Concerning Hillary Clinton's Chance To Completely Put Benghazi Behind Her

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Concerning Hillary Clinton's Chance To Completely Put Benghazi Behind Her

How true it is that this dead horse will continue to beaten for as long as a right winger is breathing, only time will tell. But as the far right caucus of Republicans in Congress demonstrate every day "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant" (A Kruathammer quote from FOX News)

The echo chamber that grips the conservative movement today keeps alive contradictions confabulated by far right paranoids and FOX News.

FOX News, which has lost all credibility on the subject of Benghazi will never allow the facts to get in the way of lies and untruths, because when it does it will loose what little bit of influence it has with it's small but dedicated audience. Americans will never get the real story underlying the Select Committee on Benghazi hearings from people on FOX News. Because it has been proven that the right wing has been using lying experts to put out false narratives that then get fed into the echo chamber, which then dominates the thinking of right wingers (loosely calling what right wingers are doing as thinking). We're living during a time when what you hear coming out of the mouths and minds of the far right and their allies, and its relation with the facts, is completely irrelevant, as we see when Congressional hearings become part of partisan plots to infleunce a presidential campaign.
Did you see that RW dunce Megyn Kelly's show last night? Goodness, just listening to it on the radio made me turn it off in less than 3 minutes. It was a shrill, breathless horror show about Benghazi, ENTIRELY fact-free. I couldn't stand it.

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Did you see that RW dunce Megyn Kelly's show last night? Goodness, just listening to it on the radio made me turn it off in less than 3 minutes. It was a shrill, breathless horror show about Benghazi, ENTIRELY fact-free. I couldn't stand it.

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you're a stronger man than most. Watching or listening to Megyn has damaged the brain cells of many an innocent viewer
Did you see that RW dunce Megyn Kelly's show last night? Goodness, just listening to it on the radio made me turn it off in less than 3 minutes. It was a shrill, breathless horror show about Benghazi, ENTIRELY fact-free. I couldn't stand it.

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But what is even scarier is that there are millions of brain dead nutters out there just eating this shit up.
Did you see that RW dunce Megyn Kelly's show last night? Goodness, just listening to it on the radio made me turn it off in less than 3 minutes. It was a shrill, breathless horror show about Benghazi, ENTIRELY fact-free. I couldn't stand it.

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But what is even scarier is that there are millions of brain dead nutters out there just eating this shit up.
The incredible shrinking audience of
FOX News

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