the internet, and then the malware was transferred to the voting machines along with the ballot on a removable memory card. They are not the same argument.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.
Trying to get an understanding here so help me out.
The Bush administration was a disaster but the obamanation administration was ok? is that what Im hearing? continuing with open borders, importing terrorists, sending jobs out of the country, 4 times as many people on assistance than ever before, people actually just giving up trying to find a job, oil spills, government polluting rivers, police being killed with the approval of the DOJ, destroying health care for millions that have been responsible enough to purchase the coverage, These are good things?
No. You are taking their answer wrong. They say it is impossible to hack the machines as they are not DIRECTLY connected to the internet. That's true. But that isn't what the professor is saying could have happened or how he did it. The malware was attached to the actual ballot that was created on a computer that WAS attached to the internet, and then the malware was transferred to the voting machines along with the ballot on a removable memory card. They are not the same argument.

Wrong again, go back and read the CNN article. It said nothing about the voting machines that were not attached to the internet, it said it was impossible on the voting machines period. Also, it seems he's assuming how the original ballots were created; no protection whatsoever. I have a difficult time believing that.
No. You are taking their answer wrong. They say it is impossible to hack the machines as they are not DIRECTLY connected to the internet. That's true. But that isn't what the professor is saying could have happened or how he did it. The malware was attached to the actual ballot that was created on a computer that WAS attached to the internet, and then the malware was transferred to the voting machines along with the ballot on a removable memory card. They are not the same argument.

Wrong again, go back and read the CNN article. It said nothing about the voting machines that were not attached to the internet, it said it was impossible on the voting machines period. Also, it seems he's assuming how the original ballots were created; no protection whatsoever. I have a difficult time believing that.

Do you REALLY believe a scientist would set up an experiment, get an actual voting machine, and NOT know the process that goes into setting one up for an election?
Do you REALLY believe a scientist would set up an experiment, get an actual voting machine, and NOT know the process that goes into setting one up for an election?

If he has an agenda, yes. He stated that these machines and software are over 10 years old, but never mentioned that it was possible Obama won due to hacking of these machines. Why didn't he bring this up back then???
Do you REALLY believe a scientist would set up an experiment, get an actual voting machine, and NOT know the process that goes into setting one up for an election?

If he has an agenda, yes. He stated that these machines and software are over 10 years old, but never mentioned that it was possible Obama won due to hacking of these machines. Why didn't he bring this up back then???

Are you SURE you read the article?
Do it
Make an even bigger ass out of yourselves.
I think this country has shown the rest of the world enough of our ass. Its time to settle down and get to work fixing things. The government wont and cant do it so it has to be up to the citizens. The problem is that those on the left are unable to grasp the concept of working with people that you dont always agree with. there is always room for compromise in any discussion.
Are you SURE you read the article?

Would you like me to go back and copy/paste?

Well because right here it says he has been talking about the possibility of voting machines being hacked for over a decade.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever. I’ve demonstrated this in the laboratory with real voting machines — in just a few seconds, anyone can install vote-stealing malware on those machines that silently alters the electronic records of every vote.
Well because right here it says he has been talking about the possibility of voting machines being hacked for over a decade.

That's exactly what I said. So did he ever write about this during DumBama's last two elections? If not, then it seems that bringing it up now is agenda driven.
Well because right here it says he has been talking about the possibility of voting machines being hacked for over a decade.

That's exactly what I said. So did he ever write about this during DumBama's last two elections? If not, then it seems that bringing it up now is agenda driven.

Is this a joke? No I'm being serious.

It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts.
I haven't read this obvious, Alt EUROPEAN thread because they are snowflakes too, but all I can say is------->boo-hoo Euro phonies, lololol! New sheriff in town, and you are SOL-)
Well because right here it says he has been talking about the possibility of voting machines being hacked for over a decade.

That's exactly what I said. So did he ever write about this during DumBama's last two elections? If not, then it seems that bringing it up now is agenda driven.
Perhaps it is agenda driven, but it still an important issue going forward to future electronic voting elections.
Since Clinton won the popular vote by a significant margin, this is a good time to validate these e-machines.
I haven't read this obvious, Alt EUROPEAN thread because they are snowflakes too, but all I can say is------->boo-hoo Euro phonies, lololol! New sheriff in town, and you are SOL-)
Wow, that was mature ... NOT.

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