congress needs to have the whistle blower testify under oath !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
we need to know who gave this unauthorized individual classified info about the presidents classified conversations with a foreign leader !! and while we are at it Biden needs to turn over his transcripts with China And the Ukraine !! what comes around goes around dems !
The Leaker and the Whistleblower need to be unmasked if this "Inquiry" is to be taken seriously. Otherwise our evidence-based justice system has just been tossed out the window by lawless Democrats.
There are laws that protect a whistle least I think there is. Do you know what those laws are?
It aappears the law is designed to prote t the employyee from retaliation from his/her employer. I believe this would mean that they can be disposed in a hearing without fear of losing their job, assuming they tell the truth.

Let's have this whistleblower interviewed!

"The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(8)-(9), Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report the possible existence of an activity constituting a violation of law, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety. A federal agency violates the Whistleblower Protection Act if agency authorities take (or threaten to take) retaliatory personnel action against any employee or applicant because of disclosure of information by that employee or applicant.[1]"
1. Did you witness the incident / do you have 1st-hand knowledge of the incident?

No?! You can go.....
There are laws that protect a whistle least I think there is. Do you know what those laws are?
Yes I do. Here is a summary it only protects him from adverse consequences related to his or her employment. And the LEAKER is definitely not protected by it since he didn't have the BALLS to bring it forward himself.

The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 was enacted to protect federal employees who disclose "Government illegality, waste, and corruption" from adverse consequences related to their employment.
There has been WAY TOO MUCH anonymous "leaking" and reporting and alleging and even letter writing, ferchrissakes, since this administration took over. It's time people who have something important to say stand on their hind legs and say it in front of the world without a mask on their face.
There has been WAY TOO MUCH anonymous "leaking" and reporting and alleging and even letter writing, ferchrissakes, since this administration took over. It's time people who have something important to say stand on their hind legs and say it in front of the world without a mask on their face.
The Democrats have been leaking like a screen door on a submarine for a long time...which is partly why you have Comey and McCabe recommended tor indictment by the US IG....and Schiff should have been included a long time ago.
There has been WAY TOO MUCH anonymous "leaking" and reporting and alleging and even letter writing, ferchrissakes, since this administration took over. It's time people who have something important to say stand on their hind legs and say it in front of the world without a mask on their face.
Well said. We should all have had enough of these spineless weasels undermining the President and America.
1. Did you witness the incident / do you have 1st-hand knowledge of the incident?

No?! You can go.....

Let them give testimony and the republicans can remind them lying to congress is a crime.
She doesn't know anything. She was repeating or manufacturing gossip.

Itll be like Balsey Ford at the Kavenaugh hearing. Lots of unprovable innuendos with no specifics.

I wonder if this whistleblower will get a GoFund Me?
who ever leaked classified info has committed treason against the US !
Oh, goody. Another political opponent for you Nazi's to kill.
bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa thanks for letting us know that you are starting to realize that the dems have screwed up again !! every time yall start screaming Nazis or racist that means your asses are in a sling ! besides Hitler was a big government totalitarian socialist !! just like the left !
Can't help but feel for Pelosi. She didn't want to encourage impeachment but she was worried about her own position and finally endorsed the hate route. She should realize she is just too old for another round of SOTH and do what is right instead of popular.

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