Congressional Black Caucus Endorses Hillary,Yet No Mention Of Any "Hillary Clinton Accomplishments"

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro::ack-1::cow: By now we have all seen that spokesperson/leader of the South Carolina Back Caucus endorse Hillary, yet even he couldn't think of one "Hillary Accomplishment" to mention during the speech? :lame2:
How pathetic! When any major group/organization makes a national/and or/live endorsement of a presidential candidate, you would expect the person to speak of many of all of his/hers outstanding accomplishments. But not with Hillary, maybe they only endorsed her for the gravy train of welfare checks? Was the spokesperson aware that Hillary enjoys mocking the southern black accent and coughs too much?
What an embarrassment to the Democrat Party!:iagree:

Hillary doesn't need any accomplishments, because if she wins she won't be running against any candidate with any accomplishments.
Maybe the spokesperson had to pee really bad and just needed to hold it in for another five minutes?
They also didn't mention her shoe size....since yanno, this was about an endorsement and not about a list you determined they should talk about from your computer chair
Well, actually they have no accomplishments of their own either. They did show up wearing hoodies one time.
and why wasnt Bruce Jenner and Richard Simmons there standing next to the spokeperson?
The accomplishment was, she defended a criminal. That's all most of the left needs. Criminal supporters, love others who support criminals. Thus Hillary, the most evil politician in the public today, is a perfect fit for the left.
The accomplishment was, she defended a criminal. That's all most of the left needs.

Do you guys go to like, a introduction to accusations class or what? Every one of you guys do the same thing. Talk about imaginary liberals who you know what they want, like or approve.
Well, being able to mock a new york and a southern accent,,,now thats hard! make that accomplishment number 3
The accomplishment was, she defended a criminal. That's all most of the left needs.

Do you guys go to like, a introduction to accusations class or what? Every one of you guys do the same thing. Talk about imaginary liberals who you know what they want, like or approve.

Well if you were educated at all, and informed at all, you would know Hillary's history. Since you don't, that post is the best you could ever come up with.
its so sad,,,even crickets have stop going to her rallies
But the sandy vag is never ending..
did Hillary see Huma naked? that alone is an accomplishment

Rexx, they didn't, but you KNOW better!

She walked out of the White House broke, (ask her, she will tell you) just went and talked, (after her debate performances, pray tell....why did they pay her?) and managed to be worth untold MILLIONS! Now that is an accomplishment, wouldn't you say?

Her speeches had so much profundity in them, she can't let anyone know what she said because it could create massive amounts of prosperity to ripple through our economy.

Is it NOT sort of ridiculous, lol. We are to BELIEVE that these firms paid her MILLIONS to come and give them a speech. And yet, when she gives speeches for free, nobody comes, lololololol. Nothing is going on here, move along-)

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