Congress: Joe Biden’s Migration Cuts U.S. Wages and Workplace Investment

If it were not for the brown immigrants your bed and room at a hotel would look like a white kids' room, along with the smell...

Joe Biden’s Migration Cuts U.S. Wages and Workplace Investment​

Maybe it should force down corporate profits for those that hire them?

What about forcing down wages of politicians in Washington? I think all government salaries ought to voted on by the public with raises or cuts in pay based on public satisfaction in the person holding office.
Republicans HATE Brown People

That is why they complain about
Press 1 for English
People talking Spanish in your presence
Hispanic people having a path to citizenship
Indians speak pretty good English so you are wandering in the wilderness
I have nothing against Indians who excel at certain skills

Thats the sort of immigrant we need
I know that many humans that have made the journey to America were no saints or scholars.
I know that many humans that have made the journey to America were no saints or scholars.
In 1900 any immigrant arriving at Ellis Island with a communicable disease or a criminal record was sent back where he came from
In 1900 any immigrant arriving at Ellis Island with a communicable disease or a criminal record was sent back where he came from
If they knew about it. Since there was no border patrol many came and went as they pleased.
Immigrants are a net positive for the country

by like 7 trillion over 10 years

As far as taking jobs, thee are plenty of shitty jobs out there. Most citizens refuse to do them … especially for five bucks an hour
If they knew about it. Since there was no border patrol many came and went as they pleased.
You really are ignorant about history

Every potential immigrant was examined by a doctor rejected if they didnt have a clean bill of health

Weeding out convicted felons was more hit or miss given limitations of the time but they did try

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