Conditions seem ideal for an Independent ticket to make a run in the 2024 presidential campaign

I should hold politicians to a very low bar.
So says every duopoly cocksucker in the country.
Sorry if trashing our senile president offends you so. Maybe you should move to a country where hurting peoples feelings is punishable.
Oh....did I hurt your feelings?
I think you need to better learn to recognize aspects in candidates that are beneficial for the country rather than destructive.
The fact that they may have an ego shouldn't be a good enough reason not to vote for them. Every good leader has an ego.

The problem with leftists is they totally ignore good candidates because some lying manipulator told them a fabricated story about them that on the surface which seems plausible but is really just someone pushing their buttons.
Blacks hate white people, so they believe anything you tell them that's bad.
Gays hate homophobs, so if the MSM calls someone a Christian the assumption is that they hate Gays.
Women don't like people who want to take away their abortion start circling stories about right-wing politicians in Texas passing laws to prevent abortions or repeal Roe vs Wade.

Of all the politicians in Washington....the only one that has proved trustworthy was Trump. That's why they claimed he lied 30,000 times. Perhaps it was to grease the skids for Walk-Away Joe and his destructive lying about everything.

They used his twitter account to attack his character. They accused him of being a racists only because he said "I'm sure both sides have good people". Oh how horrible to say that. Being objective and fair-minded means you're a racist. Just being a Republican means you hate Gays and women...even though most of the people who hold the senior positions on his staff are women. Trump doesn't support forcing taxpayers to pay for sexual-reassignment surgery for prison he must hate gays....even though he's never shown hatred toward them for the last 40 years of public life. Still....Gay activists like Dan Savage can't say Trump or Republicans without saying "Fucking Trump...Fucking Republicans". And they wonder why people hate Gay men and Lesbians.

Blacks in BLM use the death of a drug-addict to stage riots all over the country during a if there was no pandemic.

The left seems to want to encourage everyone to break the law. HBO seems to be pushing Trannies down our throats with one show after another about DragQueens. SF changes their laws so that blacks can steal up to $900 worth of goods in a store and merely pay a fine...if anyone charges them that is.
Why do this? To shut down the businesses that didn't close down during the lock downs. Democrats seem to want shortages.

I think that we need to get rid of the folks that are causing the problems at the local levels first before we think of doing anything about the people in Washington. They're gonna do what they're gonna do....and it's going to end up causing a civil war. Electing state and local leaders who will stand up to Washington is what's needed now more than ever.
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Oh....did I hurt your feelings?
I think you need to better learn to recognize aspects in candidates that are beneficial for the country rather than destructive.
The fact that they may have an ego shouldn't be a good enough reason not to vote for them. Every good leader has an ego.

The problem with leftists is they totally ignore good candidates because some lying manipulator told them a fabricated story about them that on the surface which seems plausible but is really just someone pushing their buttons.
Blacks hate white people, so they believe anything you tell them that's bad.
Gays hate homophobs, so if the MSM calls someone a Christian the assumption is that they hate Gays.
Women don't like people who want to take away their abortion start circling stories about right-wing politicians in Texas passing laws to prevent abortions or repeal Roe vs Wade.

Of all the politicians in Washington....the only one that has proved trustworthy was Trump. That's why they claimed he lied 30,000 times. Perhaps it was to grease the skids for Walk-Away Joe and his destructive lying about everything.

They used his twitter account to attack his character. They accused him of being a racists only because he said "I'm sure both sides have good people". Oh how horrible to say that. Being objective and fair-minded means you're a racist. Just being a Republican means you hate Gays and women...even though most of the people who hold the senior positions on his staff are women. Trump doesn't support forcing taxpayers to pay for sexual-reassignment surgery for prison he must hate gays....even though he's never shown hatred toward them for the last 40 years of public life. Still....Gay activists like Dan Savage can't say Trump or Republicans without saying "Fucking Trump...Fucking Republicans". And they wonder why people hate Gay men and Lesbians.

Blacks in BLM use the death of a drug-addict to stage riots all over the country during a if there was no pandemic.

The left seems to want to encourage everyone to break the law. HBO seems to be pushing Trannies down our throats with one show after another about DragQueens. SF changes their laws so that blacks can steal up to $900 worth of goods in a store and merely pay a fine...if anyone charges them that is.
Why do this? To shut down the businesses that didn't close down during the lock downs. Democrats seem to want shortages.

I think that we need to get rid of the folks that are causing the problems at the local levels first before we think of doing anything about the people in Washington. They're gonna do what they're gonna do....and it's going to end up causing a civil war. Electing state and local leaders who will stand up to Washington is what's needed now more than ever.
Lol you didnt hurt my feelings. You just made yourself look dumb :lol:
Lol you didnt hurt my feelings. You just made yourself look dumb :lol:
Not really.
I just have a more 3D mind while you're mind only thinks in 2D.
Fact can only think the way our media wants you to.
You don't even know that you're being manipulated.
You focus on one detail while ignoring the big picture.
Not really.
I just have a more 3D mind while you're mind only thinks in 2D.
Fact can only think the way our media wants you to.
You don't even know that you're being manipulated.
You focus on one detail while ignoring the big picture.
How does the media manipulate me?
Me trashing joe biden sure got under your skin. Its hilarious
The 2024 presidential election needs a strong RINO/DINO independent ticket. Based on the nominees of the last two elections, I believe the greater portion of the nation would prefer an alternative to the wing-nuts the major parties will serve up.

