confederate graves in raleigh

Trump would have no prob bulldozing it over as they are all losers right?
The left has gone too far in its agenda of erasing the Confederacy out of history.
Since democrats started the kkk and presided during slavery, every democrat Presidential museum should be bulldozed to the ground.
I don't know why we haven't built condos over those old slave cemetaries. Talk about a wasted space!
It would be a "hate crime" if someone vandalized the graves of blacks, Jews or Muslims.

It isn't a "hate crime" to vandalize the graves of dead white men.
Come to Los Angeles. The Mexicans piss on the graves at the veteran's cemetary every July 4.
Maybe they should leave the dead alone. You leftist loons have no shame

Those soldiers had no shame when they fought to keep their fellow men in IRON CHAINS, with their backs broken by scars of whips.

Here have some fucking shame.


Should Nazi graves be memorialized and left alone?

Maybe they should leave the dead alone. You leftist loons have no shame

Those soldiers had no shame when they fought to keep their fellow men in IRON CHAINS, with their backs broken by scars of whips.

Here have some fucking shame.

Should Nazi graves be memorialized and left alone?

The Confederates did not fight to defend slavery, ass hole. That is a Marxist revisionist lie.

If slavery was the purpose for the South leaving, why did they leave in two different waves?

Why did the Confederacy not accept the Norths offer to stay in if a Constitutional amendment would keep slavery legal forever?

Why would US Grant keep two personal slaves for the whole war?

Why did the US only liberate slaves in the rebelling states after waiting for several years first?

Idiots like you are funny, spouting all your bullshit about things you dont have a clue about, dumbass.
We can't judge people from other times and other places. And defacing a grave is not against the law, but it is immoral as well.

Let the dead rest in peace. That is all they ask of us.
Maybe they should leave the dead alone. You leftist loons have no shame

Those soldiers had no shame when they fought to keep their fellow men in IRON CHAINS, with their backs broken by scars of whips.

Here have some fucking shame.


Should Nazi graves be memorialized and left alone?

We have our first nominee for the most ignorant post of 2016.

And we are just four days in.

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