Concentration camp survivor - Trump's America feels like 1930's Germany

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'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "

You will notice the conservatives' responses to your OP ignore the fact that it is the right-wingers in this country who are now following the idiot trump's lead, and embracing the Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Their responses to your OP attempt to transfer the conservatives' own hatred for non-whites, non-Christians, immigrants (legal or not) and women to progressives and liberals. That act is, itself, a well established characteristic of Nazis and other fascist organizations.

It is gratifying how often the conservatives' own words validate a progressive's OP and the article(s) referenced.

Any reply to the garbage conservatives post is a waste of time, as their racism and bigotry are deeply ingrained in their repressive mindset.


Bullshit. I'm about as right-wing as they come and I'm 110% pro-Israel. Still trying to put people in little boxes? You know that's why you lost the election to Donald Trump, don't you?
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "

So this one anti-Trumper says the US is like pre-nazi Germany? Then Lord, it must be true then. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well to be fair the left is acting sorting Nazish...

You're not kidding. Americans! You now have to buy something by law you may not want, need, or can afford. If you don't, we will rob you of your income tax check.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "

Concentration camp:


Modern day USA:

Obviously he is right.

I also want to know how he built the time machine he's been using.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.

Everyone hates communists. They should be dealt with like Pinochet did.

'I'm A Holocaust Survivor— have Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
A Jew who gives an interview comparing"Trump's America" to Nazi Germany and isn't arrested for his opinion, his livelihood won't be burned to the ground and his home and assets confiscated. If you have half a brain you can see the ignorance of that comparison.
Give the conservatives time, they will get around to it, once the idiot trump gives them the go-ahead. Right-wingers have already forgotten how quickly the idiot trump's rallies resulted in audience members attacking a protestor at the behest of the idiot trump.

Just give the conservatives time, and Mueller's growing success in uncovering evidence of the idiot trump's treason.

'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "

You will notice the conservatives' responses to your OP ignore the fact that it is the right-wingers in this country who are now following the idiot trump's lead, and embracing the Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Their responses to your OP attempt to transfer the conservatives' own hatred for non-whites, non-Christians, immigrants (legal or not) and women to progressives and liberals. That act is, itself, a well established characteristic of Nazis and other fascist organizations.

It is gratifying how often the conservatives' own words validate a progressive's OP and the article(s) referenced.

Any reply to the garbage conservatives post is a waste of time, as their racism and bigotry are deeply ingrained in their repressive mindset.


Most Liberals have very limited reasoning power.
This is why they always resort to calling people racist.
All countries control their borders and control their immigration, that's not hate.
Conservatives don't hate women, they are their mothers, wives and daughters and about half of women vote GOP. Left Wingers have a vicious hatred for Christians that is very similar to the Nazi's hatred for Jews.
The Democrats need to get control of their hate and violence. Antifa Rioters, Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien criminals, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, racist BLM separatist
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.

Everyone hates communists. They should be dealt with like Pinochet did.

Hitler, Pinochet, Franco .. of course you approve of Fascist leaders.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "

Would I have a problem seeing communists sent off to the camps? Not really. F*ck 'em, feed 'em fish heads, and fire up the ovens.

But I'm also a firm believer that Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East. So does that make me a "nazi"?

"F*ck 'em, feed 'em fish heads, and fire up the ovens."

Off to ignore for you, you are too far gone.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor— have Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
A Jew who gives an interview comparing"Trump's America" to Nazi Germany and isn't arrested for his opinion, his livelihood won't be burned to the ground and his home and assets confiscated. If you have half a brain you can see the ignorance of that comparison.
Give the conservatives time, they will get around to it, once the idiot trump gives them the go-ahead. Right-wingers have already forgotten how quickly the idiot trump's rallies resulted in audience members attacking a protestor at the behest of the idiot trump.

Just give the conservatives time, and Mueller's growing success in uncovering evidence of the idiot trump's treason.



'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'

" Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”" “Things just go from bad to worse every day,” Jacobs, a successful New York architect who designed the Holocaust memorial at Buchenwald, tells Newsweek. “There’s a real problem growing.”

So much so that Jacobs thinks there’s a “direct parallel” with Germany between the two world wars.

Perhaps more alarming than the far-right getting braver is the seep into mainstream politics of their hate, their talking points, their rhetoric. “It feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin,” Jacobs says, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018 on Thursday.

“Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse. It’s totally unacceptable. "
How patently stupid.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
So we have ad hominem attacks on a concentration camp survivor. And Red Herrings tossed out about 'what about communists' which are not part of the OP.

This survivor's opinion carries more weight than the entire alt-right combined. He's lived through it and knows exactly what it looks like and he is sounding the alarm. We know many brainless here wish he hadn't even survived, their opinions are flotsam.
I know the right won't do it. I hope the left does, bring this to a head soon or we may never get the country back.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.

Everyone hates communists. They should be dealt with like Pinochet did.

Hitler, Pinochet, Franco .. of course you approve of Fascist leaders.

If ridding my country of communists makes me a "fascist", well allrighty now.

But remember: I also firmly support Israel and believe that the Jews are God's chosen people. So your worn-out notion of the definition of "fascism" is a little outdated.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
yes they were...groups such as the Communist Party for Deutchland were literally terrorists They bombed...beat workers...shot officials. The Communists were in large part not better than the SA brown shirts.
The only difference between Germany and Russia is that the Nazis won. If the Communists had the results would have been no different than any number of Communist nations who killed millions of their own.
Hitler was a real SOB but the Communists then...just like the Communists of today are no peach either. ANTIFA is using the same playbook.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
yes they were...groups such as the Communist Party for Deutchland were literally terrorists They bombed...beat workers...shot officials. The Communists were in large part not better than the SA brown shirts.
The only difference between Germany and Russia is that the Nazis won. If the Communists had the results would have been no different than any number of Communist nations who killed millions of their own.
Hitler was a real SOB but the Communists then...just like the Communists of today are no peach either. ANTIFA is using the same playbook.
And cons love Putin, formerly KGB.
I remember hearing the exact same thing when Bush was President

When obama was president he was compared to Ceaucescu. But that was reasonable.

The left wants to remove all our means of self defense. In Britian, the left took the guns until an elderly man defended himself and his sick wife with a knife. Now they are taking the knives. But not from the criminals who have all the guns and knives they want. And the left has the gall to call Americans Nazis when it is clear to one and all, it's them.
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