CONFIRMED: Pipe Bomb and Powder Sent to CNN Were Harmless – It Was a HOAX BOMB

Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.
Let me ask a little something.

It is turning out that these bombs did NOT have blasting caps.

Which means what? They were not meant to explode.

Which means what? They were fake bombs

Which means what? The left, whose only political strategy is to play the victim card, wants to portray themselves as victims.

Why would they be so desperate? Cause the polling data is showing that they are losing in that game and that is death to the democrat party, which means death to the world globalist marxist movement.

Why are the democrats losing the victim strategy? Cause most of the world is seeing through their absurdity. You can only cry racism, and sexism so many times before that story gets really really old. Even the long time democrat voters are leaving cause they are waking up to the fact that the party of slavery is still using blacks for political purposes.

The Kavanaugh hearings in a lot of ways were the last straw for many. Unless, you are still in doubt about the scumbags ruining a man's life for political gain.

So, you wait for the video. I will be waiting for liberals to explain the no blasting caps.

Well liberals, go ahead. Explain it.
Where did you get your bomb training? Who taught you bombs needed "blasting caps" as detonators?
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
YOU can't handle the truth!

You've made a claim; the intent was to instill fear and MAYBE to harm the targets. Either the bomb maker was inept, or the intent was not to harm anyone, but to create the chaos which has been successful.

It is clear to most that the Republican base is terrified by the possible loss of the H. or Rep. and even the Senate. One must ask themselves, and using common sense come to a conclusion on why now, and which party stands to benefit from more chaos.
Easy answer, the desparate did it with Kavanaugh, you did it with the illegal invaders, you tried with a porn star, you tried with Russia....and EVERYTHING you ABNORMALS TRIED you REALLY WILL blow one of you whackos up and he'll take the hit for the supposed anger it will develop .....hurry though, less than 2 weeks to midterms!
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.


Just more confirmation that this is a False Flag Operation by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP Democrats. It's a failed 'October Surprise' operation. Why would any Conservative individual or group attempt to pull off something that would obviously be pointed at them?
Those pipe bombs would have exploded if a real conservative had sent it. This is the work of a liberal trying to cause sympathy to democrats and hate for Trump.

The give away that this is a lefty is that they were never meant to go off. And if we had actual racial incidents on college campuses at the same rate that we have fake racial incidents on college campuses, the leftwing might have something to complain about...but when it is left wingers staging fake racial incidents all the time, it is hard not to think that these bombs are from some bernie bro.......since violence, hate and rage are all part of the left wing psych profile...

It really doesn't matter if it's a person on the left or right, the media will spin it against TRUMP either way. If it's someone on the left the media will go with the person has mental health problems narrative and yammer on about TRUMP is to blame.
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....
CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

You kids so desperately want this to be true!!!
YOU can't handle the truth!

You've made a claim; the intent was to instill fear and MAYBE to harm the targets. Either the bomb maker was inept, or the intent was not to harm anyone, but to create the chaos which has been successful.

It is clear to most that the Republican base is terrified by the possible loss of the H. or Rep. and even the Senate. One must ask themselves, and using common sense come to a conclusion on why now, and which party stands to benefit from more chaos.
Easy answer, the desparate did it with Kavanaugh, you did it with the illegal invaders, you tried with a porn star, you tried with Russia....and EVERYTHING you ABNORMALS TRIED you REALLY WILL blow one of you whackos up and he'll take the hit for the supposed anger it will develop .....hurry though, less than 2 weeks to midterms!

In two weeks we'll know. The 32% of Trumpanzees will vote for the neo fascists, it is up to the rest of us to defend democracy and the rule of law.
And Clock Boy made them!

Bomb Threats: A False Flag operation by Desperate Democrats?

“Hoaxocrats” might be a good nickname for Democrats. The multiple bomb threats against Soros, the Clintons, Obama, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Eric Holder, and now apparently Rep. Maxine Waters, are just that. The Democrats have no legitimate agenda, and have taken increasingly desperate measures to turn the November elections in their favor. This is just the latest in their insane kabuki theater of antics.

Consider: We have witnessed unprecedented Democrat obstruction and violence since President Trump was first elected. Meanwhile, hoaxes carried out by leftists and Muslims, whether painting swastikas on college campuses, reporting “Islamophobic” threats, or even burning black churches, have become ubiquitous. They would probably stop if the liberal mainstream media would report them more faithfully.

So it now seems they’ve invented an even more outrageous meme: that some angry “conservative” has targeted prominent Democrats and their media allies with bombs. This has had the salutary effect of taking all eyes off the caravan, the Democrat MOB and everything else, while pointing the finger again at those mean old conservatives.

Read more at ...
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....
Where did you learn this?
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....
Where did you learn this?

Former FBI bomb expert on clues from mailed pipe bombs

Ingraham Angle
Gateway Pundit is a fake news site

Anyone who starts a thread based on their claims is obviously simple minded, gullible or just being deceptive

Which are you?
Then you are obligated to prove what statements in the OP are false. We won't hold our breath.
That's not how it works except in tiny trumpland....OP makes an assertion and now has to show links proving his/her assertion.

It's been confirmed that the bombs were not designed to explode. Senator McCaul just confirmed this. Just another failed idiotic false flag operation by the Marxist Left.....

AP source: The powder inside the envelope in the package sent to CNN was harmless
AP source: The powder inside the envelope in the package sent to CNN was harmless

Sure seem like the intent was to rile up the left, why would the Conservative Right want that days before a major election?
Still looking for confirmation of Republican fake news about the bomb
No one should get bored by this story because it could be a build up to one bomb that will explode. Very sad situation.

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