Confirmation of AGW

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Global temperatures are close to 11,000-year peak : Nature News & Comment

Sid Perkins

07 March 2013

Global average temperatures are now higher than they have been for about 75% of the past 11,300 years, a study suggests. And if climate models are any indication, by the end of this century they will be the highest ever since the end of the most recent ice age.

Instrumental records of climate extend back to only the late nineteenth century. Beyond that, scientists depend on analyses of natural chronicles such as tree rings and isotope ratios in cave formations.

But even these archives have their limits: many detailed reconstructions of climate, particularly of temperature, apply to only limited regions or extend back at most a couple of millennia, says Shaun Marcott, a climate scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Marcott and his colleagues set about reconstructing global climate trends all the way back to 11,300 years ago, when the Northern Hemisphere was emerging from the most recent ice age. To do so, they collected and analysed data gathered by other teams. The 73 overlapping climate records that they considered included sediment cores drilled from lake bottoms and sea floors around the world, along with a handful of ice cores collected in Antarctica and Greenland.

More confirmation of the unnatural nature of the recent global warming.
Global temperature rise is fastest in at least 11,000 years, study says -

"To our knowledge, based on this reconstruction, the rate of change today is unprecedented" in the Holocene, says Shaun Marcott, an atmospheric scientist at Oregon State University who led a team formally reporting the results in Friday's issue of the journal Science. Indeed, it may be unprecedented in the past 22,000 years, he adds, when previous paleoclimate research he and his colleagues have conducted is taken into account.

Other researchers have focused on the Holocene as well, notably Michael Mann, a Penn State University climatologist, and his colleagues. But their reconstructions have taken the record back only about 1,500 years.

The new work, using different thermometer stand-ins, or proxies, not only reaches results similar to these previous efforts covering the recent past. It also accounts for natural variations in climate over longer time scales in ways that suggest rising temperatures will exceed the range of natural fluctuations. The long-term variations would include changes in Earth’s orbit, for instance.

Based on the reconstructed temperatures records, natural variability over the study's time span accounts for roughly 1 degree C from coldest to warmest compared with the current climate, observes David Anderson, branch chief for the Paleoclimate Program in at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center office in Boulder, Colo.

"If you go grab the mount of warming expected just within the next 80 years, that's more like 3 degrees," says Dr. Anderson, who was not a member of the study team – three times the change one would expect from natural variability alone, and all in the warm direction.
Global temperatures are close to 11,000-year peak : Nature News & Comment

Sid Perkins

07 March 2013

Global average temperatures are now higher than they have been for about 75% of the past 11,300 years, a study suggests. And if climate models are any indication, by the end of this century they will be the highest ever since the end of the most recent ice age.

Instrumental records of climate extend back to only the late nineteenth century. Beyond that, scientists depend on analyses of natural chronicles such as tree rings and isotope ratios in cave formations.

But even these archives have their limits: many detailed reconstructions of climate, particularly of temperature, apply to only limited regions or extend back at most a couple of millennia, says Shaun Marcott, a climate scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Marcott and his colleagues set about reconstructing global climate trends all the way back to 11,300 years ago, when the Northern Hemisphere was emerging from the most recent ice age. To do so, they collected and analysed data gathered by other teams. The 73 overlapping climate records that they considered included sediment cores drilled from lake bottoms and sea floors around the world, along with a handful of ice cores collected in Antarctica and Greenland.

More confirmation of the unnatural nature of the recent global warming.

So instead of a few sets of unconfirmable, implied data, they collected a whole BUNCH of sets of unconfirmable, implied data.

Do you remember the term GIGO?
Global temperatures are close to 11,000-year peak : Nature News & Comment

Sid Perkins

07 March 2013

Global average temperatures are now higher than they have been for about 75% of the past 11,300 years, a study suggests. And if climate models are any indication, by the end of this century they will be the highest ever since the end of the most recent ice age.

Instrumental records of climate extend back to only the late nineteenth century. Beyond that, scientists depend on analyses of natural chronicles such as tree rings and isotope ratios in cave formations.

But even these archives have their limits: many detailed reconstructions of climate, particularly of temperature, apply to only limited regions or extend back at most a couple of millennia, says Shaun Marcott, a climate scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Marcott and his colleagues set about reconstructing global climate trends all the way back to 11,300 years ago, when the Northern Hemisphere was emerging from the most recent ice age. To do so, they collected and analysed data gathered by other teams. The 73 overlapping climate records that they considered included sediment cores drilled from lake bottoms and sea floors around the world, along with a handful of ice cores collected in Antarctica and Greenland.

More confirmation of the unnatural nature of the recent global warming.

So instead of a few sets of unconfirmable, implied data, they collected a whole BUNCH of sets of unconfirmable, implied data.

Do you remember the term GIGO?

