Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


If there is no klan, then the Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville was a lie. And Dave Duke is just some fellow on CNN's payroll that comes out of the retirement to pretend to be a KKK Republican.
With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


I've been saying that since about 78,000 posts ago. You should maybe READ them.
Then why are you Dimwingers always whining and crying about the Klan?

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


If there is no klan, then the Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville was a lie. And Dave Duke is just some fellow on CNN's payroll that comes out of the retirement to pretend to be a KKK Republican.

What "Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville"?

David Dookey is (was) pretending to be Klan, but he is a real Republican. Because Louisiana. Meanwhile him being on CNN's payroll is something you're pretending, no one knows why.
Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


If there is no klan, then the Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville was a lie. And Dave Duke is just some fellow on CNN's payroll that comes out of the retirement to pretend to be a KKK Republican.

What "Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville"?

David Dookey is (was) pretending to be Klan, but he is a real Republican. Because Louisiana. Meanwhile him being on CNN's payroll is something you're pretending, no one knows why.

Mr. Duke is portrayed by his employers to be an important person because of his position in the Triple K.

And he has no position in the Republican Party at all.

Back in the day, he did run for office in both major parties when he was a nobody ( although he is still a nobody in my view)

As far as his work with CNN, considering the fact that man has no other visible means of support, and has never shown his taxes to prove his relationship with CNN, I think we can assume he is. Else, how would he always be on their network when they need to smear a Republican with the smear of being in the KKK.
That would be the Republikkklan party.
Hitlery wasn’t on the Republican ticket, dummy.

I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

The keyword in there is CLAIMED, can you prove it was given?

The Clinton campaign has “not received anywhere close to $20,000 in anonymous donations in total, [so] it is impossible that they are telling the truth,” Mr. Schwerin added
Hitlery wasn’t on the Republican ticket, dummy.

I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

The keyword in there is CLAIMED, can you prove it was given?

The Clinton campaign has “not received anywhere close to $20,000 in anonymous donations in total, [so] it is impossible that they are telling the truth,” Mr. Schwerin added

I'm sure that the Triple K made the donation in cash money, and not a check.

Sure, some spokesperson was in denial. But I would expect him to be in denial.
With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


If there is no klan, then the Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville was a lie. And Dave Duke is just some fellow on CNN's payroll that comes out of the retirement to pretend to be a KKK Republican.

What "Liberal spectacle in Charlottesville"?

David Dookey is (was) pretending to be Klan, but he is a real Republican. Because Louisiana. Meanwhile him being on CNN's payroll is something you're pretending, no one knows why.

Mr. Duke is portrayed by his employers to be an important person because of his position in the Triple K.

And he has no position in the Republican Party at all.

Back in the day, he did run for office in both major parties when he was a nobody ( although he is still a nobody in my view)

As far as his work with CNN, considering the fact that man has no other visible means of support, and has never shown his taxes to prove his relationship with CNN, I think we can assume he is. Else, how would he always be on their network when they need to smear a Republican with the smear of being in the KKK.

There's the vast difference between us --- you think we can "assume", I don't. Yeah I didn't think you could prove it and once again I was right. A gadfly like Dookey will jump at any chance for face time he can get --- he needs them, not the other way 'round. So who are Duke's "employers"? I'm not aware that he has any.

He does run for office a lot, as a Republican, because, again, Louisiana. Most recently AFAIK he ran for Senator in 2016. He was elected to the chairmanship of the Executive Committee of the St. Tammany Parish Republican Party in 1997.
I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.

With pleasure.

The Supreme Leader and Grand Poobah of the Triple K , Will Quigg , endorsed and gave a gargantuan contribution to her campaign.


Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign

The keyword in there is CLAIMED, can you prove it was given?

The Clinton campaign has “not received anywhere close to $20,000 in anonymous donations in total, [so] it is impossible that they are telling the truth,” Mr. Schwerin added

I'm sure that the Triple K made the donation in cash money, and not a check.

Sure, some spokesperson was in denial. But I would expect him to be in denial.

Once AGAIN ---- "The Klan" cannot write a check, because "the Klan" has no bank account, because "the Klan" does not exist as such.
Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

A nice fairy tale to tell children. Any looking at the real world, past or present shows it to be a completely lie.

Which is why you guys are so firm in your stone walling.

On some level, you know that the slightest hint of the Truth, will cause your house of lies to come crashing down, into flame and ruin.

And you are terrified of having to deal with the real world.

Smfh. Study History and not His-Story and you might learn something.

