Concentration camp survivor - Trump's America feels like 1930's Germany

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'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!
The biggest analogy that I can see is that the Nazis took away the firearms from the Jews and everybody else they felt was a threat and that is what the Democrats are trying to do in the US now.
Please learn your history. You repeat a fine gun nut meme that is just not true.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article speaks for itself?

The guy is 79.

He was born in 1939. 2 years after Buchenwald opened.

He wasn't placed there until 1944. He was 5. He was liberated when
he was 6.

He talks about Nazi Germany in the 30's...yet he wasn't born until
1939. What the hell would he know?

He worked in a shoe factory when he was there. He was useful to the
Nazi's. He was kinda young, but they probably didn't let him drive
to work.

I think the entire article is invented bullshit, at least as far as the author

Hmm your opinion against a man that was sent to a concentration camp along with his family, who lived that horror at the time it happened. Such a tough choice.

Your flailing denial bullshit works well among your bubble of like-minded derps, but it has no place in the real world. Sorry.

You have no answers for the facts do you?

Your thread title says he knows about life in Nazi Germany in the 30's, but he
wasn't born until 1939. What does he know about the 30's.

He went to the concentration camp when he was 5 and worked all day
in a shoe factory. It was liberated a year later.

His story is a fabrication. The time lines can't make it anything but.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!

And that's it. This should not be a partisan thing, any president that shows such tendencies should be removed. Jesus most people would prefer a Pence religious whackjob to Trump who is a real direct threat to the democracy.
No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article speaks for itself?

The guy is 79.

He was born in 1939. 2 years after Buchenwald opened.

He wasn't placed there until 1944. He was 5. He was liberated when
he was 6.

He talks about Nazi Germany in the 30's...yet he wasn't born until
1939. What the hell would he know?

He worked in a shoe factory when he was there. He was useful to the
Nazi's. He was kinda young, but they probably didn't let him drive
to work.

I think the entire article is invented bullshit, at least as far as the author

Hmm your opinion against a man that was sent to a concentration camp along with his family, who lived that horror at the time it happened. Such a tough choice.

Your flailing denial bullshit works well among your bubble of like-minded derps, but it has no place in the real world. Sorry.

You have no answers for the facts do you?

Your thread title says he knows about life in Nazi Germany in the 30's, but he
wasn't born until 1939. What does he know about the 30's.

He went to the concentration camp when he was 5 and worked all day
in a shoe factory. It was liberated a year later.

His story is a fabrication. The time lines can't make it anything but.

Then there is the attacks on Jews coming from the left. Very close to Nazi Germany but the left is using muslims to do their dirty work.

The left should just admit it. This is 1938 all over again and the only thing standing in the way of the next Krystalnacht is Donald Trump.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article speaks for itself?

The guy is 79.

He was born in 1939. 2 years after Buchenwald opened.

He wasn't placed there until 1944. He was 5. He was liberated when
he was 6.

He talks about Nazi Germany in the 30's...yet he wasn't born until
1939. What the hell would he know?

He worked in a shoe factory when he was there. He was useful to the
Nazi's. He was kinda young, but they probably didn't let him drive
to work.

I think the entire article is invented bullshit, at least as far as the author

Hmm your opinion against a man that was sent to a concentration camp along with his family, who lived that horror at the time it happened. Such a tough choice.

Your flailing denial bullshit works well among your bubble of like-minded derps, but it has no place in the real world. Sorry.

LOL okay let me destroy your OP, the man in the article said the following...

- The American far-right appears emboldened
- The far-right sees an enabler in Trump
- Their hate (the far-right), their talking points, their rhetoric are seeping into politics
- He's (Trump) a sick, very disturbed individual
- Clashes like the one in Charlottesville are becoming almost commonplace
- Things just go from bad to worse every day
- There's a real problem growing
- The far-right getting braver
- Things that couldn't be said three years ago are now normal discourse


Did he give any examples of far-right hate, talking points, rhetoric? No. FAKE NEWS
Die he give any examples of supporting his claim Trump is sick and disturbed? No. FAKE NEWS
Did he back up his claim that Charlottesville is becoming commonplace? No. FAKE NEWS
Did he back up his claim things are going from bad to worse every day? No. FAKE NEWS
Did he explain what "real problem" is growing? No. FAKE NEWS
Did he explain what he meant by "the far-right getting braver"? No. FAKE NEWS
Did he give even one example of what couldn't be said three years ago but is now normal discourse? No. FAKE NEWS

There, consider your OP destroyed. :itsok:
This survivor's opinion carries more weight than the entire alt-right combined. He's lived through it and knows exactly what it looks like and he is sounding the alarm.

