Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

You mean you CAN'T go potty any time you need to? :ack-1:

I mean you are a race baiting asshole, and a sub human piece of shit. What part of that is confusing to you?

YOu had to know, at some level, already, what a low life piece of shit you are. SO, why are you pretending to be confused about this?

Is it just reflexively lying, because you are such a piece of shit?
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.
Why are you dic suckers so intellectually dishonest??

Why do you dic suckers never talk about policies??

Civil Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about this law?

Voting Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about his law??

Not today's Democrats and never has it been opposed by liberals....

There is a reason you cowards never mention who were the conservatives and who were the liberals -- because doing so will destroy all of that bitch ass revisionism you doing..
Link to Republicans wanting to repeal the CRA and VRA? Or are you a lying sack?
Barry Goldwater (so-called father of conservatism) ran his Republican presidential campaign in opposition to the Civil Rights Movement you dumb ass...

Republicans actually filed LAWSUITS AGAINST the voting rights act you moron...that is how the Voting Rights Act got gutted....I don't recall any liberals trying to weaken the voting rights act..

"The current campaign against the VRA is the result of three key factors: a whiter, more Southern, more conservative GOP that has responded to demographic change by trying to suppress an increasingly diverse electorate; a twenty-five-year effort to gut the VRA by conservative intellectuals, who in recent years have received millions of dollars from top right-wing funders, including Charles Koch; and a reactionary Supreme Court that does not support remedies to racial discrimination"

Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?

This is the reason you morons can never talk policy...because all that dumb shit you talking gets exposed.....

Bullshit, you fucking liar.

One of the most prominently held urban legends of our time is that Senator Barry Goldwater, the GOP candidate for president in 1964, was against civil rights because he voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This vote of Goldwater marked the start of when “the GOP began to go against civil rights” according to CNN’s Roland Martin’s version of the legend.

The truth is, the GOP has always been in favor of civil rights. From the creation of the party, which opposed slavery; to this present day, you cannot find a single plank on the GOP platform that indicates anything otherwise. In fact, it was Republican President Eisenhower who proffered the first civil rights act of 1957, which was watered down by White Southern Democrats [see Eisenhower on Civil rights].}
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.
Why are you dic suckers so intellectually dishonest??

Why do you dic suckers never talk about policies??

Civil Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about this law?

Voting Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about his law??

Not today's Democrats and never has it been opposed by liberals....

There is a reason you cowards never mention who were the conservatives and who were the liberals -- because doing so will destroy all of that bitch ass revisionism you doing..
Link to Republicans wanting to repeal the CRA and VRA? Or are you a lying sack?
Barry Goldwater (so-called father of conservatism) ran his Republican presidential campaign in opposition to the Civil Rights Movement you dumb ass...

Republicans actually filed LAWSUITS AGAINST the voting rights act you moron...that is how the Voting Rights Act got gutted....I don't recall any liberals trying to weaken the voting rights act..

"The current campaign against the VRA is the result of three key factors: a whiter, more Southern, more conservative GOP that has responded to demographic change by trying to suppress an increasingly diverse electorate; a twenty-five-year effort to gut the VRA by conservative intellectuals, who in recent years have received millions of dollars from top right-wing funders, including Charles Koch; and a reactionary Supreme Court that does not support remedies to racial discrimination"

Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?

This is the reason you morons can never talk policy...because all that dumb shit you talking gets exposed.....
1. Your claim was TODAY'S Rep party. Barry Goldwater?

2. Your other link is from 2013 from a far left hack site. Always easy to destroy crayon eating Dimwingers.

He's lying about Goldwater.

Biff is a shameless liar that flings shit then runs when he is called out on his lies.
We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

You mean you CAN'T go potty any time you need to? :ack-1:

I mean you are a race baiting asshole, and a sub human piece of shit. What part of that is confusing to you?

YOu had to know, at some level, already, what a low life piece of shit you are. SO, why are you pretending to be confused about this?

Is it just reflexively lying, because you are such a piece of shit?

It's ironic that I have to click a "Funny" on a post because it has no sense of humor.
Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

Sluggo has few wits, and even less integrity.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

You mean you CAN'T go potty any time you need to? :ack-1:

I mean you are a race baiting asshole, and a sub human piece of shit. What part of that is confusing to you?

