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Congress threatens to jail those who don't comply with subpoenas

So what can you do?
Nothing. You can sit your ass down on your couch and watch. Because the dems have the majority in congress, and your hot air means exactly squat.
According to Dems own arguments, they have majority through collusion with foreign entities and abuse of power by our investigative agencies TO MANIPULATE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO REGAIN THE HOUSE THROUGH ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES, therefore according to Hillary's own recorded broadcast comments "the congress is an illegitimate congress and Republicans are still majority of the house. *L* CHECKMATE!
So what can you do?
Nothing. You can sit your ass down on your couch and watch. Because the dems have the majority in congress, and your hot air means exactly squat.
According to Dems own arguments, they have majority through collusion with foreign entities and abuse of power by our investigative agencies TO MANIPULATE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO REGAIN THE HOUSE THROUGH ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES, therefore according to Hillary's own recorded broadcast comments "the congress is an illegitimate congress and Republicans are still majority of the house. *L* CHECKMATE!
View attachment 284524
Checkmate...? Maybe in fantasyland. You are a bit out of touch.
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "
So what can you do?
Nothing. You can sit your ass down on your couch and watch. Because the dems have the majority in congress, and your hot air means exactly squat.
According to Dems own arguments, they have majority through collusion with foreign entities and abuse of power by our investigative agencies TO MANIPULATE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO REGAIN THE HOUSE THROUGH ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES, therefore according to Hillary's own recorded broadcast comments "the congress is an illegitimate congress and Republicans are still majority of the house. *L* CHECKMATE!
View attachment 284524
Checkmate...? Maybe in fantasyland. You are a bit out of touch.
Your still spouting your lies and fantasies.... Now that is funny... Your about to get your ass kicked when we obtain a super majority in both houses and we take out the trash in the swamp!
So what can you do?
Nothing. You can sit your ass down on your couch and watch. Because the dems have the majority in congress, and your hot air means exactly squat.
According to Dems own arguments, they have majority through collusion with foreign entities and abuse of power by our investigative agencies TO MANIPULATE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO REGAIN THE HOUSE THROUGH ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES, therefore according to Hillary's own recorded broadcast comments "the congress is an illegitimate congress and Republicans are still majority of the house. *L* CHECKMATE!
View attachment 284524
Checkmate...? Maybe in fantasyland. You are a bit out of touch.
Your still spouting your lies and fantasies.... Now that is funny... Your about to get your ass kicked when we obtain a super majority in both houses and we take out the trash in the swamp!
Well that's disconcerting.
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "

Schiffs conflict of interest goes much deeper then that.
Schiff might be compromised by Ukraine by way of his Ukrainian American donator to his campaign Igor Pasternak, the founder and CEO of Worldwide Aeros Corp.,who when dealing with Ukrainian some arms technology Schiff magically appeared many times outside his congressional role to pitch to his fellow congress to support military aid to Ukraine, a clearly suspicious appearance of
Qid Pro Quo
Especially problematic now that he set the loose standard that even he can't pass the assumption of guilt through. =clear case of deflection what he has done himself.
The Dems strategy is always to accuse the opposition of what they did to cover up and smokescreen and make it least expected & harder to accuse them.
They mirrored Watergate with spying on opponent's campaign- so Dems say this is like Watergate. -wth?
They colluded with Russia and Ukraine so they blamed the opposition of doing so.
They obstructed the case by recusing Session and Nunez and getting Hillary lawyers through Mueller by way of compromised Rosenstein then obstructed more by not recusing the conflicts of interest Mueller and Rosenstein had and the Hillary lawyers had=who during investigations used foreign entity assistance which now suddenly Schiff accuses as legally wrong, even though it clearly isn't in context of investigating abuse and crime accusations. (otherwise they'd be admitting they colluded with foreign entities when questioning Italy's Mifta and Ukraine and others, to get dirt on an opposition candidate).
So since they are guilty, they deflect their crimes onyo opposition because itcs always been the party of never admit anything, because it's acting above the law, party 1st over nation.
They therefore are the opposite of patriots, they are treasonous, so that too they deflect the label onto opponents. It's the ultimate childish political way of the Dems to say
"I know you are, but what am I"
Hence the only 2020 Dem party logo fitting their strategy is:

Their campaign commercial Video:
Last edited:
So what can you do?
Nothing. You can sit your ass down on your couch and watch. Because the dems have the majority in congress, and your hot air means exactly squat.
According to Dems own arguments, they have majority through collusion with foreign entities and abuse of power by our investigative agencies TO MANIPULATE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO REGAIN THE HOUSE THROUGH ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES, therefore according to Hillary's own recorded broadcast comments "the congress is an illegitimate congress and Republicans are still majority of the house. *L* CHECKMATE!
View attachment 284524
Checkmate...? Maybe in fantasyland. You are a bit out of touch.
Thank you, as you just admitted HILLARY and the MSM which aired it without challenge are in fantasyland and a bit out of touch. You need to pay attention, I used Hillary's standard of reasoning that you admitted was out of touch. Fox news agrees with you, perhaps you need to self reflect what you are saying because you only recognize reality when you think it's deflected.
Checkmate again, care to go 0-3?
Thank you, as you just admitted HILLARY and the MSM which aired it without challenge are in fantasyland and a bit out of touch.
Wow, they're all in jail ALREADY? What is this, your 3rd or 4th victory lap, now? Put down the lotion, give the poor little guy a rest for a while.
Thank you, as you just admitted HILLARY and the MSM which aired it without challenge are in fantasyland and a bit out of touch.
Wow, they're all in jail ALREADY? What is this, your 3rd or 4th victory lap, now? Put down the lotion, give the poor little guy a rest for a while.
Your Ad Hominem response that proved my points about denial and deflection means Checkmate again- that's 3 in a row.....it's like you are doing that Monte Python knight with no arms or legs that doesn't know when to quit act, what are you gonna do bite my shins next or just throw verbal insults to death? :)
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "
Pretty fucking rightarded since there's no law or rule that requires the full House has to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Basing their entire obstruction on that is nothing short of foolish.
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "
Pretty fucking rightarded since there's no law or rule that requires the full House has to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Basing their entire obstruction on that is nothing short of foolish.

I'm so glad that AG Holder set the precedent of telling Congress to fuck off.

Now we can all just ignore this politically motivated circus. :71:
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "
Pretty fucking rightarded since there's no law or rule that requires the full House has to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Basing their entire obstruction on that is nothing short of foolish.

I'm so glad that AG Holder set the precedent of telling Congress to fuck off.

Now we can all just ignore this politically motivated circus. :71:

You can ignore it, but Trump can't. These are legally issued subpoenas and there was no binding precedent set by the Holder case.
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate
White House Lawyer to Democrat Lynch Mob: Trump Won’t Cooperate

". . . Pat Cipollone, the president’s chief counsel, has served legal notice on Pelosi and her lynch party of committee chairmen that the president will not cooperate with an “impeachment inquiry” that is illegal, unconstitutional, and seeks to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

The president, Cipollone wrote, has work to do. That work does not include involving himself in a transparent charade to destroy his presidency.

Illegal and Unconstitutional
In a letter on October 8, Cipollone harshly chastised Pelosi and her three unindicted co-conspirators — Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel — for attempting what amounts to a bloodless coup d’etat because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The so-called impeachment inquiry, Cipollone wrote, “is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process.”

The full House did not vote for the “inquiry,” but in any event the denial of due process is “a fatal defect. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s commitment to ‘treat the President with fairness’ the Committees have not established any procedures affording the President even the most basic protections.”

Cipollone cited leftist leftist Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s concerns about due process when the impeachment target was Democrat Bill Clinton, including “the right to be informed of the law, of the charges against you, the right to confront the witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel,” as Nadler put it.

Yet “all of these procedures have been abandoned here,” Cipollone continued. “These due process rights are not a matter of discretion ... to dispense with at will. To the contrary, they are constitutional requirements. The Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations.”

Trump, he wrote, has the right to attend hearings with counsel, see and present evidence, call and cross-examine witnesses, and object to witnesses and testimony. But “the Committees’ current procedures provide none of these basic constitutional rights.”

Instead, those proceedings have been secret. Like a star chamber.

Nor did the Pelosi posse give Republican committee members the right to issue subpoenas — a standard practice — thus ensuring that evidence contrary to the hate-Trump narrative is omitted or buried.

The Democrats also threatened members of the administration with obstruction of justice charges if they assert executive privilege in testimony or in withholding evidence, a longstanding practice. Even worse, the lynch mob threatened to withhold the salaries of those employees. That violates the employees’ due-process rights.

Schiff’s Role
Yet an even more salient fact is that Trump did nothing wrong in his phone call of July 25 with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he asked to investigate the Biden-Burisma scandal.

“You have resorted to such unprecedented and unconstitutional procedures because you know that a fair process would expose the lack of any basis for your inquiry” Cipollone wrote.

Trump’s call was “completely appropriate,” Cipollone wrote, as the transcript proved.

And Schiff’s public reading of a fake version of the call proves that Trump did nothing wrong, Cipollone wrote. Otherwise, the hate-Trump congressman wouldn’t have had to fake it.

As well, Schiff has a conflict of interest because he played a role in the now-famous whistleblower’s hearsay complaint of August 12 that set off the latest impeachment hysteria. Schiff claimed that neither he nor his staff had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was made. That was false; Schiff’s staff members advised the individual.

Thus, Cipollone wrote, “anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the whistleblower's complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge in the same matter — particularly after misleading the American people about his involvement.”

Reverse 2016
Cipollone rightly concluded that Democrats are trying to reverse Clinton’s loss in 2016 and stop a repeat Trump win in 2020. . . . "
Pretty fucking rightarded since there's no law or rule that requires the full House has to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Basing their entire obstruction on that is nothing short of foolish.

I'm so glad that AG Holder set the precedent of telling Congress to fuck off.

Now we can all just ignore this politically motivated circus. :71:

You can ignore it, but Trump can't. These are legally issued subpoenas and there was no binding precedent set by the Holder case.

Yeah, fuck due process, that is only for DNC, liberal and progressive politicians. Everyone else gets a Star Chamber.

We'll try the fucker in secret so the people and their elected reps. don't see what is going on. The rabble don't have a right to see the evidence or question witnesses.

Fuck them, stoopid rubes.

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