Congress Quietly Slips Ukraine Debt Relief into 4,400 Page National Defense Authorization Act

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Meanwhile, 30% of the weapons destined for Ukraine are now showing up in Africa. I'm sure Russia's Merchant Of Death that Biden swapped for the lesbian anti-American Brittany Griner will have a field day with them.

Well there goes another $839 billion dollars down a rat hole.
They are fighting a war for their survival against a powerful nation. Unless the world wants to put their own boots on the ground, they should be supported financially. History has shown that a war in one nation can spiral into a much larger one.

I just wish Europe and others would give more while of course holding those receiving to account for the proper use of said money.
while of course holding those receiving to account for the proper use of said money.
Well, that's kind of the issue, innit? No politician that supports endless funding for Ukraine is supportive at all for appointing an Inspector General to create an audit of where the money is going. The reason for that is simple enough for a child to grasp. This is a money laundering op for Congress members from both parties. I think they know the collapse of the current economic system is at hand and they're filling their pockets one last time.
All of the

Zionist 911 W Fox News "Biden republicans " will vote for ukraine

Because ukraine is the current cause of Zionist fascism
Meanwhile, 30% of the weapons destined for Ukraine are now showing up in Africa. I'm sure Russia's Merchant Of Death that Biden swapped for the lesbian anti-American Brittany Griner will have a field day with them.

Just a few more federal reserve IOU notes for the American taxpayer to have to pay off. Until our American constituency can replace the current DC gang with constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people you will need to work a LOT of overtime or get a second/third job to make ends @ least somewhat meet.
Boy, that 6-11 billion border wall sure seems the Deal of the Day now doesn't it?

The bottom is out of the bucket.
Geez, y'all just don't read any of the news,

it was always KNOWN that Ukraine funding would be put in this bill... Nothing was covertly slipped in for the Ukraine??
Boy, that 6-11 billion border wall sure seems the Deal of the Day now doesn't it?

The bottom is out of the bucket.
The thing I don't like about that is that those reinforced high strength concrete and steel bollards in the wall are 6 inches apart. Just wide enough to pass a kilo of dope between them.

I understand that the border patrol agents out by themselves in the middle of some godforsaken nowheresville desert need to be able to see what/who is on the other side of the wall in order to maintain situational awareness for their own safety. I think we should put killer robots there.

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