Concentration camp survivor - Trump's America feels like 1930's Germany

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Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
yes they were...groups such as the Communist Party for Deutchland were literally terrorists They bombed...beat workers...shot officials. The Communists were in large part not better than the SA brown shirts.
The only difference between Germany and Russia is that the Nazis won. If the Communists had the results would have been no different than any number of Communist nations who killed millions of their own.
Hitler was a real SOB but the Communists then...just like the Communists of today are no peach either. ANTIFA is using the same playbook.
And cons love Putin, formerly KGB.
No one loves Putin. We do recognize that he is more of an American patriot than democrats. That's all. He's like Lafayette.
Funny how they never talk about the violent Communist movement in Germany trans-war. Germany's Communists (KPD) were extremely violent. We can also draw a comparison between those and movements such as ANTIFA.
View attachment 187063
Look familiar?
View attachment 187064
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
yes they were...groups such as the Communist Party for Deutchland were literally terrorists They bombed...beat workers...shot officials. The Communists were in large part not better than the SA brown shirts.
The only difference between Germany and Russia is that the Nazis won. If the Communists had the results would have been no different than any number of Communist nations who killed millions of their own.
Hitler was a real SOB but the Communists then...just like the Communists of today are no peach either. ANTIFA is using the same playbook.
And cons love Putin, formerly KGB.
I don't love Putin or hate him. I see Putin for what he is. He is a leader who is in many ways authoritarian. However, he is his own man and leads Russia the way the Russians prefer. He is overwhelmingly popular in his country. For a while (2000-2002,3) he was popular in the west until he cleaned house of the oligarchs, thus cutting many in the west out. Putin doesn't play the game the west 'prefers' him to play. As with all who don't, there are definite ramifications associated.
Putin, at the end of the day is all about Russia first. Putin is a nationalist, globalists don't like nationalists.
Feels like just before the Battle of Kadesh! Emote with me!

Maybe some folks could stop using survivors of real horror as props for political posturing?
This survivor's opinion carries more weight than the entire alt-right combined. He's lived through it and knows exactly what it looks like and he is sounding the alarm.

Is that what it takes for credibility in your mind?

Holocaust Survivor: Leftists Calling Trump “Hitler” Are “Crazy”

ADL Urges Dems to Stop Making Nazi and Holocaust Comparisons

And this was Published on Jun 24, 2013, I know Trump was not even President then. She was talking about the Obama presidentcy!
Yes, Hitler hated Communists, too.
So did a lot of Germans. One could very easily argue that the terrorist antics of the KPD helped usher in the NSDAP.

I can't blame the 1930's German people for hating communists, as communists were doing the same thing to their country that they're doing to ours.
yes they were...groups such as the Communist Party for Deutchland were literally terrorists They bombed...beat workers...shot officials. The Communists were in large part not better than the SA brown shirts.
The only difference between Germany and Russia is that the Nazis won. If the Communists had the results would have been no different than any number of Communist nations who killed millions of their own.
Hitler was a real SOB but the Communists then...just like the Communists of today are no peach either. ANTIFA is using the same playbook.
And cons love Putin, formerly KGB.
No one loves Putin. We do recognize that he is more of an American patriot than democrats. That's all. He's like Lafayette.

Putin is a murdering communist shithead. But I will say this one thing in defense of him: He loves his country, unlike that shithead Marxist wanna-be who was sullying up the White House from 2008-2016.

And contrary to the lies spread by the leftists, that is probably the most "love" Putin will ever get from any conservative in this country.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.
This survivor's opinion carries more weight than the entire alt-right combined. He's lived through it and knows exactly what it looks like and he is sounding the alarm.

Is that what it takes for credibility in your mind?

Holocaust Survivor: Leftists Calling Trump “Hitler” Are “Crazy”

ADL Urges Dems to Stop Making Nazi and Holocaust Comparisons

And this was Published on Jun 24, 2013, I know Trump was not even President then. She was talking about the Obama presidentcy!

No the article was published on April 9, 2018.

