Congress passes bill to reopen govt, delay resolution of all problems for another 3mo


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
After a two-week shutdown, leftist RINOs in the House and Senate quietly folded as usual, to join the leftist Democrats in funding govt for another three months and raising the debt ceiling till February. At which time we'll go through all this yet again, with nothing really changed.

The tactics for each side are now clear, in case anyone didn't already know what they were:

For Democrats, get their media friends to run a solid barrage of campaign commercials disguised as "news", blaming the Republicans for the shutdown while never blaming Democrats (TV network stories blame Republicans, 21-0, for shutdown, not Democrats | Then after two solid weeks of that carpet-bombing approach, they conduct a series of polls, and find out that, surprise surprise, most people think the Republicans are at fault. Repeat as needed, for as long as the shutdown lasts.

It is clear that big-govt leftists are pretty much guaranteed free rein to keep borrowing and spending without limit for many years to come. Any Republican resistance will be allowed to show itself briefly, and then will fold up and go away at the first actual threat of trouble, leaving the big-govt advocates free to continue unabated.

For Republicans, only recently-elected TEA Party candidates can be trusted to do what they were elected to do (stop the wild spending and wilder borrrowing). RINOs and other such establishment Republicans can be counted on only to melt away like a snowball on a hot stove, cave to the Democrats, and meekly vote their way. So the Republicans tactics are clear: Get the RINOs voted out of office, and elect more TEA Party candidates in their places. If this does not happen, then we will basically have one-party government in the nation for the forseeable future, with debts rising to two, three, or ten times their present ($17 trillion) level.


Sketchy. I've seen a few snatches on TV, amounting to:

1.) Fund the government through Jan. 15, 2014.
2.) Raise the debt ceiling through Feb. 7, 2014. This one puzzles me. I thought a Debt Ceiling was a dollar figure, not a date. Does this mean that big-govt people can now borrow all they want, packing some extra away for a rainy day and exploding the debt even more than it already is, and then must stop doing that on Feb. 7?
3.) Form yet another supercommittee to discuss budget agreements. There is no requirement that this committee actually get anything done or agree to anything. They must report, umm, something, by Dec. 13.
4.) Restore some kid of income verification for Obamacare signups.

Basically the Republican cave-in came too fast for the Republicans to accomplish anything by standing firm, in a Vietnam-war kind of way, where troops bled and died to take territory, only to hand it back to the enemy a week later via "negotiations".

Anyone know any more details on what this "agreement" cave-in contains?
Now they'll negotiate spending cuts intelligently, not by wrecking the economy- experts say this idiocy cost the country 1 per cent in growth- the power and legitimacy of the bs Tea Party has been hurt badly...
To cut deficits, we need a recovery, which the TP GOP has wrecked the last 3 years with phony crises- for example, excess unemployed cost the country 400 billion a year in UE and welfare etc, more than half the deficit now- we need the revenue of them working as well as getting the rich to paytheir fair share- and no that's not communism, just justice, hater
Pass a Jobs Act and immigration reform and complete the recovery, the deficit will fix itself, brainwashed, country last, debt cultists/obstructionists...change the channel.
To cut deficits, we need a recovery, which the TP GOP has wrecked the last 3 years with phony crises- for example, excess unemployed cost the country 400 billion a year in UE and welfare etc, more than half the deficit now- we need the revenue of them working as well as getting the rich to paytheir fair share- and no that's not communism, just justice, hater

Pass a Jobs Act and immigration reform and complete the recovery, the deficit will fix itself, brainwashed, country last, debt cultists/obstructionists...change the channel.

Obama should just go ahead and force business to hire by creating an EO directing them under authority of his office. Make each business hire x number of people based on stock holdings. Even further, Obama should determine which business will hire you. Johnny goes to an engineering firm, Joey goes to work at Walmart, so on and so forth

Problem fixed

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2.) Raise the debt ceiling through Feb. 7, 2014. This one puzzles me. I thought a Debt Ceiling was a dollar figure, not a date. Does this mean that big-govt people can now borrow all they want, packing some extra away for a rainy day and exploding the debt even more than it already is, and then must stop doing that on Feb. 7?

That's exactly the way I read it yesterday. They have "suspended" the debt ceiling. Meaning that they can borrow endlessly until that date. Which comes at the perfect time as Obama Tax is rolled out and associated costs become more clear.

I have a feeling this was the last hurrah on "debt ceiling" talks. The next deal will be to completely nullify a ceiling and allow borrowing power without congressional negotiations going forward.

WWe're going to see economic calamity by 2020. Mark it down.
Now they'll negotiate spending cuts intelligently, not by wrecking the economy- experts say this idiocy cost the country 1 per cent in growth- the power and legitimacy of the bs Tea Party has been hurt badly...

Congress tried that during the Fiscal Cliff debacle. The Dums wouldn't give up their base's welfare bennies, all the while demanding the GOP except cuts to the military and increased taxes. The end result? The Sequester.
Pass a Jobs Act and immigration reform and complete the recovery, the deficit will fix itself, brainwashed, country last, debt cultists/obstructionists...change the channel.

The last Jobs bill, AKA The Stimulus, was a miserable failure.

Immigration reform: Only if it involved more enforcement and no visa quota increases and a SHAMnesty
Pass a Jobs Act and immigration reform and complete the recovery, the deficit will fix itself, brainwashed, country last, debt cultists/obstructionists...change the channel.

The last Jobs bill, AKA The Stimulus, was a miserable failure.

Immigration reform: Only if it involved more enforcement and no visa quota increases and a SHAMnesty
Obamacare: Law of the land and you must respect it.

Border security and immigration law: Feel free to ignore it.

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