Is that what it takes for credibility in your mind?

Holocaust Survivor: Leftists Calling Trump “Hitler” Are “Crazy”

ADL Urges Dems to Stop Making Nazi and Holocaust Comparisons

And this was Published on Jun 24, 2013, I know Trump was not even President then. She was talking about the Obama presidentcy!

Isaac Newthead thinks that this one opinion apes every other of his kind. Just like you will find Democrats in the military, you will find people that think Trump is Hitler as ridiculous as it is.

People from that time had political opinions just like we have in our time and country. Not every holocaust surviver is going to be for or against Trump, and certainly not one persons opinion means that Trump is like Hitler.

Everybody has different opinions. Think of it: when have the Dems ever stood up for the Jews or Israel? Almost never. They call them killers that practice oppression. Yet how do most American Jews vote?
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!

And that's it. This should not be a partisan thing, any president that shows such tendencies should be removed. Jesus most people would prefer a Pence religious whackjob to Trump who is a real direct threat to the democracy.

We don't have "the Democracy" we have "the Republic."

And what has Trump ever done to threaten either?

It's you guys who used our federal agencies to spy and try to stop political opponents. It's your side that uses Commie judges to try and stop an elected President from doing his job. It's your side that complains constantly about our voting process that we've used since nearly the beginning of our time. Not Trump.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!

And that's it. This should not be a partisan thing, any president that shows such tendencies should be removed. Jesus most people would prefer a Pence religious whackjob to Trump who is a real direct threat to the democracy.

We don't have "the Democracy" we have "the Republic."

And what has Trump ever done to threaten either?

It's you guys who used our federal agencies to spy and try to stop political opponents. It's your side that uses Commie judges to try and stop an elected President from doing his job. It's your side that complains constantly about our voting process that we've used since nearly the beginning of our time. Not Trump.

Trump has threatened nothing. Who threatens the First Amendment both freedom of speech or freedom of religion? Who threatens the Second Amendment? Who just made hash out of the Fourth Amendment? Who destroyed attorney client privilege.

Next, watch and see, it will be doctor patient privilege and the left is going to go after Trump's doctor.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!

And that's it. This should not be a partisan thing, any president that shows such tendencies should be removed. Jesus most people would prefer a Pence religious whackjob to Trump who is a real direct threat to the democracy.

We don't have "the Democracy" we have "the Republic."

And what has Trump ever done to threaten either?

It's you guys who used our federal agencies to spy and try to stop political opponents. It's your side that uses Commie judges to try and stop an elected President from doing his job. It's your side that complains constantly about our voting process that we've used since nearly the beginning of our time. Not Trump.

"We don't have a truck we have a Ford F150 moron". You expend pointless energy all the time.

This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

I too see the parallels. The left is copying the nazi rise to power almost word for word.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

I too see the parallels. The left is copying the nazi rise to power almost word for word.

The right controls both houses of Congress, the White House, and most Governor seats.

Yet you see some great threat from the left and their rise to power. I'll bet you 'see' many strange and wonderful things in your dream world, where AR15's rock babies to sleep in the cradles and Jesus uses waterboarding on Muslims to find out where bigfoot is hiding the aliens.
You do realize the things described in your synopsis are things the left are doing right?
More likely to be racist? The right is.
Anti muslims ? The right is.
Nice to Neo Nazis? The right is.
Fascists? The right is.

One has to be mentally I'll to think otherwise.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
When one looks at the history books for that era and compare's them to America today the similarities are astounding. tRump is an evil despot. That he carries the religious folks is just like Adolf. History is about to repeat!!!

And that's it. This should not be a partisan thing, any president that shows such tendencies should be removed. Jesus most people would prefer a Pence religious whackjob to Trump who is a real direct threat to the democracy.

We don't have "the Democracy" we have "the Republic."

And what has Trump ever done to threaten either?

It's you guys who used our federal agencies to spy and try to stop political opponents. It's your side that uses Commie judges to try and stop an elected President from doing his job. It's your side that complains constantly about our voting process that we've used since nearly the beginning of our time. Not Trump.

"We don't have a truck we have a Ford F150 moron". You expend pointless energy all the time.

And you answer questions none of the time.

Comparing Trump to anything like Nazism is as ridiculous as you can be. Tell us one similarity.

Trump removed intrusive government regulations on our businesses. He removed intrusive government regulations on citizens. Government is now taking less money from people instead of more. WTF is Nazi about that?
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