Conservatives all you have left is lying. You have nothing else, lying is your last go to for some remote possibility of defending your whackjob beliefs. You are liars.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.
This survivor's opinion carries more weight than the entire alt-right combined. He's lived through it and knows exactly what it looks like and he is sounding the alarm.

Is that what it takes for credibility in your mind?

Holocaust Survivor: Leftists Calling Trump “Hitler” Are “Crazy”

ADL Urges Dems to Stop Making Nazi and Holocaust Comparisons

And this was Published on Jun 24, 2013, I know Trump was not even President then. She was talking about the Obama presidentcy!

No the article was published on April 9, 2018.

Conservatives all you have left is lying. You have nothing else, lying is your last go to for some remote possibility of defending your whackjob beliefs. You are liars.

Now look who is lying
Go to the YouTube page and check the date:
Nazi Holocaust Survivor Speaks Of Nazification of United States

Published on Jun 24, 2013

Nazi survivor Kitty Werthmann speaks of how the Nazi world of her childhood is being re-created here in America. Her advice to U.S. citizens is to "Keep your guns and buy more guns"

This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article does NOT speak for itself. You posted, "Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse" should we assume you can't back this up?
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article does NOT speak for itself. You posted, "Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse" should we assume you can't back this up?

Yes typing in large red font, the retreat of the ignorant into screaming at someone on a bus.

This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article speaks for itself?

The guy is 79.

He was born in 1939. 2 years after Buchenwald opened.

He wasn't placed there until 1944. He was 5. He was liberated when
he was 6.

He talks about Nazi Germany in the 30's...yet he wasn't born until
1939. What the hell would he know?

He worked in a shoe factory when he was there. He was useful to the
Nazi's. He was kinda young, but they probably didn't let him drive
to work.

I think the entire article is invented bullshit, at least as far as the author
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article speaks for itself?

The guy is 79.

He was born in 1939. 2 years after Buchenwald opened.

He wasn't placed there until 1944. He was 5. He was liberated when
he was 6.

He talks about Nazi Germany in the 30's...yet he wasn't born until
1939. What the hell would he know?

He worked in a shoe factory when he was there. He was useful to the
Nazi's. He was kinda young, but they probably didn't let him drive
to work.

I think the entire article is invented bullshit, at least as far as the author

Hmm your opinion against a man that was sent to a concentration camp along with his family, who lived that horror at the time it happened. Such a tough choice.

Your flailing denial bullshit works well among your bubble of like-minded derps, but it has no place in the real world. Sorry.
This kind of stupidity belongs in the rubber room. Dumb thread.

No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article does NOT speak for itself. You posted, "Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse" should we assume you can't back this up?

Yes typing in large red font, the retreat of the ignorant into screaming at someone on a bus.

^^^ this lib clown starts a thread linking to an article by some whacked out liberal who hates Trump. None of the claims are backed up with even a single example, just broad brush 'I hate the right' propaganda and now the OP is butthurt after being called out. Its official this OP is FAKE NEWS!
No that is where right wing conspiracy crap lives.

This is a true story about a man that was in the concentration camps and is sounding the alarm about parallels he sees with today's America. Backed by a link with a detailed true story with photos and documentation. I know in your brain there is no difference between fact and opinion, but in the real world there is.

We are still waiting for you to tell us specially what things are being said today, that could not be said before Trump? I'm about to call your entire OP fake news if you continue to avoid the question.

So you think you control everyone else at your whim. Go find your blanky Spunky. The article speaks for itself. You don't like what it says as it is irrefutable truth, but your epic butthurt is your burden alone. Go enjoy your misery in private.

The article does NOT speak for itself. You posted, "Things that couldn’t be said five years ago, four years ago, three years ago—couldn’t be said in public—are now normal discourse" should we assume you can't back this up?

Yes typing in large red font, the retreat of the ignorant into screaming at someone on a bus.

^^^ this lib clown starts a thread linking to an article by some whacked out liberal who hates Trump. None of the claims are backed up with even a single example, just broad brush 'I hate the right' propaganda and now the OP is butthurt after being called out. Its official this OP is FAKE NEWS!

Hannity is that you?
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