CONFIRMED: Pipe Bomb and Powder Sent to CNN Were Harmless – It Was a HOAX BOMB

This was a total hoax as an October surprise by the demonRAT socialist. The bomb squad office is reporting a hoax. BACKFIRED!!.....EVERYTHING THEY DO FUCKS THEM IN THE END, JUST LIKE KAVANAUGH, AND THIS CARSVAN.....start calling them the can't shoot straight gang!...ROTFLMFAO!
Like always, you can not provide a link to back up your claim. If you can, please do. Show a statement from NYPD to support your claim. As of about 15 minutes ago, the major NY press was reporting no determination from NYPD yet in regards to the CNN incident.
What is that link on post 1...your bullshit?
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
YOU can't handle the truth!
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
YOU can't handle the truth!
The news of pipe bombs are disturbing even if they are fake or incomplete, it is a crime to terrorize people with anything that APPEARS to be a threat in mails/packages.

I see that a lot of people are convinced it was either a democrat or a trump supporter who sent them, but no credible evidence have been forthcoming to support it. How about waiting for real evidence/facts come in first before pointing fingers at anybody, partisan attacks are juvenile and deplorable.

Thankfully no one got hurt, lets hope it stays that way.
Gateway Pundit another website for the weak minded conspiracy oriented lemmings.
Pipe Bomb And Powder Delivered to CNN Was Harmless | National Review
NYT- Pipe Bombs Sent to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and CNN Offices
Oct 24, 2018 · Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on
Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives
Really? Does looking at pictures from social media really tell us anything? Might as well save some money and send home the experts in the Bronx.
Tell the NYT’s that. Or better yet the bomb techs, familiar with such things, studying them that they quoted.
Whomever made them obviously are either unskilled, thank goodness, or they were just meant to achieve something else, seeing as none have detonated.

Gateway Pundit another website for the weak minded conspiracy oriented lemmings.
Pipe Bomb And Powder Delivered to CNN Was Harmless | National Review
NYT- Pipe Bombs Sent to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and CNN Offices
Oct 24, 2018 · Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on
Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives
Really? Does looking at pictures from social media really tell us anything? Might as well save some money and send home the experts in the Bronx.
Last edited:
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
YOU can't handle the truth!

You've made a claim; the intent was to instill fear and MAYBE to harm the targets. Either the bomb maker was inept, or the intent was not to harm anyone, but to create the chaos which has been successful.

It is clear to most that the Republican base is terrified by the possible loss of the H. or Rep. and even the Senate. One must ask themselves, and using common sense come to a conclusion on why now, and which party stands to benefit from more chaos.
I see that a lot of people are convinced it was either a democrat or a trump supporter who sent them, but no credible evidence have been forthcoming to support it. How about waiting for real evidence/facts come in first before pointing fingers at anybody, partisan attacks are juvenile and deplorable.
Well I think part of the problem is that all the targets are HUGE ranking democrats. And, none are republicans. And, the election is about 11 days away. And, conservatives are sitting pretty, why would they risk galvanizing sympathy voting for democrats at such a late hour?

Why weren't the bombs delivered just after the election?

This situation STINKS partisan prank. Anyone who denies it is like a blind mole rat.
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Good to know, but the Democrats who sent it will still be facing prison time.

How do you know who sent it?
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Pay attention dumb mf.....a 12 year old black kid was shot point blank by a white cop for waving a toy gun, not pointing it at anybody but waving it, dead. Whether these bombs were make with toy Lego's and gum, plastic pop bottles and spit or molded dog shit, who ever sent this, is just as fuckin guilty as that dead white bitch, Timothy McVeigh. And just for the record, who ever this white mf is, HE'S A COWARD, LIKE HIS BOSS, TRUMP!
Your political correctness makes you look like a pussy
Let me ask a little something.

It is turning out that these bombs did NOT have blasting caps.

Which means what? They were not meant to explode.

Which means what? They were fake bombs

Which means what? The left, whose only political strategy is to play the victim card, wants to portray themselves as victims.

Why would they be so desperate? Cause the polling data is showing that they are losing in that game and that is death to the democrat party, which means death to the world globalist marxist movement.

