Comrade's approval rating dips to new low-FOX

Fox also had him losing to Hillary.

And he wpuld have if Putin has nit rigged the system.
Trump's rating is around 87% among republicans but angry lefties keep getting angrier and more psychotic.

Well, yes and no

A remarkable 83 percent of Republican voters still approve of Trump, compared to just 7 percent of Democrats. But while his overall support among conservatives has remained steady, Fox News also found that the president’s support among two critical demographics is slipping—which could portend serious problems for the president and the G.O.P. in 2018 and 2020. Among white evangelical Christians, Trump’s approval rating slipped to 66 percent from 74 percent last month. His support among white men without a college degree dropped a whopping 12 points, to 56 percent. During the 2016 election, white evangelical Christians and working-class white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton—by 80 percent and 71 percent, respectively, according to Fox News.​

Trump Hits a New Low as He Bleeds Republican Support

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