Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

Believing the white males are driving the economic engine in your nation and deserve special privileges as a result is just bullshit. Just like your argument that rich people shouldn't have to pay taxes because they create jobs, is the reason why your nation is in the mess it's in.

No, the reason our country is in the mess it's in is because we have been under Democrat rule for two years.
That happens a lot. For example, an elected member of Congress put forth a bill banning the Democrat Party :dunno:
Banning a treasonous criminal syndicate rife with corrupt, tyrannical sociopath authoritarians might put an end to a lot of problems that government "solves" by creating bigger problems.
Donald Trump started by lying to you about the size of the crowd at his Inauguration, lied to you about the pandemic and let a million people die, and ended by lying to you about a "stolen election" and trying to overthrow the government.

I used to tell my kids "When you lie to me, you're telling me you think I'm stupid, to my face". When someone lies to you, they don't think you're smart enough to know they're lying.

You make a stupid statement like Donald Trump is responsible for a million people dying, Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government, and then tell us what you told your kids about lying?

Don't worry about giving your kids advice about lying, you should start giving yourself advice about it.
Sooner or later I knew you'd make a completely stupid comment about something I posted, that would have nothing to do with the comments posted. You are nothing, if not consistent in your ignorance.
I mean white privilege IS a bullshit racist concept, so I was commending you for finally saying something correct in your life.

You can retire now, it’s all downhill from here.
So if a white guy in El Paso gets into a fight with one of the many Mexicans who live there and outnumber the white people, and they find that this guy complained about democrats ignoring the border to replace white people, they will charge him with a hate crime? Who keeps voting for these wretched people? Sheila is dumb as shit, yet they keep voting for her anyway. :dunno:

No, they don't. She keeps getting installed by the use of fake votes.

No, the reason our country is in the mess it's in is because we have been under Democrat rule for two years.
The problems we have are the results of regressive, collectivist oriented policies inspired by zealots of karl marx, and keynesian economic dogma for well over a century. Democrooks are largely responsible, but there were plenty of idiots in the GOP that helped it along over the last 60 years.
I believe that most Democrats became lawyers and went to Congress because they don't like American law and went there to change it. They are not very aware of the Constitution so they are frustrated with it. Most Liberal Democrats know practically nothing about the Constitution.

Like DumBama, they studied law and the Constitution to try and figure out ways around it.
Sheila doesn’t much like free speech.

Nor is she a fan of our Constitution.
Nor the country, our history, our prosperity, our sovereignty, our culture, our traditions, our prosperity, morality, virtues and any possibility of success in the future.
Like I said before if the Dem Marxists could genocide 95% of the white population if they would. They want to rule over latin Americans, Africans and Asians.
jackass Lee is just an ignorant black bitch who knows the bill will never get out of committee. It's all just unconstitutional political posturing.

20 Years ago no one would have believed we would have faggots getting "married", tranny freaks of nature grooming children in public schools, a potato in the oval office, or the freaks of nature he has hired to work in government.
You make a stupid statement like Donald Trump is responsible for a million people dying, Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government, and then tell us what you told your kids about lying?

Don't worry about giving your kids advice about lying, you should start giving yourself advice about it.
It's actually terrifying to even consider the idea of that imbecile having reproduced. She is a poster child for government funded abortion on demand into the 297th Trimester.
It's actually terrifying to even consider the idea of that imbecile having reproduced. She is a poster child for government funded abortion on demand into the 297th Trimester.

I don't know what's with her. Maybe it's the water in Commieda or something, but every time she makes a post, it's filled with lies. No matter how many times she gets busted, she continues to do the same thing over and over again. No embarrassment whatsoever. In fact she often repeats the same lies over and over again.
I don't know what's with her. Maybe it's the water in Commieda or something, but every time she makes a post, it's filled with lies. No matter how many times she gets busted, she continues to do the same thing over and over again. No embarrassment whatsoever. In fact she often repeats the same lies over and over again.
It's insanity, along with Weapons Grade Stupidity.

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