Why are the democrats losing the victim strategy? Cause most of the world is seeing through their absurdity. You can only cry racism, and sexism so many times before that story gets really really old. Even the long time democrat voters are leaving cause they are waking up to the fact that the party of slavery is still using blacks for political purposes.

The Kavanaugh hearings in a lot of ways were the last straw for many. Unless, you are still in doubt about the scumbags ruining a man's life for political gain.

So, you wait for the video. I will be waiting for liberals to explain the no blasting caps.

Well liberals, go ahead. Explain it.
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered


But CNN has never put out fake news?

Lol yeah riiiiight
Sorry Smelly

But putting CNN in the same category as the Gateway Pundit reveals your ignorance for all to see

Says the troll who posts nonsense just to be noticed.

CNN is the king of fake news, asshole


You are just flaunting your ignorance for all to see. CNN has a global reputation for sold reporting and is universally respected

The Republican Party and it’s conspiracy theories and lies is not
Let me ask a little something.

It is turning out that these bombs did NOT have blasting caps.

Which means what? They were not meant to explode.

Which means what? They were fake bombs

Which means what? The left, whose only political strategy is to play the victim card, wants to portray themselves as victims.

Why would they be so desperate? Cause the polling data is showing that they are losing in that game and that is death to the democrat party, which means death to the world globalist marxist movement.

Why are the democrats losing the victim strategy? Cause most of the world is seeing through their absurdity. You can only cry racism, and sexism so many times before that story gets really really old. Even the long time democrat voters are leaving cause they are waking up to the fact that the party of slavery is still using blacks for political purposes.

The Kavanaugh hearings in a lot of ways were the last straw for many. Unless, you are still in doubt about the scumbags ruining a man's life for political gain.

So, you wait for the video. I will be waiting for liberals to explain the no blasting caps.

Well liberals, go ahead. Explain it.
For a party that universally condemned Blasey Ford for not being able to back up her claims with verifiable guys sure jump at any available conspiracy theory when it suits you
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered


But CNN has never put out fake news?

Lol yeah riiiiight
Sorry Smelly

But putting CNN in the same category as the Gateway Pundit reveals your ignorance for all to see

Says the troll who posts nonsense just to be noticed.

CNN is the king of fake news, asshole


You are just flaunting your ignorance for all to see. CNN has a global reputation for sold reporting and is universally respected

The Republican Party and it’s conspiracy theories and lies is not

Grow the fuck up, asshole....I mean really NOBODY with an ounce of sense takes anything CNN spews serious

Now go bother someone else ya bag of stupid fuck. 165,000 posts of dumb fuckery
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.


Yup. Fake news. Even Foux is in on it. This was a cynical DNC psyop. And it will fail.
The Gateway Pundit - Wikipedia

False stories and conspiracy theories
The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes.[10][11][4] As a result of a number of lawsuits against The Gateway Pundit over its false stories, it was reported in March 2018 that Jim Hoft had told his writers to be more careful, saying "I don't want any more lawsuits so we have to be really careful with what we put up."[18]
Yes. Wikipedia where ANYONE can alter content, and ABNORMALS, such as The above putz, usually do...ROTFLMFAO!!!!
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered


But CNN has never put out fake news?

Lol yeah riiiiight
Sorry Smelly

But putting CNN in the same category as the Gateway Pundit reveals your ignorance for all to see

Says the troll who posts nonsense just to be noticed.

CNN is the king of fake news, asshole


You are just flaunting your ignorance for all to see. CNN has a global reputation for sold reporting and is universally respected

The Republican Party and it’s conspiracy theories and lies is not

Grow the fuck up, asshole....I mean really NOBODY with an ounce of sense takes anything CNN spews serious

Now go bother someone else ya bag of stupid fuck. 165,000 posts of dumb fuckery

Smelly, Smelly, Smelly

You keep embarrassing yourself in equating CNN to Gateway Pundit

CNN is internationally recognized for its journalistic integrity
Republicans are universally mocked for their gullibility in presenting conspiracy theories as fact
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

What law enforcement agency confirmed that? You know it's in the hands of the SS and the FBI, right?

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