Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

It makes you wonder how such an anti-American can be any member of our federal government. The Communists hate this country and Constitution, I get that. But to actually suggest writing a bill against the Constitution takes it to higher level of stupidity.

Except is it really against the constitution, Welfare Ray? It's an established tenet of law that you can't claim free speech when you shout "Fire" in a crowded movie house.

If someone instigates a racial incident, should they be held accountable? Frankly, I think they should.

They went after our institution of marriage, they continue to go after our guns, they went after our children, and now they are going after our right to free speech. I don't know why they want to change this country so bad when there are others like what they want such as Cuba, North Korea, Red China just to name a few.
Actually, Germany has laws against Neo-Nazis, and they are just fine with their free speech. (Unless you are a Nazi, but fuck those guys.)
Except is it really against the constitution, Welfare Ray? It's an established tenet of law that you can't claim free speech when you shout "Fire" in a crowded movie house.

If someone instigates a racial incident, should they be held accountable? Frankly, I think they should.

Actually, Germany has laws against Neo-Nazis, and they are just fine with their free speech. (Unless you are a Nazi, but fuck those guys.)
White males are an engine in this nation. There are more than one. Pulling many cars behind it with far too many cabooses who are empowered y stupidity and forced equity quickening the decline of a great nation and think they are the real movers and shakers. Putting groups and false pride within them over human common sense is suicide.
White males are an engine in this nation. There are more than one. Pulling many cars behind it with far too many cabooses who are empowered y stupidity and forced equity quickening the decline of a great nation and think they are the real movers and shakers. Putting groups and false pride within them over human common sense is suicide.
Suicide is rampant.
You might as well have typed “other progressive liberals say”

You might try coming up with sources that aren't lying you. Why do you allow people to lie to you with impunity?

Donald Trump started by lying to you about the size of the crowd at his Inauguration, lied to you about the pandemic and let a million people die, and ended by lying to you about a "stolen election" and trying to overthrow the government.

I used to tell my kids "When you lie to me, you're telling me you think I'm stupid, to my face". When someone lies to you, they don't think you're smart enough to know they're lying. Republican voters seem to demand that people lie to them, and if their leaders or media don't tell them the lies they want to hear, they tune them out.
You might try coming up with sources that aren't lying you. Why do you allow people to lie to you with impunity?

Donald Trump started by lying to you about the size of the crowd at his Inauguration, lied to you about the pandemic and let a million people die, and ended by lying to you about a "stolen election" and trying to overthrow the government.

I used to tell my kids "When you lie to me, you're telling me you think I'm stupid, to my face". When someone lies to you, they don't think you're smart enough to know they're lying. Republican voters seem to demand that people lie to them, and if their leaders or media don't tell them the lies they want to hear, they tune them out.
I posted no source in here…So you are stupid.
White males are an engine in this nation. There are more than one. Pulling many cars behind it with far too many cabooses who are empowered y stupidity and forced equity quickening the decline of a great nation and think they are the real movers and shakers. Putting groups and false pride within them over human common sense is suicide.

Believing the white males are driving the economic engine in your nation and deserve special privileges as a result is just bullshit. Just like your argument that rich people shouldn't have to pay taxes because they create jobs, is the reason why your nation is in the mess it's in. The stranglehold that white males have exerted over the government and the economy hasn't been good for anyone other than rich white men. Not to mention that it completely negates the economic contributions and leadership of women and racial minorities since before the nation was founded.

No there is no such thing as white male privilege at all. Not in the slightest. Yeah right!!!
Believing the white males are driving the economic engine in your nation and deserve special privileges as a result is just bullshit. Just like your argument that rich people shouldn't have to pay taxes because they create jobs, is the reason why your nation is in the mess it's in. The stranglehold that white males have exerted over the government and the economy hasn't been good for anyone other than rich white men. Not to mention that it completely negates the economic contributions and leadership of women and racial minorities since before the nation was founded.

No there is no such thing as white male privilege at all. Not in the slightest. Yeah right!!!

Who wants to round up all short-haired, miserable liberal chicks like Dragon Lady here and ship them to Canada, no return address?

I do

Welcome to the Occupation.​

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.​

Under Jackson Lee’s legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had “inspire[d]” someone else, even someone they don’t know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out “replacement theory” by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to “replace” white people in their native lands.

They're showing us who they really are.

Are you paying attention Normiez?

You'd best believe them.
She should be removed from office based on either her complete ignorance of the Constitution or her choice to ignore it.
The answer is pretty simple to me. Send all the non whites and non Asians back to their own countries.

Then suddenly they are free of racism and America is free of it's racism. Everyone wins.

You're pretty simple to me. Your proposal doesn't end racism. It codifies it and makes it "normal". It's like getting a diagnosis of terminal cancer, and changing doctors so no one is telling you that you're dying.
Sooner or later I knew this dumb **** would say something correct, though in this case unintentionally.

Sooner or later I knew you'd make a completely stupid comment about something I posted, that would have nothing to do with the comments posted. You are nothing, if not consistent in your ignorance.
You're pretty simple to me. Your proposal doesn't end racism. It codifies it and makes it "normal". It's like getting a diagnosis of terminal cancer, and changing doctors so no one is telling you that you're dying.

If someone has cancer what does the oncologist do? Gets rid of the cancer.

So what I proposed is the exact same thing. If America has cancer (ie racism) then you get rid of the cancer.

Your big swing example right there said exactly what I said.

And how does it codify it and make it normal if I recognize the problem and want to remove the problem?

No wonder your post count to reaction ration is what it is. Everytime you say something it's pedestrian at best because you're a contrarian.

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