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Congratulations President Obama

The Afro-Americans would have elected a dead man as long as he was black. They would have elected O.J. Simpson, no doubt! If Barack would’ve had O.J. as a running mate, he wouldn’t have had to spend so much money!

Now THAT'S the kind of talk that will get people to listen to your viewpoints!

You forgot to add the Hispanic vote was 77% for Obama, at least here where I live!
Now THAT'S the kind of talk that will get people to listen to your viewpoints!

You forgot to add the Hispanic vote was 77% for Obama, at least here where I live!

That's because they have idiots like LULAC telling them who to vote for. Every wonder why the people that do all the manipulating never have to suffer the consequences of their actions?
That's because they have idiots like LULAC telling them who to vote for. Every wonder why the people that do all the manipulating never have to suffer the consequences of their actions?

They don't?
They don't?

Since when did career bureaucrats and politicians have to compete for jobs with the people they screw? I guarantee you if they had to get out and compete with illegals for work, they'd have a WHOLE different point of view on the matter.

They're insulated within the bureaucratic machine and barring a bigtime screwup or being made the patsy of one, they'll eek along comfortably to retirement.
Now Obama is asking for help on how to fix the economy.

It's simple

#1 Raise the minimum wage to a LIVING wage.

#2 Secure our borders

#3 expell all illegal aliens and put all those who give them aid in any way in jail.

#4 reduce taxes on the middleclass, not the wealthy, the middle class, those making under $100,000 a year. That money will be much more likely to go back into the economy than any tax breaks for big corporations.

#5 End corporate welfare...ie stop giving breaks to corporations without strings, if it doesn't have a corresponding benefit to society, they don't deserve it. I still remember when Intel got a $40,000,000 break on taxes to build a plant in Dupont WA that was suppose to provide $7.00 an hour jobs to thousands of people. Those jobs never materialized and Intel eventually closed the plant. Heck, they could have giving that money to the people in Dupont and those people could have started their own businesses, or lived very well on that money for a long time. END corporate welfare.

Put a huge tax on payments leaving this country. Currently we are sending more than $30 billion a year outside this country, that's money leaving our economy and it's not coming back. Both legal and illegal immigrants are sending money home. I'm not totally against this as a rule, but we need that money in our economy, making jobs here and helping people here.

Reduce the wages for all our political representatives with the exception of the president, to middle class wages. Make a law that no CEO can make more than the POTUS. Our POTUS should be the highest paid person in the country. The extra money that would have gone to the CEO can go back into the company or to paying the employees.

And stop giving the CEOs golden parachutes. If they get fired, just like the rest of us, they get ziltch, nada, NOTHING, except the same unemployment benefits the rest of us get.

Stop shipping our jobs overseas. Provide incentives to corporations to bring those jobs back (no that's not corporate welfare, not when there is a corresponding benefit to society). Stop allowing corporations that do business in our country to claim islands as their base of operations so they can get out of paying taxes in this country. You have jobs in this country, you operate in this country, you pay taxes HERE, and yes, this should include the cruiselines.

Reregulate the banking industry. Reregulate the Airline Industry. There are some industries that shouldn't be left to operate on their own. We need good transportation in this country and we need a banking system we can count on. End the FED, or at least nationalize it.

Those are just some of my ideas, feel free to disagree.
Putting limits on how much ceo's can make would be one of the dumbest economic moves EVER.
How so? Please explain your reasoning...

Greed is self centered motivation pure and simple. By limiting the amount of money one can make you are saying you can only be this successful in the land of opportunity. Well if I can live in America and make 100,000 dollars a year or I can live in Germany and make 20,000,000 dollars a year then I will take my multi million dollar industry and myself to Germany and leave America with a couple thousand less jobs and millions less in economic stimulation. Depending upon what type of company it was the move of this company may also sway others in related industries that manufacture goods for the company to move as well to capitalize on gains thus advancing the current recession.
This should be a wake-up call as to what to expect if 20 million illegal aliens are given amnesty. We have seen the power of the Hispanic vote but we have seen nothing yet until anchor babies come of voteing age and another amnesty.

Wait 5 years...and the GOP will be ahead of Obama falling all over themselves...

oh wait! It's 5 years later and the GOP will be ahead of Obama falling all over themselves

The dark time was the last eight years!

Actually it started in the 70's with changes in corporate law and hit really hard in the last 8 years. If our government doesn't make some serious changes in corporate law, the dark times will only get worse.

We're they only country in the world that ships our jobs overseas, brings in foreigners to do jobs here AND let's illegals come in and take low paying jobs from our poor population.

When my job was sent to India, I offered to go with it, I was good at it, and I could live a lot better on $4.00 an hour in India than I can on $8.50 an hour here. But of course, those jobs were for THEIR citizens, they weren't going to let an American take a job from an Indian citizen.

The free trade initiatives are not free trade, they force us to allow foreign goods in without tarrifs but they are never reciprical, plus, our corporations that move to those countries don't have to follow the same laws here. Americans cannot compete with 3rd world countries until we ourselves become a 3rd world country.

Dear AS: the point of contention I see here between the major parties is NOT relying on federal govt to police corporations by micromanaging the regulations for each instance
but holding ALL collective institutions whether govt religious or business or nonprofit orgs, even political parties, to checks and balances by the principles in the Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics for Govt service (see ethics-commission.net) it is more effective to enforce these directly for self-regulation than to fight endlessly over legislation politically. We can enact reforms directly by petitioning companies and parties to invest resources in sustainable ethical solutions instead of giving unequal authority and resources to govt to waste in bureaucracy and conflict.
if people agree to vote with their dollars we can change things faster than waiting on govt.
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I have a feeling that the petition to change President's Day to President Obama Day is really gonna
take off.

That's just my opinion.
I may be wrong.
The people behind it feel that this will probably be done in time for next year.

Anyone else agree with this?
When mexicans are the majority, democrats believe they will remain in power because hispanics will vote for them. In reality, mexicans will vote for mexicans and the dumbass white democrats are going to be left holding their asses like always.

But, democrats really thought that obamacare meant they would get medical care too.

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