Comrade tells his rich friends, "You just got a lot richer."

Look . You working class scum enjoy the tax crumbs you get and shit your mouth!
Working class scum, wow. But you are admitting we will get to keep more of our money. So we get more take home pay but should be pissed off someone else gets to do that as well?

These are the people who claim to care about the working man.

They have trouble even pretending these days, even if they are the masters at that.
For the truth go to Tax Plan Calculator by Maxim Lott

It looks like we may pay a bit more...

80% of Americans will realize a benefit.

There is no benefit to cutting taxes by increasing the deficit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is only benefit to balancing the budget and then cutting taxes. Anything else is lying idiocy. But then you people elected Trump, the original lying idiot.

Of course he did say he would run the country like he did his businesses and running them into bankruptcy and leaving the little guys holding the bag while he walks away with millions is his SOP.
For the truth go to Tax Plan Calculator by Maxim Lott

It looks like we may pay a bit more...

80% of Americans will realize a benefit.

There is no benefit to cutting taxes by increasing the deficit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is only benefit to balancing the budget and then cutting taxes. Anything else is lying idiocy. But then you people elected Trump, the original lying idiot.

Of course he did say he would run the country like he did his businesses and running them into bankruptcy and leaving the little guys holding the bag while he walks away with millions is his SOP.

O ran it up another 8 trillion screwing us more than all the other presidents combined.
For the truth go to Tax Plan Calculator by Maxim Lott

It looks like we may pay a bit more...

80% of Americans will realize a benefit.

There is no benefit to cutting taxes by increasing the deficit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is only benefit to balancing the budget and then cutting taxes. Anything else is lying idiocy. But then you people elected Trump, the original lying idiot.

Of course he did say he would run the country like he did his businesses and running them into bankruptcy and leaving the little guys holding the bag while he walks away with millions is his SOP.
So you’re going to be calling your reps asking them to cut spending?
"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News

And you idiots believe he is looking out for the middle class.... IDIOTS!

And you idiots believe all things from unnamed sources.

Gee when Trump uses unnamed sources, you believe him. Your outrage over unnamed sources is pretty selective. You believe the lying conman’s unnamed sources who say he didn’t collude with Russia. You believe his unnamed sources that Obama’s wasn’t born in the USA. You believe his unnamed sources that tell you Seth Rich was the source for the DNC’s emails.

You believe unnamed sources that tell you lies you wish were true. But you don’t believe “unnamed sources” that tell you truth you wish were lies.
"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News

And you idiots believe he is looking out for the middle class.... IDIOTS!

And you idiots believe all things from unnamed sources.

Gee when Trump uses unnamed sources, you believe him.

Post an example.

Your outrage over unnamed sources is pretty selective.

Not at all. Perhaps you could post an example.

You believe the lying conman’s unnamed sources who say he didn’t collude with Russia.

Maybe you could post an example. There are named sources who have said as much, including Trump. There is no evidence of any such collusion taking place.

If there is, perhaps you could post it.

You believe his unnamed sources that Obama’s wasn’t born in the USA.

Not hardly. I did believe Obama's literary agent, who had him down as a Kenyan. A mistake? Perhaps, but Obama locking up his college records sure fueled that fire.

You believe his unnamed sources that tell you Seth Rich was the source for the DNC’s emails.

Julian Assange is not unnamed.
You know, a few years back, I figured out how to balance the withholdings from my retirement check, with what I had to pay in taxes. The end result? When I file my taxes at the end of the year, it pretty much balances out. Some years I owe a dollar or two, other years, the government owes me a dollar or two. I like it because I don't get hit with a big tax bill in April, and I don't pay more in over the year and get a big refund in April either. My taxes are pretty well balanced.


If this tax plan screws the poor and middle class? I'm going to know right away. If it is good for the poor and middle class? I'm gonna know right away then as well.

So, I'm going to wait until after I file this year to say if I like it or not. And, I'm going to be watching what my tax bill is in the future to see if it is really true or not.
"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News

And you idiots believe he is looking out for the middle class.... IDIOTS!

And you idiots believe all things from unnamed sources.

Gee when Trump uses unnamed sources, you believe him. Your outrage over unnamed sources is pretty selective. You believe the lying conman’s unnamed sources who say he didn’t collude with Russia. You believe his unnamed sources that Obama’s wasn’t born in the USA. You believe his unnamed sources that tell you Seth Rich was the source for the DNC’s emails.

You believe unnamed sources that tell you lies you wish were true. But you don’t believe “unnamed sources” that tell you truth you wish were lies.

In the real world it's all back at you x 10...........
The tax cut will give the repub party an excuse to cut SS, Medicare, and Medicaid. They have wanted to stick it to poor people for a long time now. Now they can say, "WE CAN'T AFFORD TO CONTINUE TO PAY ALL THESE POOR PEOPLE! WE ARE RUNNING UP AN INCREDIBLE DEBT."

As a matter of fact, we are already seeing some of the low life's expressing that sentiment. There is a special place in Hell for the Comrade and his scum supporters in Congress.
For the truth go to Tax Plan Calculator by Maxim Lott

It looks like we may pay a bit more...

80% of Americans will realize a benefit.

There is no benefit to cutting taxes by increasing the deficit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is only benefit to balancing the budget and then cutting taxes. Anything else is lying idiocy. But then you people elected Trump, the original lying idiot.

Of course he did say he would run the country like he did his businesses and running them into bankruptcy and leaving the little guys holding the bag while he walks away with millions is his SOP.

O ran it up another 8 trillion screwing us more than all the other presidents combined.

And ya righties never shit up about it.

Oh, and he wa president WHILE the debt grew . The question is what caused so much debt ?
Let’s see:

Two decades long unfunded wars.
Medicare part D big Pharma giveaway
Another Great Depression requiring bailouts , increased gov services .
Less revenue because of bush ear bailouts and less tax revenue because of the depression.

But hey, that’s all Obama’s fault!
For the truth go to Tax Plan Calculator by Maxim Lott

It looks like we may pay a bit more...

80% of Americans will realize a benefit.

There is no benefit to cutting taxes by increasing the deficit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. There is only benefit to balancing the budget and then cutting taxes. Anything else is lying idiocy. But then you people elected Trump, the original lying idiot.

Of course he did say he would run the country like he did his businesses and running them into bankruptcy and leaving the little guys holding the bag while he walks away with millions is his SOP.

O ran it up another 8 trillion screwing us more than all the other presidents combined.

And ya righties never shit up about it.

Oh, and he wa president WHILE the debt grew . The question is what caused so much debt ?
Let’s see:

Two decades long unfunded wars.
Medicare part D big Pharma giveaway
Another Great Depression requiring bailouts , increased gov services .
Less revenue because of bush ear bailouts and less tax revenue because of the depression.

But hey, that’s all Obama’s fault!

Six trillion of that eight trillion was QE to wall street. Had nothing to do with bailouts or healthcare.

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