Conditions seem ideal for an Independent ticket to make a run in the 2024 presidential campaign

The 2024 presidential election needs a strong RINO/DINO independent ticket. Based on the nominees of the last two elections, I believe the greater portion of the nation would prefer an alternative to the wing-nuts the major parties will serve up.
I've been hoping for this for a long time, but I've reached a point where I'm just not expecting it.

If the 2020 election didn't demonstrate to the American people that we need a strong and viable independent party, nothing will. Two terrible candidates, after years of other terrible candidates.

I hope you're right, and I hope I'm wrong. But the kind of change you and I are hoping for may have to begin from within one of the "major" (ugh) parties, and I don't see that happening any time soon.
Not as long as people fall for the lesser-of-two-evils conceit.
Our country is full of morons, D. Wont ever happen. Even when people seem to know the duopoly is a shit-show, they STILL vote for it. True stupidity.
See above.
I respect and support your right to follow your conscience in the way you vote. You're not required to return the courtesy.
Hey - if you voted for the candidate your conscience told you was the best, I have no beef with the way you voted.
If, as I've gathered from previous posts, you voted for the "lesser-of-two-evils", you're not just part of the problem. You ARE the problem.
Hey - if you voted for the candidate your conscience told you was the best, I have no beef with the way you voted.
If, as I've gathered from previous posts, you voted for the "lesser-of-two-evils", you're not just part of the problem. You ARE the problem.
I'm happy voting third party for President. I find the one closest to my overall opinions and vote for them. Unfortunately, in the last two elections, this wasn't just a candidate running on the (R) side of the ballot, this was/is literally a sociological/cultural moment with historical implications.

Therefore, I'm as passionate about voting directly against that as I can be, with no qualms, zero. Once we get past this ugly moment, assuming we do, I'll happily return to my status quo.
yeah, thank goodness we survived trump, mac. Biden not being able to complete a full sentence, cant follow someone without a leash, has to be told multiple times his speech is over, saying 3.5t = zero dollars, pissing off our allies(i remember when that was bad last year), attacking the media(i remember when that was bad last year), attacking people in his own party(i remember when that was bad last year),not listening to his advisors(i remember when that was bad last year), lying (i remember when that was bad last year) etc is much better.
Thank god our intellectual superiors saved us :rofl:
Our country is full of morons, D. Wont ever happen. Even when people seem to know the duopoly is a shit-show, they STILL vote for it. True stupidity.
See above.
What I find amazing by way of stupidity is how some of these extreme partisans play their tired little game of pretending they aren't.
Therefore, I'm as passionate about voting directly against that as I can be, with no qualms, zero. Once we get past this ugly moment, assuming we do, I'll happily return to my status quo.
You're kidding yourself. In point of fact, you can't vote "directly against" any one candidate. If you voted for Biden, all you did was endorse Biden as your favorite candidate. If you want to tell yourself you're voting "against" anyone - the only rational way to get there is to say that you voted against all other candidates, not just Trump.

But in reality, at the end of the day, all you did was say "yes, I want more of the same".
this was/is literally a sociological/cultural moment with historical implications.

Once we get past this ugly moment, assuming we do
WTF….I’m honestly starting to wonder if Mac1958 is a woman? Its just too hard to believe that a man with a ball-sack could be so dramatic…The ‘meanie’ theatrics in your posts have become quite bizarre.
I’m guessing you never had a football coach, no drill sergeants…never really been around REAL alpha males have you?
You're kidding yourself. In point of fact, you can't vote "directly against" any one candidate. If you voted for Biden, all you did was endorse Biden as your favorite candidate. If you want to tell yourself you're voting "against" anyone - the only rational way to get there is to say that you voted against all other candidates, not just Trump.

But in reality, at the end of the day, all you did was say "yes, I want more of the same".
Okie dokie!

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