YOu had to know, at some level, already, what a low life piece of shit you are. SO, why are you pretending to be confused about this?

Is it just reflexively lying, because you are such a piece of shit?

It's ironic that I have to click a "Funny" on a post because it has no sense of humor.


Sluggo, you really are quite stupid, which is extremely entertaining.
That would be the Republikkklan party.
Hitlery wasn’t on the Republican ticket, dummy.

I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign
^^^ imbecile ...

Prove me wrong, the folks you want to honor were conservative in their thinking and they were racist in their thinking. Almost all racist today are conservative in their thinking. Not hard to figure out.

So, to support your conclusion, you make an unsupported assertion about some people from generations ago, and then make an unsupported asserting about some people today, you make no attempt to connect your two unsupported assertions across time, in any fashion,

And in your mind, you actually did something there, other than reveal yourself to be a drooling moron?


You are literally insane.

Wow, so you are telling us that those folks were not conservative in their thinking, pretty much the same as you are today.

It is clear what I am telling you, because I just told it to you. Instead of making up shit and asking me if that is what I told you,

just address the massive failure of yours, in your pretense of supporting your argument.

Here is one example of how stupid your position is, you drooling race baiting moron.

General Lee's primary reason for deciding to NOT lead the Union Army and instead lead the Confederate Army was his desire to not wage war on his own family and community.

I might be willing to concede that not wanting to kill your own people, might be a conservative trait, and not a liberal one, but I don't think that was what you meant. You drooling moron.

But seriously, that was not "conservative" either of the time, nor today, and nor was it even "racist", either then or today, you drooling moron.

Lee took up arms against the US, was Lee a slave owner? Yes. Lee straddled the fence.

He led the army of rebellion against the Federal Government. Only a soulless idiot, could claim that he was "straddling any fence".

He led an Army of traitors.

My point that his motive was not as you claim, ie "conservative", stands, and as you choose to dodge instead of address it,

I already addressed it, history shows the Lee was all over the board.

I accept your dodging as an admission that you know my point was right, but you don't have any human feelings that encourage you to be honest about it.

What point? You are here trying to defend traitors and racist.
I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

The keyword in there is CLAIMED, can you prove it was given?

The Clinton campaign has “not received anywhere close to $20,000 in anonymous donations in total, [so] it is impossible that they are telling the truth,” Mr. Schwerin added

I'm sure that the Triple K made the donation in cash money, and not a check.

Sure, some spokesperson was in denial. But I would expect him to be in denial.

Yea folks make 20K donations in cash everyday, smfh.
Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.
I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.
Already did ya fucking idiot.

All you do shit stain is run that fucking DS. It's always conservative racist that try to defend conservative racist.

You are a race baiting asshole.

The racist assholes are fools like you trying to defend racist traitors.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.
Already did ya fucking idiot.

All you do shit stain is run that fucking DS. It's always conservative racist that try to defend conservative racist.
That’s the best ya got when you ask for a link I already provided?

Yes, ALL he has, is to keep calling people "racist" and hope that if he does it enough, that he can create the illusion that it must be a credible accusation, because it is made so often.

People like him, liberals like him, know that they cannot make their case honestly, so all they have is to try to shout down the Truth, and win though dishonest games.

They are soulless scum.

Fool are you really that slow, I don't have to make up shit. History shows these racist traitors for what they were and just because the country let their racist asses off the hook doesn't mean that they need to be honored.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

You mean you CAN'T go potty any time you need to? :ack-1:

I mean you are a race baiting asshole, and a sub human piece of shit. What part of that is confusing to you?

YOu had to know, at some level, already, what a low life piece of shit you are. SO, why are you pretending to be confused about this?

Is it just reflexively lying, because you are such a piece of shit?

It's ironic that I have to click a "Funny" on a post because it has no sense of humor.

You are saying the most hateful and vile things about good people in this thread. I am not interested in your sense of humor.

YOu want to make jokes? And have a pleasant conversation? Don't be a fucking asshole.
When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.

There is no such thing as the KKK. It hasn't existed since 1968 when it was sued out of existence.

As you said, every single supposed Klansman can be traced to the FBI or is a democrat provocateur.
The Klan broke up into hundreds of small groups without central leadership. Most have gotten rid of the white robes and hoods and have replaced them with red MAGA hats
When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.

