Congrats to McDonalds


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
McFine Dining: Chefs Upgrade McDonald's Food, Image |

Introducing a sandwich that combines a beef patty and fried shrimp is upscale enough. Borrowing a name from fine dining and called it a surf-and-turf burger is further upper class. But the Surf & Turf burger that joined the menu at McDonald’s restaurants in Austria this week has a fine-dining pedigree: It was developed for the QSR chain by Toni Mörwald, one of Austria’s most-respected chefs and restaurateurs.
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McFine Dining: Chefs Upgrade McDonald's Food, Image |

Introducing a sandwich that combines a beef patty and fried shrimp is upscale enough. Borrowing a name from fine dining and called it a surf-and-turf burger is further upper class. But the Surf & Turf burger that joined the menu at McDonald’s restaurants in Austria this week has a fine-dining pedigree: It was developed for the QSR chain by Toni Mörwald, one of Austria’s most-respected chefs and restaurateurs.
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McDonalds, pfft!

[ame=]Now All Restaurants are Taco Bell.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Show me a video of imprisoned chickens? Look at a video of a partial birth abortion sometime and tell me how much you support "a woman's right to choose". Mark Twain once said "if you appreciate the law and love sausage you should never watch either being made".
I just watched the movie Fast Food Nation..........Very disturbing.

Even if forced to I am glad McDonalds did this, maybe other fast food places will follow.
Show me a video of imprisoned chickens? Look at a video of a partial birth abortion sometime and tell me how much you support "a woman's right to choose". Mark Twain once said "if you appreciate the law and love sausage you should never watch either being made".

Seriously.. what the hell does partial birth abortion have to do with McDonald's decision to change egg producers? Are you trying to suggest that there is some moral equivalency between the two subjects? Do you think that because abortions occur that people shouldn't be upset or outraged at any other atrocity? Do you have a point to make about the actual article that the OP was about?
That was a difficult video to watch. I am only 1 generation removed from the farm, and I know that killing that fryer for Sunday dinner, and killing hogs to smoke the meat and preserve it for the winter are necessities. Gathering eggs and robbing bees for their honey was a part of life on my grandparent's farms. But what they are doing on this video goes way beyond utilizing animals for food. In another place, were they to do those things to animals, they could be prosecuted.

Maybe I'll just start buying my eggs from the farmer down the way.
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That was a difficult video to watch. I am only 1 generation removed from the farm, and I know that killing that fryer for Sunday dinner, and killing hogs to smoke the meat and preserve it for the winter are necessities. Gathering eggs and robbing bees for their honey was a part of life on my grandparent's farms. But what they are doing on this video goes way beyond utilizing animals for food. In another place, were they to do those things to animals, they could be prosecuted.

Maybe I'll just start buying my eggs from the farmer down the way.

Yeah, my mom grew up on a farm. My grandfather actually grew potatoes for Simplot in Southern Idaho.
My brother is also a cattle rancher and when we eat his meat you can tell the difference. They only do free range beef and they don't pump them full of grow hormones and antibiotics.
I am sure it would cost more but these fast food places should start buying their eggs and meet locally. We need to get away from these feed lots and huge chicken farms.

The most disturbing story I saw is a chicken farm where the workers keep getting MRSA. I am not a big fan of eating chicken anyways, but I do like eggs.
Show me a video of imprisoned chickens? Look at a video of a partial birth abortion sometime and tell me how much you support "a woman's right to choose". Mark Twain once said "if you appreciate the law and love sausage you should never watch either being made".

Seriously.. what the hell does partial birth abortion have to do with McDonald's decision to change egg producers? Are you trying to suggest that there is some moral equivalency between the two subjects? Do you think that because abortions occur that people shouldn't be upset or outraged at any other atrocity? Do you have a point to make about the actual article that the OP was about?

The video. You enjoyed a big mac from time to time until you saw a video of those poor poor chickens in captivity and then you changed your mind about burgers. Watch a serious video sometime and stop worrying about where eggs come from.
Show me a video of imprisoned chickens? Look at a video of a partial birth abortion sometime and tell me how much you support "a woman's right to choose". Mark Twain once said "if you appreciate the law and love sausage you should never watch either being made".

Seriously.. what the hell does partial birth abortion have to do with McDonald's decision to change egg producers? Are you trying to suggest that there is some moral equivalency between the two subjects? Do you think that because abortions occur that people shouldn't be upset or outraged at any other atrocity? Do you have a point to make about the actual article that the OP was about?

The video. You enjoyed a big mac from time to time until you saw a video of those poor poor chickens in captivity and then you changed your mind about burgers. Watch a serious video sometime and stop worrying about where eggs come from.

You should learn to read. I clearly stated in the OP that I hadn't watched the video. And why should the fact that abortions exist mean that I shouldn't worry about cruelty to animals in the food production industry? I'm perfectly capable of realizing that there are MANY horrible things that occur in this world and that pointing out one doesn't equate to dismissing the rest. Each thing in it's own time and place.

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