Congratulations Bohner, for doing the right thing

I am not going to congratulate him. He's a fucking asshole that created this whole scenario either because he doesn't have the balls to tell the Teabagger Caucas to STFU or simply to try and influence the election.

There is no other explanation as to why he would reverse himself.

Either way, he's a douche. This is the second time he's pulled a power trip act like this. He only backed off because the GOP started to get creamed in the polls.

I will give McConnell some credit for trying to provide adult leadership.

Boehner is a loser. Remember that you gave him props the next time he pulls some whiny ass shit like this.

Next time he will, no doubt once again, ensure maximum media exposure in his letters to the President imploring him to call the Senate back to "work on a deal".

Boehner is proving himself to be an absolute joke. He would fit right in with those running for POTUS.
we want to extend it for a year !!!

I thought Repubs were against tax breaks? Why the sudden change of heart?

They only just found out that 60% will go to people making over $100,000.00.

C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.
I thought Repubs were against tax breaks? Why the sudden change of heart?

They only just found out that 60% will go to people making over $100,000.00.

C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.
just an fyi...they are not taking the money out of SS to pay for understanding is the funds for income taxes is paying for the SS tax break.....or at least that is how it appeared, when they discussed and compromised on what was being cut or what taxes were being raised or what fees were being added to pay for it....???

oh, and merry Christmas auditor!

They only just found out that 60% will go to people making over $100,000.00.

C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.
just an fyi...they are not taking the money out of SS to pay for understanding is the funds for income taxes is paying for the SS tax break.....or at least that is how it appeared, when they discussed and compromised on what was being cut or what taxes were being raised or what fees were being added to pay for it....???

oh, and merry Christmas auditor!


Merry Christmas Care. In the end it really doesn't matter where the cuts are coming from or how they are being covered. They are still adding to the deficit, no matter how you slice it. That is my beef with it, that and that I just don't see it doing much to help the economy.
C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.
just an fyi...they are not taking the money out of SS to pay for understanding is the funds for income taxes is paying for the SS tax break.....or at least that is how it appeared, when they discussed and compromised on what was being cut or what taxes were being raised or what fees were being added to pay for it....???

oh, and merry Christmas auditor!


Merry Christmas Care. In the end it really doesn't matter where the cuts are coming from or how they are being covered. They are still adding to the deficit, no matter how you slice it. That is my beef with it, that and that I just don't see it doing much to help the economy.
very true....unless it was a tax pay for it, but even then....those tax increases could be used to reduce the deficit a tad instead of it just bringing this to a revenue neutral situation, so i can see your concern!
I am not going to congratulate him. He's a fucking asshole that created this whole scenario either because he doesn't have the balls to tell the Teabagger Caucas to STFU or simply to try and influence the election.

There is no other explanation as to why he would reverse himself.

Either way, he's a douche. This is the second time he's pulled a power trip act like this. He only backed off because the GOP started to get creamed in the polls.

I will give McConnell some credit for trying to provide adult leadership.

Boehner is a loser. Remember that you gave him props the next time he pulls some whiny ass shit like this.

Next time he will, no doubt once again, ensure maximum media exposure in his letters to the President imploring him to call the Senate back to "work on a deal".
Say what you want about how he handled the situation (like the embarrassment that he is), his point still stands: This is a joke sop of a "tax cut" that will be next to impossible to implement and a nightmare for tax accountants to deal with.

For example: How do quarterly filers (y'know the people who pay taxes THREE MONTHS at a time) go about dealing with this?

Once again, we have the politics of image over that of substance....By both parties.
I thought Repubs were against tax breaks? Why the sudden change of heart?

They only just found out that 60% will go to people making over $100,000.00.

C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.

1) $25K, $50K or $100K, they all get the same percentage benefit from the tax cuts.
2) Tax cuts targeted to the middle and lower class work very well at helping the economy. The only time they don't is when they are offset with spending cuts. Which means ...
3) We should pay for this by borrowing the money. After all, we are trying to increase overall spending, not keep it level.
They only just found out that 60% will go to people making over $100,000.00.

C'mon Rdean, it ain't rocket science. It's a tax cut. Everyone benefits including those who make more money. If you make over $100,000 per year, you will see a bigger savings then the person making $50,000 and the one making $50,000 will see a bigger savings then the one making $25,000.

My beef with the whole thing is that we can't afford it. I'm sick of all the hypocrisy from both sides. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, but it isn't nearly enough to even put a dent into the deficit. We need higher taxes across the board, but then he supports the payroll tax which is taking money directly out of SS and Medicare. So is Obama's next step to say we need to cut taxes even more? This has been the Republican mantra for how long and it's gotten us where?

You know, if there was any evidence that any tax cuts were helping to get the economy moving in the right direction, I would support them. But there is no evidence that any recent tax cuts have helped out at all. All they have done is helped to increase the deficit.

1) $25K, $50K or $100K, they all get the same percentage benefit from the tax cuts.
2) Tax cuts targeted to the middle and lower class work very well at helping the economy. The only time they don't is when they are offset with spending cuts. Which means ...
3) We should pay for this by borrowing the money. After all, we are trying to increase overall spending, not keep it level.

Explain how continuing to strain a bankrupt system helps?
Anyone else notice all the article being written about this. It always has HOW THE Obama won, not that it is some HUGE win for the American people.

That should tell you all you need to know about this folks. It was all a political game and joke...AND ALL ABOUT HIM.
LOL. Poor dingleberries. Boner caved, the President obviously scored points on this because he hung up the GOP by their own petard. Dumb asses could not see how this looked to the 99%. Tax breaks for the rich are very good, tax breaks for the working and middle class are budget breakers.

That was clarified for all in this little dustup. So, I suggest that in two months we consider a real and permenant SS solution. The 6.2 reinstated, and is applied on all income, period. SS fixed forever, with increased benefits for the working and middle class earners, the people who keep this nation going.
If you apply it to all income, you could drop the rate from 6.2% - in other words, you could give a permanent tax cut to all individual Americans making less than about $150,00 year.

But that would require fixing the regressive nature of the payroll tax, and Republicans will have none of that.
Two fucking months of tax break and they are giving each other high-fives???

Coxuckers are worse than Pelosi sending out a couple hundred dollar tax rebate.....borrowed from China.

Morons need to get busy fixing entitlements and closing tax loopholes. I've had enough of this "only little people pay taxes" bullshit.

These little band aids are being hailed as major victories
for Obama and a disastrous loss for the GOP.
It has not much to do with helping the little people.
It's about doling out a few bucks every now and then
to keep the populace hooked on the drug called
Liberalism.The people get a few extra dollars of their
own money and Obama is hailed as a hero...
Line up peeps at the polls and remember who gave
you all that extra money in your pockets. :D

Some day their little chickens will come home to roost Wright? :D
I thought democrats was the party that wanted to protect social security. You do realize extending this will put more of a strain on SS?
You guys do know that the Democrats "DO NOT" want to extend the "tax cut", don't you?

Put that into your political calculus and realize what Boehner almost did!

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