Congratulations to Joe Biden for Defeating Covid

Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.
Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.

You are right that the virus can't read English but Xiden and Xi are close enough briends (is the term "asshole buddies"?) that there ought be no problem in having an immediate translation done for free. Oh wait, that might violate the terms & conditions of the contract with Wuhan.
Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.

You are right that the virus can't read English but Xiden and Xi are close enough briends (is the term "asshole buddies"?) that there ought be no problem in having an immediate translation done for free. Oh wait, that might violate the terms & conditions of the contract with Wuhan.
You should cut through the red tape and just talk to God and see why in the hell he created the whole mess in the first place.
Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.

You are right that the virus can't read English but Xiden and Xi are close enough briends (is the term "asshole buddies"?) that there ought be no problem in having an immediate translation done for free. Oh wait, that might violate the terms & conditions of the contract with Wuhan.
You should cut through the red tape and just talk to God and see why in the hell he created the whole mess in the first place.
Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.

You are right that the virus can't read English but Xiden and Xi are close enough briends (is the term "asshole buddies"?) that there ought be no problem in having an immediate translation done for free. Oh wait, that might violate the terms & conditions of the contract with Wuhan.
You should cut through the red tape and just talk to God and see why in the hell he created the whole mess in the first place.
God? Is that your name for communist China?
If he had issued an EO that would have been more effort than the previous president made.
Trump, 1 year, no vaccine, limited masking 417K death toll. Biden, 30 days, vaccine distributed, mandated masking and limited lockdowns 94K death toll. Biden has expended NO effort and 94K per mo. for 12 months equals 1.128M. I think I'll take Trump's policies. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer
Trump's "policy" was that the virus would have miraculously disappeared by Easter 2020.
If he had issued an EO that would have been more effort than the previous president made.
Trump, 1 year, no vaccine, limited masking 417K death toll. Biden, 30 days, vaccine distributed, mandated masking and limited lockdowns 94K death toll. Biden has expended NO effort and 94K per mo. for 12 months equals 1.128M. I think I'll take Trump's policies. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer
Trump's "policy" was that the virus would have miraculously disappeared by Easter 2020.
That would have been fantastic. Alas China made sure this virus was a nasty one.
If he had issued an EO that would have been more effort than the previous president made.
Trump, 1 year, no vaccine, limited masking 417K death toll. Biden, 30 days, vaccine distributed, mandated masking and limited lockdowns 94K death toll. Biden has expended NO effort and 94K per mo. for 12 months equals 1.128M. I think I'll take Trump's policies. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer
Trump's "policy" was that the virus would have miraculously disappeared by Easter 2020.
Trump's policies gave you a vaccine in record time. What has China Joe done. Played Mario Kart in his basement?
100,000 dead since he entered the White House 30 days ago

Couldnt he just issue an EO to ban covid?

While I am certainly not a fan of Joe Biden, this is another case of a president being given credit for something he has no control over.

Many of those deaths were people who were sick or exponsed before he took office.

There is plenty to go after Biden about without making stuff up.

Just like giving him credit for the recent stock market jumps.

He has nothing to do with that.
Covid can't read English...It will never go away and not only that there at least nine known strains in the world and has been for as long as we know.
Have you had your vaccine ??
You should cut through the red tape and just talk to God and see why in the hell he created the whole mess in the first place.

In the above statement it is suggested that you believer there is a "God" and that said entity is masculine ("he").

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