I have, and found that your side's lies, to be completely unfounded bullshit.

Any time I talk to people like you, about your claims, your "evidence" boils down to "code word" bullshit, and flat denials of what people at the time were actually doing.

Nixon, the supposed creator of the "Southern Strategy", was the President that de-segregated southern schools.

LIberals are the ones that lie about history.

Nixon also took AA to a new level, now what does that have to do with racist having conservative views?

You brought up history to support your claims about conservatives being "Racist".

You were very vague, so I referenced my past experiences from trying to nail down people like you, to what the fuck you base your shit on, and specifically that it generally boils down to shit about "code words".

Often in relation to Nixon, who people like you falsely claim to be the responsible for the mythological "Southern Strategy".

I pointed out, one of the massive ways that that common claim from people like you, is complete bulllshit, ie his history with desegregation.

You, in response, brought up ANOTHER reason why that claim from people like you, is completely bullshit, ie his history with AA.

You have one of two likely options at this point.

YOu could admit that if fucking NIXON, supposedly the GodFather of the Southern Strategy, had a good civil rights record, then the whole claim is bullshit, and then you could apologize for a lifetime of racist race baiting.

OR, you could A. dismiss the position of the vast majority of liberals on the Southern Strategy, and Nixon, and then explain your personal chain of logic, that supports your racist race baiting, that is different from their complete bullshit.
If that was true, you wouldn't have to play word games to make your point. YOu could just MAKE IT, based on what actually happened, instead of putting your time and energy into being dishonest.

You are either a fool or a liar.

Prove me wrong, the folks you want to honor were conservative in their thinking and they were racist in their thinking. Almost all racist today are conservative in their thinking. Not hard to figure out.

So, to support your conclusion, you make an unsupported assertion about some people from generations ago, and then make an unsupported asserting about some people today, you make no attempt to connect your two unsupported assertions across time, in any fashion,

And in your mind, you actually did something there, other than reveal yourself to be a drooling moron?


You are literally insane.

Wow, so you are telling us that those folks were not conservative in their thinking, pretty much the same as you are today.

It is clear what I am telling you, because I just told it to you. Instead of making up shit and asking me if that is what I told you,

just address the massive failure of yours, in your pretense of supporting your argument.

Here is one example of how stupid your position is, you drooling race baiting moron.

General Lee's primary reason for deciding to NOT lead the Union Army and instead lead the Confederate Army was his desire to not wage war on his own family and community.

I might be willing to concede that not wanting to kill your own people, might be a conservative trait, and not a liberal one, but I don't think that was what you meant. You drooling moron.

But seriously, that was not "conservative" either of the time, nor today, and nor was it even "racist", either then or today, you drooling moron.

Lee took up arms against the US, was Lee a slave owner? Yes. Lee straddled the fence.

He led the army of rebellion against the Federal Government. Only a soulless idiot, could claim that he was "straddling any fence".

My point that his motive was not as you claim, ie "conservative", stands, and as you choose to dodge instead of address it,

I accept your dodging as an admission that you know my point was right, but you don't have any human feelings that encourage you to be honest about it.
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

Oh, what "core policies" are those, fuckwad?

And you know what the Klan believes? :eek: Does your pet unicorn tell you?

You truly are a fucking retard.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.


And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

There is no "the rest". Thurmond and Wright were THE COMPLETE LIST of Dixiecrats. Total of TWO (2). They ran for no other offices, just POTUS and VPOTUS.

Wright didn't hold office again; he ran once for Governor and lost the primary. Thurmond did, as I just outlined above.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

The citation of name recognition refers to how Strom Thurmond was able for the first in history to win a Senate seat by election as a write-in, indeed one of only two Senators to ever do that, the other being the more recent Lisa Murkowski in Alaska after losing the Republican nomination ---- who again, like Thurmond, did that successfully because of name recognition. Thurmond had been the state's governor and made major headlines by walking out of the Democrats and running against them for POTUS. Murkowski had already been a Senator, was the incumbent, AND her father had been both Senator and Governor, so she not only benefited from name recognition in her write-in campaign, it also helped her get into office in the first place.

NEITHER of those events has anything to do with racism. The necessary first step of any political campaign is name recognition, and the more a candy has of that the more votes they'll get, period. There are a whole lot of low-info voters for whom name recognition is literally all there is. "I've heard of this guy, therefore he gets my vote -- never heard of the other one".

