CONFIRMED: Pipe Bomb and Powder Sent to CNN Were Harmless – It Was a HOAX BOMB

Gateway Pundit another website for the weak minded conspiracy oriented lemmings.
Anyone that says a news media outlet owes the ignorant, lying, gas lighting, narcistic dumbass an apology is either a fucking troll or a complete idiot. He has been instigating hate speech, especially against the media, ever since he took over. Obviously one of his retarded followers decided to take this to the next step. What a bunch of fucktards. Just anything in the name of crazy. The moral right, what a fucking joke. WWJD?
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

I watched CNN yesterday and they did not accuse Trump of sending these devices....liar. It could have been a Democrat that sent them and Brennan was misspelled to make it look like it was the work of a home schooled Republican.
Right. For the 25 minutes YOU watched it, they didn't say was on the other 23+ hours that they did!!!...MORE ABNORMAL LOGIC!!!!....ROTFLMFAO......SO MUCH ENTERTAINMENT TODAY!
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered

The OP floods these pages with misinformation daily. Why mods let him do this is suspicious, to say the least.
Perhaps it is because it's true, AND YOU ARE THE FAKE NEWS.....Can you feel the HATE.....OH YEAH!!!!!
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Good to know, but the Democrats who sent it will still be facing prison time.

and when you do high volume bombing like this you are likely making huge mistakes...leaving a lot of evidence on the fake bombs and this likely Bernie Bro is about to have his door kicked in...... actual bombers, like obama's buddy bill ayers....they take their time because they actually are working with real bombs....and obama's buddy, bill ayers lost friends in the Weather Underground to a mistake.....

It's still warm why would he need a hoodie?
At the risk of enabling/emboldening you, on rare occasion I do enjoy your non sequitur Moonie. :11_2_1043:
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The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered

The OP floods these pages with misinformation daily. Why mods let him do this is suspicious, to say the least.

Hey the guy is a posterboy for the angry miserable k00k left so i say, go....go! His level of nut is hard to replicate....when depressed guys with ocd are regular posters, it's a win-win. The guy put me on ignore because he got sick and tired of me cleaning his clock while laughing hysterically. It doesnt get better than that.

This place would be boring as shit but for the mental cases!:113::113:
This was a total hoax as an October surprise by the demonRAT socialist. The bomb squad office is reporting a hoax. BACKFIRED!!.....EVERYTHING THEY DO FUCKS THEM IN THE END, JUST LIKE KAVANAUGH, AND THIS CARAVAN.....start calling them the can't shoot straight gang!...ROTFLMFAO!
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered

The OP floods these pages with misinformation daily. Why mods let him do this is suspicious, to say the least.

Hey the guy is a posterboy for the angry miserable k00k left so i say, go....go! His level of nut is hard to replicate....when depressed guys with ocd are regular posters, it's a win-win. The guy put me on ignore because he got sick and tired of me cleaning his clock while laughing hysterically. It doesnt get better than that.

This place would be boring as shit but for the mental cases!:113::113:
I appreciate your views, but I find the moron annoying.
It's telling that there has been so few news conferences detailing information of these bombs and what is being done to find who is sending them. If it is a hoax by someone on the left or right shouldn't there be more vocal scrambling from FBI/law enforcement saying we will catch whoever is doing this, or asking the public for help, you know all the typical stuff they do.

I find it odd that the packages were all discovered before exploding. What was so suspicious as to draw attention so quickly? Why were they in the postal systems different amounts of time, but none were activated? There is something off about all this, IMHO.
You'd have better luck exploding a fucking hamburger that exploding any of the 'made for TV' bombs.
NONE of them had ANY form of timer/detonating device attached to them.
It's ALL another LIB bullshit hoax!
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Law enforcement officials have not said whether the devices are indeed real bombs.
New York Today: What We Know About the Mail Bombs
No one is backing up the gatewaypundit on this, that I could find anyway.

I’ve caught the Gateway Pundit red-handed on incompetent reporting, not purposely reporting fake news but reporting it nonetheless. Needless to say it was enough for me to be skeptical of them.
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered

The OP floods these pages with misinformation daily. Why mods let him do this is suspicious, to say the least.

Hey the guy is a posterboy for the angry miserable k00k left so i say, go....go! His level of nut is hard to replicate....when depressed guys with ocd are regular posters, it's a win-win. The guy put me on ignore because he got sick and tired of me cleaning his clock while laughing hysterically. It doesnt get better than that.

This place would be boring as shit but for the mental cases!:113::113:
I appreciate your views, but I find the moron annoying.
This was a total hoax as an October surprise by the demonRAT socialist. The bomb squad office is reporting a hoax. BACKFIRED!!.....EVERYTHING THEY DO FUCKS THEM IN THE END, JUST LIKE KAVANAUGH, AND THIS CARAVAN.....start calling them the can't shoot straight gang!...ROTFLMFAO!
But will the authorities not even prosecute them when they find out this was a Democrat operation? I think there is a good chance this person will face no consequences.
This was a total hoax as an October surprise by the demonRAT socialist. The bomb squad office is reporting a hoax. BACKFIRED!!.....EVERYTHING THEY DO FUCKS THEM IN THE END, JUST LIKE KAVANAUGH, AND THIS CARSVAN.....start calling them the can't shoot straight gang!...ROTFLMFAO!
Like always, you can not provide a link to back up your claim. If you can, please do. Show a statement from NYPD to support your claim. As of about 15 minutes ago, the major NY press was reporting no determination from NYPD yet in regards to the CNN incident.
Pay attention dumb mf.....a 12 year old black kid was shot point blank by a white cop for waving a toy gun, not pointing it at anybody but waving it, dead. Whether these bombs were make with toy Lego's and gum, plastic pop bottles and spit or molded dog shit, who ever sent this, is just as fuckin guilty as that dead white bitch, Timothy McVeigh. And just for the record, who ever this white mf is, HE'S A COWARD, LIKE HIS BOSS, TRUMP!
Boy do YOU have an anger management problem!!!

Typical ABNORMAL response!

I dunno, looks pretty typical for triggered Leftist morons from here ?
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Good to know, but the Democrats who sent it will still be facing prison time.

and when you do high volume bombing like this you are likely making huge mistakes...leaving a lot of evidence on the fake bombs and this likely Bernie Bro is about to have his door kicked in...... actual bombers, like obama's buddy bill ayers....they take their time because they actually are working with real bombs....and obama's buddy, bill ayers lost friends in the Weather Underground to a mistake.....

They even licked the stamps..
Those pipe bombs would have exploded if a real conservative had sent it. This is the work of a liberal trying to cause sympathy to democrats and hate for Trump.
Those pipe bombs would have exploded if a real conservative had sent it. This is the work of a liberal trying to cause sympathy to democrats and hate for Trump.

The give away that this is a lefty is that they were never meant to go off. And if we had actual racial incidents on college campuses at the same rate that we have fake racial incidents on college campuses, the leftwing might have something to complain about...but when it is left wingers staging fake racial incidents all the time, it is hard not to think that these bombs are from some bernie bro.......since violence, hate and rage are all part of the left wing psych profile...

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