There is no such thing as the KKK. It hasn't existed since 1968 when it was sued out of existence.

As you said, every single supposed Klansman can be traced to the FBI or is a democrat provocateur.
The Klan broke up into hundreds of small groups without central leadership. Most have gotten rid of the white robes and hoods and have replaced them with red MAGA hats

So you libs are saying Kanye is a member of the Triple K now?

I heard about the lawsuit the NAACP had to force the KKK to accept black members, I guess they won?
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

Sluggo has few wits, and even less integrity.

These liberals, are complete fucking assholes, and yet, expect to be treated as though we are having a civil and pleasant conversation.

They really believe, deep down, that they have the right to same the most vile lies about us, while fully expecting to be treated with completely civility as though they are not hateful vile assholes.
"Link to Republicans wanting to repeal the CRA and VRA?"

I provided you links to republicans wanting to repeal the CRA and VRA for the past 50 years...

And your reply is "but but that was from 6 years ago"

So now when you get slapped in the face with facts, now you want to pretend you didn't ask what you just asked??

You know what you ain't doing?? ....refuting a single thing I have said...…

Do you have any links of liberals trying to weaken the VRA or CRA in the past 50 yrs??

I'll wait...
No, you didn't. You brought Barry Goldwater and a lefty hack opinion piece.

You keep losing.

Dims filibustered the CRA, Dummy.
You do understand that republicans filed multiple lawsuits against the voting rights act right??

You do understand Shelby vs Holder was an actual case where republicans tried to weaken the VRA and appealed it to the Supreme Court...that is fact, you do understand that right??

Now, can you tell me any lawsuits filed by liberals where they tried to "WEAKEN" the voting rights act??

I'll keep waiting
You are lying about Shelby vs Holder.

Where is the lie??

Do you think Republicans filed a motion saying "We don't want blacks to vote?" -- No, the case would be thrown out -- even by an all conservative Supreme Court....

You dic suckers lost that battle long now what yall do instead, try to find ways to weaken of those ways.....removed the pre-clearance protections....and what happened once the VRA was weakened...

All of those states who were previously struck down for trying to pass voter suppression laws -- all rushed to passed those same voter suppression policies that were struck down.....

But as usual, with dumbasses like you -- you have no idea what you are talking about
You lied about the case removing anyone’s right to vote.
The only person here who is lying is you....

I clearly said there is only one party CURRENTLY trying to WEAKEN the voting rights act...I never said they are removing anyone's rights to vote -- that would be clearly illegal..

However, they are definitely invested in making it "HARDER" to vote if you are a minority living in a majority minority district.....

Or as one federal court judge said "....[Republicans] deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls"

Now show me any effort by any democrat today of them trying to weaken the VRA....

I'll keep waiting and you will keep lying and deflecting...or as I call it, losing...
So, to support your conclusion, you make an unsupported assertion about some people from generations ago, and then make an unsupported asserting about some people today, you make no attempt to connect your two unsupported assertions across time, in any fashion,

And in your mind, you actually did something there, other than reveal yourself to be a drooling moron?


You are literally insane.

Wow, so you are telling us that those folks were not conservative in their thinking, pretty much the same as you are today.

It is clear what I am telling you, because I just told it to you. Instead of making up shit and asking me if that is what I told you,

just address the massive failure of yours, in your pretense of supporting your argument.

Here is one example of how stupid your position is, you drooling race baiting moron.

General Lee's primary reason for deciding to NOT lead the Union Army and instead lead the Confederate Army was his desire to not wage war on his own family and community.

I might be willing to concede that not wanting to kill your own people, might be a conservative trait, and not a liberal one, but I don't think that was what you meant. You drooling moron.

But seriously, that was not "conservative" either of the time, nor today, and nor was it even "racist", either then or today, you drooling moron.

Lee took up arms against the US, was Lee a slave owner? Yes. Lee straddled the fence.

He led the army of rebellion against the Federal Government. Only a soulless idiot, could claim that he was "straddling any fence".

He led an Army of traitors.

My point that his motive was not as you claim, ie "conservative", stands, and as you choose to dodge instead of address it,

I already addressed it, history shows the Lee was all over the board.

