Condi Rice is the 3rd Bush Admin Official to Accuse Cheney of Lying in his Memoir!

Is Cheney Telling the Truth, or is he Lying in his Book

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Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
Cheney's reputation has taken some hits over the years. And let's not forget that Cheney's approval ratings at the time he left office were only 13%, and that just has to be an all time record low. I don't think that Nixon ever even polled that low.

But any previous accusations that Cheney was "less than truthful" when it came to matters of governance (and especially, national security issues) were previously always dismissed on the grounds that they were partisan attacks. But now, it's his own colleagues from the Bush Administration who are making these charges.

Looks like Cheney's got some 'splaining' to do.

Rice told Reuters in an interview Wednesday that she "kept the president fully and completely informed about every 'in and out' of the negotiations with the North Koreans," countering the former vice president's assertion that Rice misled the president about nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.

"You can talk about policy differences without suggesting that your colleague somehow misled the president," Rice said. "You know, I don't appreciate the attack on my integrity that that implies."

Condoleezza Rice becomes the third member of the Bush administration to accuse Cheney of lying in his memoir | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

I've posted a poll with this thread asking whether respondents believe that Cheney is lying or he's telling the truth in his book.
I don't see how either one is a "lie". Its simply two different opinions from two different view points.

He believes she misled the President on one thing.
She believes she kept him informed.

Whoopty shit.
I can't answer the pointless poll "question" since (a) I have not yet read Vice President Cheney's book and (b) I wasn't "there" at the time of the things he discusses in the book.

I have a lot of confidence, however, in the former V.P.

So, if I had the proverbial gun to my head, and I HAD to guess, I'd go with the option that says HE was the one telling the truth.
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.

No....I would just like to see Cheney water boarded
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.

No....I would just like to see Cheney water boarded

Well, naturally.

You are merely a douche.

whats with this new found obsession?????? Oh yea, OBAMA IS FAILING, quick change the subject so no one notices!!!!


whats with this new found obsession?????? Oh yea, OBAMA IS FAILING, quick change the subject so no one notices!!!!


Here's a helpful tip:

Stop cleaning out your ears with the hook ends of metal coat hangers.
I'm really trying to CARE about and who disagrees with Dick Cheney's book..

Just can't seem to muster up the give a shit.:lol:
Cheney must have read the thread here about bashing conservative women being the last acceptable bigotry.

Please one of you lefties clue me in as to

HOW THE FUCK THIS SHIT IS RELLEVANT TO OUR CURRENT SITUATION? and how discussing it will get us out of the problem we are in. Prove to me that its not just a diversion. Prove to me that your capable of focussing on real issues and not just stuck dealing with the side affects of ADD and jumping from one topic to another regardless of how relevant the topic is.
Please one of you lefties clue me in as to

HOW THE FUCK THIS SHIT IS RELLEVANT TO OUR CURRENT SITUATION? and how discussing it will get us out of the problem we are in. Prove to me that its not just a diversion. Prove to me that your capable of focussing on real issues and not just stuck dealing with the side affects of ADD and jumping from one topic to another regardless of how relevant the topic is.

Cheney wrote the stupid book where everyone but him gets thrown under the bus....blame him
I'm really trying to CARE about and who disagrees with Dick Cheney's book..

Just can't seem to muster up the give a shit.:lol:

Well, it's not just anybody who is disagreeing with Cheney's account of events. It's fellow Republicans with whom he worked closely for many years.
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.

Invading Iraq did threaten the security of the nation. Not only have thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands maimed, we created a right wing theocratic hard core Islamic enemy that is now aligned with Iran. How is any of that a "good thing".
Cheney's reputation has taken some hits over the years. And let's not forget that Cheney's approval ratings at the time he left office were only 13%, and that just has to be an all time record low. I don't think that Nixon ever even polled that low.

But any previous accusations that Cheney was "less than truthful" when it came to matters of governance (and especially, national security issues) were previously always dismissed on the grounds that they were partisan attacks. But now, it's his own colleagues from the Bush Administration who are making these charges.

Looks like Cheney's got some 'splaining' to do.

Rice told Reuters in an interview Wednesday that she "kept the president fully and completely informed about every 'in and out' of the negotiations with the North Koreans," countering the former vice president's assertion that Rice misled the president about nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.

"You can talk about policy differences without suggesting that your colleague somehow misled the president," Rice said. "You know, I don't appreciate the attack on my integrity that that implies."

Condoleezza Rice becomes the third member of the Bush administration to accuse Cheney of lying in his memoir | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

I've posted a poll with this thread asking whether respondents believe that Cheney is lying or he's telling the truth in his book.
Excellent thread Mustang, clearly that SOB is lying. How can you tell? Oh, I'm glad you asked. You can tell that summamabatch is lying whenever he's moving his lips and words are coming out...he's lying.

Oh, and be sure to vote here(I'd love to see your comments):

whats with this new found obsession?????? Oh yea, OBAMA IS FAILING, quick change the subject so no one notices!!!!


Here's a helpful tip:

Stop cleaning out your ears with the hook ends of metal coat hangers.

Here is a helpful tip:

Use the fucking search function. There is already a 'Condi vs Dicky' thread.
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.

No....I would just like to see Cheney water boarded

so you would waterboard cheney, but not KSM?
Why don't we water board him to see if he is lying

Wait. That means that you believe that IF he is lying then he is threatening the security of our national existence.

And it would mean that "torture" (because you goobers insist that it "is" torture) is an acceptable practice to extract "truth."

And it would mean that you guys don't believe he has a right to remain silent.

You libbies are an odd lot.

Invading Iraq did threaten the security of the nation. Not only have thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands maimed, we created a right wing theocratic hard core Islamic enemy that is now aligned with Iran. How is any of that a "good thing".

Cheney was culpable in pushing for policy choices and presidential decisions which led directly and/or indirectly to countless events that ultimately put American soldiers, marines, and civilians in grave danger.

The short list includes the invasion of Iraq, itself, failing to secure weapons caches and military depots in Iraq, failing to provide adequate post-invasion security for civilians on the streets of Baghdad, disbanding the Iraqi Army, Abu Ghraib, and so on.

Then there's the issue of torture. What a recruiting tool for the enemy.

Thanks a lot, Dick!

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