Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

Believing the white males are driving the economic engine in your nation and deserve special privileges as a result is just bullshit. Just like your argument that rich people shouldn't have to pay taxes because they create jobs, is the reason why your nation is in the mess it's in. The stranglehold that white males have exerted over the government and the economy hasn't been good for anyone other than rich white men. Not to mention that it completely negates the economic contributions and leadership of women and racial minorities since before the nation was founded.

No there is no such thing as white male privilege at all. Not in the slightest. Yeah right!!!
Look at all the White males today that don’t get to have lower grades and test scores to get into select higher education programs or the white males that don’t get to cry victim at work under the multitude of protected classes.
You wont hear that anywhere but Nationalfile. some people.
National File is an American right-wing blog and news website founded in August 2019.[1][2][3][4] It is known for publishing false or misleading claims about COVID-19.[5][6][7][8]

Its a far right site.

Here's the bill you ignorant ****:

If ingrates like you took a fraction of the time to search for truth that you take to lecture others about "FAKE NEWS" (all while you're the one being fooled by the corporate press), this country would be a more functional and better informed place.

Instead, all you care about is "RA RA RA GO BLUE!"

The stupidity, the laziness, the personality absolutely bereft of any intellectual curiosity whatsoever - I find it repugnant.

Happy MLK

Welcome to the Occupation.​

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.​

Under Jackson Lee’s legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had “inspire[d]” someone else, even someone they don’t know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out “replacement theory” by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to “replace” white people in their native lands.

They're showing us who they really are.

Are you paying attention Normiez?

You'd best believe them.
No chance that will go anywhere. That commie bitch needs to go.
Tiresome dumbass.

H. R. 61

To prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes.

I’ve never had a problem avoiding such. Don’t even have to think about it to avoid said entanglements.

Makes one wonder what y’all are up to in order to lament such a loss of privilege.

It's not about a "loss of privilege". (Man, all you people really are NPCs who all say the same shit. I guess that's what a steady diet of garbage news does to your vocabulary, huh?)

In her deranged brain, it's OK for the Government to pursue someone who committed no crime except to say something online - and then have some other nutjob SUPPOSEDLY act on it in a violent manner.

The Govt. (once again - see Disinformation Governance Board) will define what "hate speech" is, and claim it causes violence.

Remember when the govt. censored anyone who said COVID was created in a Chinese lab? Or Hunter's Laptop was real? Or Trump was not a Russian spy? How'd all that work out? (Actually you're so far gone, you probably still believe all of it was false!)

At the end of the day, this has nothing to do with race; except in the sense that the New Communist Left is attempting to utilize it as a cudgel to divide the populace while annihilating free speech.

What you idiot Lefties do not comprehend, is that if this ever were to pass - you'd be next. The division never ends. There is always someone who can claim to be more of a victim than you.

And the end result is more and more power hoovered up by the Federal Govt., and an evisceration of the Constitution that allows you to visit sites like this and advertise to the World that you're an absolute moron.

Here endeth the lesson.
Here's the bill you ignorant ****:

If ingrates like you took a fraction of the time to search for truth that you take to lecture others about "FAKE NEWS" (all while you're the one being fooled by the corporate press), this country would be a more functional and better informed place.

Instead, all you care about is "RA RA RA GO BLUE!"

The stupidity, the laziness, the personality absolutely bereft of any intellectual curiosity whatsoever - I find it repugnant.

Happy MLK
I have special choice words for people like that

I call them brainless ignorant fucktards

Cause that's exactly what they are

Welcome to the Occupation.​

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.​

Under Jackson Lee’s legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had “inspire[d]” someone else, even someone they don’t know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out “replacement theory” by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to “replace” white people in their native lands.

They're showing us who they really are.

Are you paying attention Normiez?

You'd best believe them.
Mac1958 must be so proud

Sure he will say he doesent support what she’s doing

But as a democrat voter he helps put her in power
Not all people in Congress are fluent in Constitutional law. Some never went to law school, some forgot what they learned there and most of the Democrats don't like the restrictions the Constitution places on them.

Several who never went to law school:

Ilhan Omar
Maxine Watters was a clerk in Civil service before she was elected to Congress.
Authoritarian dick-wad.

H. R. 61

"could, as determined by a reasonable person, motivate actions by a person predisposed to engaging in a white supremacy inspired hate crime or by a person who is susceptible to being encouraged to engage in actions relating to a white supremacy inspired hate crime; and"

"was read, heard, or viewed by a person who engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime"

Who determines if it is, "material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on “replacement theory”, or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group?"

And who determines if someone read it, or if it motivated their behavior?
That you don't understand the criterion it is based on is subjective, or that even if it isn't, it regards first amendment principles?

That you cannot see this is a violation of the first amendment? Is completely beyond me.

View attachment 747990

All subject to the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, dope.
The answer is pretty simple to me. Send all the non whites and non Asians back to their own countries.

Then suddenly they are free of racism and America is free of it's racism. Everyone wins.
This is “their own country”, dope.
But you’ve never believed that to be true anyway. We all know who the “real” Americans are. ;)
It's not about a "loss of privilege". (Man, all you people really are NPCs who all say the same shit. I guess that's what a steady diet of garbage news does to your vocabulary, huh?)

In her deranged brain, it's OK for the Government to pursue someone who committed no crime except to say something online - and then have some other nutjob SUPPOSEDLY act on it in a violent manner.

The Govt. (once again - see Disinformation Governance Board) will define what "hate speech" is, and claim it causes violence.

Remember when the govt. censored anyone who said COVID was created in a Chinese lab? Or Hunter's Laptop was real? Or Trump was not a Russian spy? How'd all that work out? (Actually you're so far gone, you probably still believe all of it was false!)

At the end of the day, this has nothing to do with race; except in the sense that the New Communist Left is attempting to utilize it as a cudgel to divide the populace while annihilating free speech.

What you idiot Lefties do not comprehend, is that if this ever were to pass - you'd be next. The division never ends. There is always someone who can claim to be more of a victim than you.

And the end result is more and more power hoovered up by the Federal Govt., and an evisceration of the Constitution that allows you to visit sites like this and advertise to the World that you're an absolute moron.

Here endeth the lesson.
^Another one lamenting a loss of privilege.
Why would we believe anything posted by this website???? This is why you post so much bullshit.

  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.


Find for me ANY media that is reporting on H. R. 61 in lieu of National File, and we will use that to discuss this topic, otherwise? That is what the forum will use to discuss this issue.


You might try coming up with sources that aren't lying you.

In debate and discussion, when an opponent attacks an adversary's sources as a form of argument, the onus is then on THEM to provide alternative sources, if you cannot provide one, we stay with the original source.
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