At least it's data. Deniers only argument is that data is not worth looking at.
Uncomfirmable? Really? Care to explain your basis for that statement?

GIGO. If you cannot adaquetely defend your statement, then that term is applicable to your statements. And judgements of the validity of your future statements.
Global temperatures are close to 11,000-year peak : Nature News & Comment

Sid Perkins

07 March 2013

Global average temperatures are now higher than they have been for about 75% of the past 11,300 years, a study suggests. And if climate models are any indication, by the end of this century they will be the highest ever since the end of the most recent ice age.

Instrumental records of climate extend back to only the late nineteenth century. Beyond that, scientists depend on analyses of natural chronicles such as tree rings and isotope ratios in cave formations.

But even these archives have their limits: many detailed reconstructions of climate, particularly of temperature, apply to only limited regions or extend back at most a couple of millennia, says Shaun Marcott, a climate scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Marcott and his colleagues set about reconstructing global climate trends all the way back to 11,300 years ago, when the Northern Hemisphere was emerging from the most recent ice age. To do so, they collected and analysed data gathered by other teams. The 73 overlapping climate records that they considered included sediment cores drilled from lake bottoms and sea floors around the world, along with a handful of ice cores collected in Antarctica and Greenland.

More confirmation of the unnatural nature of the recent global warming.

So instead of a few sets of unconfirmable, implied data, they collected a whole BUNCH of sets of unconfirmable, implied data.

Do you remember the term GIGO?

At least it's data. Deniers only argument is that data is not worth looking at.

That is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. Data is only as good as its reliability, espeicially so because THIS data is being used to support massive changes in the way we live our lives, and how government interacts with its citizens.

The science isnt the problem. Its what people want to do with the science.
Uncomfirmable? Really? Care to explain your basis for that statement?

GIGO. If you cannot adaquetely defend your statement, then that term is applicable to your statements. And judgements of the validity of your future statements.

Can you show me a logged, calibrated thermometer reading (or group of readings) for each of those data points going back 400,000 years?
You said confirmation of AGW. You haven't even confirmed that present temperatures are the highest ever (not even close by the way)...where is the proof there, or even strongly compelling evidence that man is the cause for the present temperatures?

By the way, I looked for some indication of where either of those "studies" had been published. No mention of publishing or peer review. Self published opinion is what they looked like and about as much credential as they can claim.
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Global Warming is good Banker scam! All money from Carbon Taxes go to IMF!


I support 100%!
You said confirmation of AGW. You haven't even confirmed that present temperatures are the highest ever (not even close by the way)...where is the proof there, or even strongly compelling evidence that man is the cause for the present temperatures?

By the way, I looked for some indication of where either of those "studies" had been published. No mention of publishing or peer review. Self published opinion is what they looked like and about as much credential as they can claim.

Recent Heat Spike Unlike Anything in 11,000 Years - SKYE on AOL

Research released Thursday in the journal Science uses fossils of tiny marine organisms to reconstruct global temperatures back to the end of the last ice age. It shows how the globe for several thousands of years was cooling until an unprecedented reversal in the 20th century.

I assume you know of the journal Science? Then again, perhaps I assume too much.
Uncomfirmable? Really? Care to explain your basis for that statement?

GIGO. If you cannot adaquetely defend your statement, then that term is applicable to your statements. And judgements of the validity of your future statements.

Can you show me a logged, calibrated thermometer reading (or group of readings) for each of those data points going back 400,000 years?

Nice answer, dumbkopf. The study went back 11,000 years. And used proxies. Have you the faintest idea what that means?
I assume you know of the journal Science? Then again, perhaps I assume too much.

From the "article"...not to be confused with actual published research.

[quote]Marcott's data indicates that it took 4,000 years for the world to warm about 1.25 degrees from the end of the ice age to about 7,000 years ago. The same fossil-based data suggest a similar level of warming occurring in just one generation: from the 1920s to the 1940s. Actual thermometer records don't show the rise from the 1920s to the 1940s was quite that big and Marcott said for such recent time periods it is better to use actual thermometer readings than his proxies.[/quote]

Wonder if they make pies, or ice cream with all those cherries they pick?
A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years

Surface temperature reconstructions of the past 1500 years suggest that recent warming is unprecedented in that time. Here we provide a broader perspective by reconstructing regional and global temperature anomalies for the past 11,300 years from 73 globally distributed records. Early Holocene (10,000 to 5000 years ago) warmth is followed by ~0.7°C cooling through the middle to late Holocene (<5000 years ago), culminating in the coolest temperatures of the Holocene during the Little Ice Age, about 200 years ago. This cooling is largely associated with ~2°C change in the North Atlantic. Current global temperatures of the past decade have not yet exceeded peak interglacial values but are warmer than during ~75% of the Holocene temperature history. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change model projections for 2100 exceed the full distribution of Holocene temperature under all plausible greenhouse gas emission scenarios.

