Congress warned that EMP Strike could kill 90% of U.S. population...

An EMP attack would be quickly repaired. The US would not be in the stone age. Much of our infrastructure is already shielded. Cars and devices would be inoperable until the failed chip was replaced. EMP does not go on forever.

To say that an EMP attack would kill 90% of all Americans is a really stupid thing to say. Any car, truck, vehicle, not containing any computer parts would be completely uneffected.
Just thing if the libtard scum finally got us all to accept "smart guns".
Any car, truck, vehicle, not containing any computer parts would be completely uneffected.
Do you understand what you just said?

No, cars would not function. You would not be able to buy gas.

Yes, there would be MASSIVE die offs.

Then the invasions begin.

How will they get here? Swim?

They can't even invade Taiwan because they don't have the ability.
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You know, EMP is a good argument for buying a classic car that is mid 70's or before.

No computer chips are needed for the engine, and in the event of an EMP event, if you have enough warning time, all you have to do is disconnect the battery, wait for it to pass, and then reconnect the battery to the engine.

Anything that is run by computers? Well...............that Hellcat engine you were so proud of a couple of months ago because it's super fast, is now just a large paperweight.

And, another thing you can do to try to preserve your things is to shut off the main breaker to the house.

OK, Einstein, what good is disconnecting the battery going to do?

You don't understand electricity because you were a titless WAVE.
the metro areas fanning out to find food and water?

Let them try ...

I'm not sure the replacement parts would work either Tipsy. It doesn't matter if they're in use, the surge rides the metal itself regardless and it can blow circuits out.

You can destroy a motherboard with static electricity just by touching it...

Admiral Rockwell Tory

Ah good catch, I meant the transformers would be blown >.< Though out of curiosity, what are they using to gate circuits in the step down systems then? Did they swap out all the control boards from transistors... and what do they use instead? Dedicated switches? They'd likely blow out too because they're not meant to handle such a surge. I guess they might be in a nested faraday? I sure as hell haven't seen any of those around Alaska but we're... odd and oft forgotten (or ignored as irrelevant) by Washington. I hear you can make a EMP shield with a grounded galvanized metal trash can though(?) Not something I've looked into honestly. (As I noted in another thread, or was it this one(?), I'm not a prepper heh I'm just a casual "hacker" who diddles with electronic gizmos.)
This is a problem that we need to fix......our reliance on our electrical grid is too important to our survival.....what if North Korea did this for China? They could take out the U.S. and have no repurcussions...

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

"With the development of small nuclear arsenals and long-range missiles by new, radical U.S. adversaries, beginning with North Korea, the threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the U.S. becomes one of the few ways that such a country could inflict devastating damage to the United States. It is critical, therefore, that the U.S. national leadership address the EMP threat as a critical and existential issue, and give a high priority to assuring the leadership is engaged and the necessary steps are taken to protect the country from EMP," the experts told a House Homeland Security subcommittee

How about this scenario.....China uses North Korea to strike the U.S., then uses conventional forces to invade California and the West colonize the now Stone Age United States...if they did this in December....the dying off would be massive...

if that's true maybe you should tell the orange sociopath to stop ranting and raving at NK.


Yeah....that appeasement thing worked so well with hitler...right?
One thing is guaranteed - such an act would result in a massive nuclear attack on North Korea, killing 100% of the population within the borders and beyond. China would not be unaffected, and were it known they were involved, they would face the same annihilation.

They know this.
Like they give a shit.
And the gas pumps....?

It was about 20 years ago, but I have been told that all the gas pumps have a place for a manual crank to be placed to pump by hand.

But even if it didnt, how long would it take about 20 people who need gas to pull the pump off and use a manual pump?

If there is a will there is a way.
OK, Einstein, what good is disconnecting the battery going to do?

I am no expert on this topic, but I have had some training, and as I understand it....
The magnetic wave hits the circuitry causing an induced current related to the strength of the magnetic wave and the length of the circuitry.
The induced current from the magnetic wave would overflow and blow out the battery, melting the lead in it. Too many amps, presumably.

Disconnecting the batter y would most likely stop the current from frying the battery.

But I pity the fool that is the first to touch the chasis, lol.

All this stuff about an EMP attack is over hyped as I understand it.

The Federalis would implement emergency plans as their electrical system was hardened for EMPs a long time ago.

The rest of us could get buy on canned and dry foods, and using personal water filters to treat commonly available water. We have a creek behind our house, that would suffice.

I would not make it more than a year anyway without my meds, so fuck all of you, lol.


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