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

Elections are first and foremost about name recognition. That's why Joe Biden exists as a candidate. That's why Doornail Rump got the votes he did. That's why a Bush brother and a Clinton spouse were in the running too.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

What "myth" is that? I don't remember posting any such idea. All of the above was about candidates, not voters.

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

It is impossible for LIBERALS --- didn't know that was an acronym --- to be "racist". The Prime Directive "all men are created equal" rules that out.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I've 'seen' nothing new. I've been saying the same things all along.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.

That's what I do here. It's an honest job but somebody's gotta do it.

Your logical fallacy of no true scotsman is noted and laughed at.
Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.


And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.
Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

No Thurmond wasn't the only one, then we got the next generation who had the same mindset as Thurmond. Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Orin Hatch, etc.

Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.

Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.

That thinking is very simple. And very stupid. And very asshole.
When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.

There is no such thing as the KKK. It hasn't existed since 1968 when it was sued out of existence.

As you said, every single supposed Klansman can be traced to the FBI or is a democrat provocateur.
And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.
Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.

Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.
Hitlery wasn’t on the Republican ticket, dummy.

I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.
Already did ya fucking idiot.

All you do shit stain is run that fucking DS. It's always conservative racist that try to defend conservative racist.

You are a race baiting asshole.
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.
When did conservatives ever push for segregation?? Always.....

Are you saying the guy who wrote this book would be welcome in today's republican party??View attachment 292773

Wow, you're quite the fucking liar.

Well, you commie fucks are known for your lack of morals, ethics and honor.

"Communists are fucking pigs who lie about everything." - Abraham Lincoln. (a quote MORE accurate than your fabricated "book" by fucktard Burke McCarty)
Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.
I know Trump was shit for brains.
Your misguided opinion is noted. However, it has zero to do with the KKK endorsing and donating to Hitlery.

Post where the KKK endorsed and donated to Hillary.
Already did ya fucking idiot.

All you do shit stain is run that fucking DS. It's always conservative racist that try to defend conservative racist.
That’s the best ya got when you ask for a link I already provided?

Yes, ALL he has, is to keep calling people "racist" and hope that if he does it enough, that he can create the illusion that it must be a credible accusation, because it is made so often.

People like him, liberals like him, know that they cannot make their case honestly, so all they have is to try to shout down the Truth, and win though dishonest games.

They are soulless scum.
And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.
Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.

Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.
I love how Trumpers try to disavow the Klan while also pushing all of the core policies that the Klan supports....

Maybe that is why the Klan believes Trump is one of them so much.....maybe that is why the klan and their confederate-porn show up at Trump rallies all of the time.....

When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.
Why are you dic suckers so intellectually dishonest??

Why do you dic suckers never talk about policies??

Civil Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about this law?

Voting Rights Act -- who is the party currently butt hurt about his law??

Not today's Democrats and never has it been opposed by liberals....

There is a reason you cowards never mention who were the conservatives and who were the liberals -- because doing so will destroy all of that bitch ass revisionism you doing..


Says the fucking liar.

You're a coward and cocksucker who makes up virtually everything you post.

WE do not claim that Abraham Lincoln was a Socialist, for the word had not been coined in his day. We do not claim that he would, if he had lived, been a Socialist to-day, for we do, not know this. We do claim, and know, however, that Abraham Lincoln was in spirit to the hour of his death, a class conscious working man, that his sympathies were with that class, that he voiced the great principles of the modem constructive Socialism of today, and that had he lived and been loyal and consistent with these principles which he always professed, he would be found within the ranks of the Socialist Party.

, you lying sack of shit.
Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
Conservatism and the GOP have clearly benefited from racism.

Racists identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Of course, this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists – but racists have found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans, a significant portion of the Republican base is racist and bigoted, and Republicans are loathe to condemn the racists and bigots in the GOP for fear of losing the partisan advantage afforded Republicans given the steadfast loyalty racists and bigots have for the Party.

This is the Faustian agreement the GOP made the consequence of the Southern Strategy: to welcome with open arms bigots and racists – former Southern Democrats – ignoring their racism and accepting their votes for Republican candidates.

We note this over and over but the simple equation is --- a person can certainly be a conservative without being a racist, but if one is a racist, then they got there from a position of Conservative. It's the only way to get there.
What a pant load.

Once again ---- you can go potty any time you need to. No point in posting about it.

Only the worst type of complete asshole would make the dishonest and retarded claims you have made in this thread.

YOu are a piece of shit.

You mean you CAN'T go potty any time you need to? :ack-1:
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