I accept your dodging as an admission that you know my point was right, but you don't have any human feelings that encourage you to be honest about it.

What point? You are here trying to defend traitors and racist.

Let me review recent events for the slower among us.

YOu made a number of stupid assertions.

I pointed out how stupid they were.

You, to support your argument, made a number of unsupported assertions about people in the past, and then made an number of unsupported assertions about people in the present. Then you stated , without any actual connecting of the dots over 5 generations, that there were similarities between the two.

To point out the stupidity of what you did, I addressed the one of the most famous Confederates, ie Gen. Lee, and pointed out that his motivation did not match what you claimed about him.

You, ignored the fact that I just challenged your "supporting argument" and just kept yelling slurs.

You are either too stupid to even understand the concept of debate, or are just a partisan hack,spouting propaganda.

Either way, you lose and are an asshole.
104 pages of this tripe!

Race and Politics remain unresolved in the good ol' USA.
Coolio! :blsmile:
(Just think what our 'Grand Experiment' could of been if Democrats had avoided 'identity politics'!).
Trump literally referred to a person as his own "African American" -- and yo dic sucking ass didn't say shit about that...

The only people who get triggered over identity politics are the closet racists who want to deny the existence of anyone who doesn't look like them..fuk what you whining about
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

Oh, what "core policies" are those, fuckwad?

And you know what the Klan believes? :eek: Does your pet unicorn tell you?

You truly are a fucking retard.
Yes, I know what the klan believes..the same thing most white racists believe -- a hierarchy that places white men at the top and remains in direct opposition to anyone outside of that demographic upsetting their hierarchy fantasy.....

Policies such as anit-voting rights and civil-rights policies that are designed to DIRECTLY CUT against the victories of historically oppressed minority groups, be it women, gays, blacks, etc...

The fact that it makes yo bitch ass get defensive over it is a personal problem that I give absolutely no fucks about
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.
Why are you dic suckers so intellectually dishonest??

Why do you dic suckers never talk about policies??

Civil Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about this law?

Voting Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about his law??

Not today's Democrats and never has it been opposed by liberals....

There is a reason you cowards never mention who were the conservatives and who were the liberals -- because doing so will destroy all of that bitch ass revisionism you doing..
Link to Republicans wanting to repeal the CRA and VRA? Or are you a lying sack?
Barry Goldwater (so-called father of conservatism) ran his Republican presidential campaign in opposition to the Civil Rights Movement you dumb ass...

Republicans actually filed LAWSUITS AGAINST the voting rights act you moron...that is how the Voting Rights Act got gutted....I don't recall any liberals trying to weaken the voting rights act..

"The current campaign against the VRA is the result of three key factors: a whiter, more Southern, more conservative GOP that has responded to demographic change by trying to suppress an increasingly diverse electorate; a twenty-five-year effort to gut the VRA by conservative intellectuals, who in recent years have received millions of dollars from top right-wing funders, including Charles Koch; and a reactionary Supreme Court that does not support remedies to racial discrimination"

Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?

This is the reason you morons can never talk policy...because all that dumb shit you talking gets exposed.....

Bullshit, you fucking liar.

One of the most prominently held urban legends of our time is that Senator Barry Goldwater, the GOP candidate for president in 1964, was against civil rights because he voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This vote of Goldwater marked the start of when “the GOP began to go against civil rights” according to CNN’s Roland Martin’s version of the legend.

The truth is, the GOP has always been in favor of civil rights. From the creation of the party, which opposed slavery; to this present day, you cannot find a single plank on the GOP platform that indicates anything otherwise. In fact, it was Republican President Eisenhower who proffered the first civil rights act of 1957, which was watered down by White Southern Democrats [see Eisenhower on Civil rights].}

Urban Legend: Goldwater Against Civil Rights
Name me ONE SINGLE PROMINENT CONSERVATIVE who stood along side of King fighting for Civil Rights.....

Goldwater voted against the CRA because he was against the CRA...period.....his fantasy belief that somehow the legal discrimination of black people will just magically go away on its own is just that, a fantasy....shit closet racists like you throw up as a you dic suckers can say "I am against discrimination, I just don't think the government should do anything about it"

But you don't mind using the government to enforce every discriminatory view you hold, so fuk what you talking about pussy
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