Congratulations Mike Johnson

What role Speaker Mike Johnson’s religious views play in his politics​

Mike Johnson is a good man with traditional family values.
That is much better than the perversions the deviant democrats are offering.


Were there spending cuts?

A few months ago you said:

So now you’re okay with the spending.

The money is not going out without accountability this time...

The legislation would extend funding for military construction, veterans benefits, transportation, housing, urban development, agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and energy and water programs through 19 January. Funding for all other federal operations – including defense – would expire on 2 February.

I can live with that but Biden will not like it because he can't do with it as he pleases....
The money is not going out without accountability this time...
Oh? Was there a new agency created to watch the money go out?
The legislation would extend funding for military construction, veterans benefits, transportation, housing, urban development, agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and energy and water programs through 19 January. Funding for all other federal operations – including defense – would expire on 2 February.
Precisely what it was doing the same agencies that were doing it before. Your junior blob got zilch.

Not one penny was cut.
I can live with that but Biden will not like it because he can't do with it as he pleases....
Uhhh...he signed it into law, the Democrat controlled senate approved it. More democrats voted for it than republicans.

Really dude...are you on drugs?
Oh? Was there a new agency created to watch the money go out?

Precisely what it was doing the same agencies that were doing it before. Your junior blob got zilch.

Not one penny was cut.

Uhhh...he signed it into law, the Democrat controlled senate approved it. More democrats voted for it than republicans.

Really dude...are you on drugs?
The Pelosi house just handed Biden the checkbook this congress did not... so I can live with that to keep the government open at a time of conflict all over the world due to your weak president.... One more year and the nightmare will end....
The Pelosi house just handed Biden the checkbook this congress did not...
Hmm...I thought the House spent the money. Your new speaker just authorized as much spending as was happening before he took the gavel.

congress spends the money dummy....
How can you blame Biden
so I can live with that to keep the government open at a time of conflict all over the world due to your weak president.... One more year and the nightmare will end....

And when your blob was in office, the debt ceiling was raised multiple time too with CR’s galore...right?
Hmm...I thought the House spent the money. Your new speaker just authorized as much spending as was happening before he took the gavel.

How can you blame Biden


And when your blob was in office, the debt ceiling was raised multiple time too with CR’s galore...right?
With conditions and rules of where it is spent... I don't know why you are so happy because I can guarantee you Biden is not... Johnson used the closeness of the next election where Biden is losing to get his way on how the money gets directed and spent.... A small win for the house but still a win....
With conditions and rules of where it is spent...
There were conditions and rules before. Remember how your blob had to re-direct funding to get the few miles of border wall he actually did get built. Somehow the check from Mexico never made it.
I don't know why you are so happy because I can guarantee you Biden is not...
Your guarantees are worthless.
Johnson used the closeness of the next election where Biden is losing to get his way on how the money gets directed and spent....
Its cute you think that. Not a single penny was cut from the spending which you say is out of control.
A small win for the house but still a win....
It was a defeat for your baby blob...and MAGA was ignored by it’s fellow Republicans.

And you’re fellow conservatives are actually coming to grips with the fact that Johnson caved.

Here's the voting record of this heaping pile of CR dung. Every single one of my states congressmen voted YEA. And they're all Republicans.

All CINO's.

Did you hear Chip Roy’s whine-fest after he got schlonged by the Speaker?

PS: Did Gaetz vote for the CR?
There were conditions and rules before. Remember how your blob had to re-direct funding to get the few miles of border wall he actually did get built. Somehow the check from Mexico never made it.

Your guarantees are worthless.

Its cute you think that. Not a single penny was cut from the spending which you say is out of control.

It was a defeat for your baby blob...and MAGA was ignored by it’s fellow Republicans.

And you’re fellow conservatives are actually coming to grips with the fact that Johnson caved.

Did you hear Chip Roy’s whine-fest after he got schlonged by the Speaker?

PS: Did Gaetz vote for the CR?

Johnson is outsmarting the dems and they don't realize it....
There were conditions and rules before. Remember how your blob had to re-direct funding to get the few miles of border wall he actually did get built. Somehow the check from Mexico never made it.

Your guarantees are worthless.

Its cute you think that. Not a single penny was cut from the spending which you say is out of control.

It was a defeat for your baby blob...and MAGA was ignored by it’s fellow Republicans.

And you’re fellow conservatives are actually coming to grips with the fact that Johnson caved.

Did you hear Chip Roy’s whine-fest after he got schlonged by the Speaker?

PS: Did Gaetz vote for the CR?

You call that a whine fest?

I found it fascinating. Roy would make a great college professor (in a red state, that is. Blues states would 86 him because leftists hate the truth, etc).

I didn't go to a very good high school. It was in a blue state and I was never taught much of anything at all about how our government is run. Maybe that's why it took so long for me to even get interested in govt matters? And so I consider myself somewhat "behind" others who have been following Congress longer. That said, I understand quite a bit cmpared to the avg American, apparently (not saying much).
Johnson is outsmarting the dems and they don't realize it....
Considering how intellectually vacuous they are, that is not hard to do.

As someone else here said, they were too dumb to hang onto McCarthy. I still don't totally understand why he was booted off the Speakership, but good came from it (Johnson) so I'm happy about it after all.
Johnson did the exact same thing McCarthy did, he was a RINO and you lick the ass of Johnson. Weird
Wrong... he put restrictions on the spending if Biden doesn't follow the restrictions he claws it back.... McCarthy would have never done that.... you are just pissed because the house has a real republican leader now.... sucks to be you....
Wrong... he put restrictions on the spending if Biden doesn't follow the restrictions he claws it back.... McCarthy would have never done that.... you are just pissed because the house has a real republican leader now.... sucks to be you....

Bull shit. The CR passed kept spending levels where they were, nothing was changed.

Are you ever not wrong about anything?
Bull shit. The CR passed kept spending levels where they were, nothing was changed.

Are you ever not wrong about anything?
The change was the designation for where the money is spent so maybe its you that is wrong again..... you need to shut off CNN.....

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