It is a nice thought, but after Ross Perot but a good scare into the Duopoly, they went into overdrive doing all in their power to divide us as a nation so that the power of the duopoly would never be threatened again.
For those saying that it's an impossibility I simply point to the last 2 elections and conclude the major political parties could hardly have done worse in serving up these past presidential candidates. The V.P. nominees haven't been any prize either. Plus with the division within the country when has there been a better time for the re-emergence of a National Union Party? Although this time, unlike 1864, without any alliance with the Republicans.

I can imagine a decent number of moderate Republicans I'd like to see jump ship and placed atop the ticket. For V.P. Tulsi Gabbard would be my choice as an ideal candidate. Sure hard core Democrats and Republicans won't buy in but I feel the general consensus is that the country would be better off if both major parties took long walks off a short pier.
Look at what Trump went independent outsider candidate would want to go through that...unless Trump runs we will be stuck with two swampers to choose from....

Not every independent outsider candidate is a petulant child in a fat man's body.
You people will keep voting for Uber wealthy candidates who want nothing to do with average workers who barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. But keep on keeping on.
Because some of you are turned on by asinine bullies. I don't get it. But it's clearly a theme.
I don’t always vote for the politician I’d most like to have a beer with…I have plenty of friends and mentors.
I’m curious…what VIABLE SUSTAINABLE policies do these third party politicians pitch that get you all giddy?
For those saying that it's an impossibility I simply point to the last 2 elections and conclude the major political parties could hardly have done worse in serving up these past presidential candidates. The V.P. nominees haven't been any prize either. Plus with the division within the country when has there been a better time for the re-emergence of a National Union Party? Although this time, unlike 1864, without any alliance with the Republicans.
I surely agree. Conditions are ideal. But the problem is getting from here to there.

What's more frustrating to me is that, at least theoretically, the two major parties can't control "the media" any more, because there's just too damn much of it. Getting the word out should not be an issue.

So it may just be that We The People just don't care enough. Americans can tell you who won "Survivor™" this season, we can tell you about a funny video we made for TikTok™, but our political process? Meh, boring. Tell me how to make people give a shit, then we can discuss a third party. One step at a time.
The 2024 presidential election needs a strong RINO/DINO independent ticket. Based on the nominees of the last two elections, I believe the greater portion of the nation would prefer an alternative to the wing-nuts the major parties will serve up.
What’s ‘needed’ and what will happen are two different things.

Everyone seems to forget that the states run elections; the states are controlled by one party or the other; and neither party at the state level is going to allow an ‘independent’ candidate anywhere near the primary process.
So it may just be that We The People just don't care enough. Americans can tell you who won "Survivor™" this season, we can tell you about a funny video we made for TikTok™, but our political process? Meh, boring. Tell me how to make people give a shit, then we can discuss a third party. One step at a time.
I don't think it's necessary for people to "give a shit", or otherwise be politically engaged. In fact, I consider voter apathy a good sign. If government is operating within its proper limits it shouldn't matter that much, to most people, who is running things, because there's only so much damage they can do.

This single biggest factor keeping third parties from gaining traction is the "lesser-of-two-evils" mindset. With plurality voting, as long as the majors can keep people frightened, they'll get their votes. Ranked choice voting does away with that logic, that threat, and gives people the opportunity to vote their conscience and still vote against the candidate that they're afraid of - which you can't do in the current system. It directly undermines the fear mongering that has become the staple of D/R campaigning.

Ranked choice voting wouldn't suddenly thrust third parties into the limelight. It's not a silver bullet. But it would give us an honest read on voters' opinions and values, something we don't get now because people are afraid to vote their actual preferences. It's a constant refrain from voters: "I'd like to vote for candidate C, but I have to vote for candidate B because candidate A is a monster, and the media says only candidate B can defeat A." I hear this nearly every time I try to convince voters to vote for a decent candidate for a change. They're stuck in this rut - but ranked choice voting can break them out.

Even if third parties don't win, with RCV we can actually track their support. There will be a solid record of how many people picked third parties as their first choice. And that, in itself, will change things. Not only will it give third parties more momentum (and encourage better candidates to run third party), it will prompt the majors to pay more attention to the concerns that are causing people to vote for those third parties in the first place. It will encourage them to moderate their platforms to appeal to these voters. Even if a third party never manages to topple one of the majors, their presence will improve the political landscape.
This single biggest factor keeping third parties from gaining traction is the "lesser-of-two-evils" mindset.
Third parties pitch fantasy bullshit that isn’t viable or sustainable in todays America.
Because some of you are turned on by asinine bullies. I don't get it. But it's clearly a theme.
I don’t always vote for the politician I’d most like to have a beer with…I have plenty of friends and mentors.
I’m curious…what VIABLE SUSTAINABLE policies do these third party politicians pitch that get you Fence-sitters all giddy?
I don’t always vote for the politician I’d most like to have a beer with…I have plenty of friends and mentors.
I’m curious…what VIABLE SUSTAINABLE policies do these third party politicians pitch that get you Fence-sitters all giddy?
Sorry. Been down this road with you before. You're simply not intelligent enough to follow. And you're an asshole to boot.

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