Editor's summery

Exceptional Now

The climate has been warming since the industrial revolution, but how warm is climate now compared with the rest of the Holocene? Marcott et al. (p. 1198) constructed a record of global mean surface temperature for more than the last 11,000 years, using a variety of land- and marine-based proxy data from all around the world. The pattern of temperatures shows a rise as the world emerged from the last deglaciation, warm conditions until the middle of the Holocene, and a cooling trend over the next 5000 years that culminated around 200 years ago in the Little Ice Age. Temperatures have risen steadily since then, leaving us now with a global temperature higher than those during 90% of the entire Holocene.
Received for publication 27 July 2012.
Accepted for publication 4 January 2013.
Global Warming is good Banker scam! All money from Carbon Taxes go to IMF!


I support 100%!

Source and links?
Carbon Tax Essential:
Carbon Tax Center

Carbon Tax go to IMF/World Bank:
IMF, World Bank eye global carbon tax on fuels

Bankers use Socialism to usher in Communism in other countries many times before, now it's America's turn!

But we don't have to worry about Americans waking up Komrade Old Rocks. They more interest in latest Cell Phone, NFL and Kim Kardashian!
Socialist/Communist, Nobel Laureate and Academy Award winner Al Gore support Carbon Tax:

EXECUTIVE PERSPECTIVE: Al Gore - Carbon tax could help U.S. back away from fiscal cliff | Sustainability | Thomson Reuters
“I think we should put a price on carbon,” Gore said by telephone from Nashville, Tennessee. “For 30 years, I’ve advocated a tax on carbon dioxide that is offset by reductions in payroll taxes … Now as congressional leaders and the president face the the so-called fiscal cliff and the need to get a budget agreement, we could back away from the fiscal cliff at the same time we back away from the climate cliff.”
You see what he advocate?

Instead of Tax go to US Government and US programs like Social Security and Disability, Tax go to IMF/World Bank! Algore SAY take money from Gov't Benefit Program, Americans cheer Algore!

Americans so easy to fool!
You said confirmation of AGW. You haven't even confirmed that present temperatures are the highest ever (not even close by the way)...where is the proof there, or even strongly compelling evidence that man is the cause for the present temperatures?

By the way, I looked for some indication of where either of those "studies" had been published. No mention of publishing or peer review. Self published opinion is what they looked like and about as much credential as they can claim.

Recent Heat Spike Unlike Anything in 11,000 Years - SKYE on AOL

Research released Thursday in the journal Science uses fossils of tiny marine organisms to reconstruct global temperatures back to the end of the last ice age. It shows how the globe for several thousands of years was cooling until an unprecedented reversal in the 20th century.

I assume you know of the journal Science? Then again, perhaps I assume too much.

That's total bullshit because the globe has been warming ever since the peak of the last ice age at 10,000 years ago. This appears to be yet another variation of the Hockey Stick scam.
Scientists: Earth is warmer today than any time in the past 11,300 Years

Earth is getting warmer.

Science Recorder | Delila James | Saturday, March 09, 2013

It’s a significant finding in the world of climate science.

Comprehensive new research into global climate change finds that our planet is warmer today than at any time during the last 11,300 years. The study, published in the journal Science, examined variations in temperature over the past 15,000 years, during the relatively warm Holocene period, which began at the close of the last great ice age and continues to the present day.

Researchers from Oregon State University and Harvard used core samples from 73 ice and sediment core monitoring sites around the globe to reconstruct global temperature change by studying fossils of marine microorganisms.


That said, the study is likely to be met with skepticism from individuals questioning whether human action is behind warming trends, and whether warming trends are actually occurring. The Science study comes just weeks after researchers in Norway announced findings that seem to support the notion that global warming is less severe than previously predicted by the United Nations climate authority. The study also found that meeting targets for minimizing global warming may be more achievable than previously thought.

In the end most of the deniers of science will come around and acknowledge real science with the caveat that it isn't all human fault and it isn't as bad as some have claimed. Which will beg the question (among others): Why did they have to deny the science rather than argue the merits of policy?
In the end most of the deniers of science will come around and acknowledge real science with the caveat that it isn't all human fault and it isn't as bad as some have claimed. Which will beg the question (among others): Why did they have to deny the science rather than argue the merits of policy?

In the end, climate science is going to implode upon itself and maybe something akin to real science will start happening after the implosion.

You just posted a claim that the earth is warmer now than it has been in the past 11,300 years. We know beyond question from literally hundreds of studies that the holocene maximum about 6000 years ago was most certainly warmer than the present. We also know that both the Roman and Medieval warm periods were both warmer than the present and global in nature. Again, dozens upon dozens of studies bear this out.

The claim that the present is warmer than not only the roman and medieval warm periods, but the holocene maximum is simply idiocy at its best.

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