Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

Welcome to the Occupation.​

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.​

Under Jackson Lee’s legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had “inspire[d]” someone else, even someone they don’t know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out “replacement theory” by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to “replace” white people in their native lands.

They're showing us who they really are.

Are you paying attention Normiez?

You'd best believe them.
Dems bring this up now to needle republicans
They had no intention of this when they were in power
Dems bring this up now to needle republicans
They had no intention of this when they were in power

No offense, but after the last few years - specifically with the assault on the Constitution they launched in the wake of COVID/George Floyd - I think you're being a bit too nonchalant.

The reality is these people are capable of anything, as long as they think they can get away with it.

And the last few years have definitively proven that.

Look at the divisive poison they emanate on their mouthpiece media day after day after day:

They're trying to get people used to this shit.

They're playing the long game.

And after witnessing just how readily so many were willing to forfeit their freedoms during COVID, I will no longer assume they're bluffing ever again.
That happens a lot. For example, an elected member of Congress put forth a bill banning the Democrat Party :dunno:
Whataboutism, the great deflector of discussion and reason. Do you have any comment about the purposed law or just deflection? :dunno:
Whataboutism, the great deflector of discussion and reason. Do you have any comment about the purposed law or just deflection? :dunno:
You clearly didn’t read my subsequent posts.

Do you have anything to say about the proposed bill or are you just going to gripe?
You clearly didn’t read my subsequent posts.

Do you have anything to say about the proposed bill or are you just going to gripe?
I said as much as you did, why are you griping about me pointing out the obvious about your post?
It wasn't my intention to alter what you said, but you asserted it will "NEVER" get out of committee...

In 20 years it might be the law of the land based on judicial fiat or some other means, and possibly even go through the legislature and be signed into law by President Camacho. Democrooks never let go of their loony ideas.

Yeah, get back to me when that happens.

So show me a country that has no problems at all.
I'd like to see that bed wetter show me a country that FIXED a fuckin thing with the regressive collectivist bullshit dogma he preaches. The only time a collectivist country solves a problem is when they relaxed regulations and allowed people to prosper.

Welcome to the Occupation.​

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.​

Under Jackson Lee’s legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had “inspire[d]” someone else, even someone they don’t know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out “replacement theory” by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to “replace” white people in their native lands.

They're showing us who they really are.

Are you paying attention Normiez?

You'd best believe them.

An open assault on the Constitution on the chamber floor by a politician should result either in her being forced to attend 'Constitution 101' or her expulsion from Congress.

At the very least some politician should have asked for 2 miutes to respond, and said...

'Ms Lee... Shut Uuuuup! I yield back the rest of my time.'
The House and Senate should both have a 'Penalty Box' lime they have in hovkey.

Whenever a politician propses any legislation that would biolate Constitutional Rights,...

If any pitician says something completely stupid (Hank Johnson: 'Guam will TIP OVER')...

If any pomitician propses Socialist / Fascist agenda...

Any politi ian augh adding BS wasteful spending potk into a bill

They should have to go sit in a glassed-in penalty Box on the gloor of Congress - right to the left or right of the front / main desk...have a CSPAN camera focused on the box as well as on the entire floor...and have the cameras running all tbe time.

"Guam is going to FLIP OVER if any more US troops are stationed there? WTF?! MR. Johnon - to the penalty box!'

I'd like to see that bed wetter show me a country that FIXED a fuckin thing with the regressive collectivist bullshit dogma he preaches. The only time a collectivist country solves a problem is when they relaxed regulations and allowed people to prosper.

Every country has some kind of problem, but it's the major ones that need to be focused on like we have now caused by this dementia patient. Spending, the economy, foreign affairs, the border, the stock market, national security have all gotten worse under this party's leadership. I'm not just talking about Biden either. He's only a puppet for the party.

So of course it's not a wonder why they fear Trump so much. If he got in in 2024 he'd turn this country back around within a year depending on the makeup of Congress in the future.
Seems that law would contradict or violate Sec. 230? Also, does it allow for non whites to inspire hate crimes via 3rd party posts on social media?

Hahaha the thing these House Members dream up. I heard the Neo-GOP think they can expunge an impeachment.......again hahaha.
Seems that law would contradict or violate Sec. 230? Also, does it allow for non whites to inspire hate crimes via 3rd party posts on social media?

You obviously don't understand hate crimes. A hate crime is one that is committed against a likely Democrat voter (minorities, gays, flakes and weirdos) so it doesn't apply to people of color.
Nice deflection.
It will not pass. If somehow it did pass it should/would be struck down. There is no expunging of an impeachment in the Constitution, all they can do is pass a non-binding resolution on the matter.

Expunge the two party system.
Every country has some kind of problem, but it's the major ones that need to be focused on like we have now caused by this dementia patient. Spending, the economy, foreign affairs, the border, the stock market, national security have all gotten worse under this party's leadership. I'm not just talking about Biden either. He's only a puppet for the party.

So of course it's not a wonder why they fear Trump so much. If he got in in 2024 he'd turn this country back around within a year depending on the makeup of Congress in the future.
I'd like to see Trump back with a vengeance and purge the swamp this time.

I'm not optimistic though. The GOP seems content to allow the neo-bolsheviks to destroy the country.
Holy cow. This is government overreach on steroids.
If this bill criminalizing white supremacy speech flies, the government can criminalize pretty much anybody they want to criminalize.

It won't fly of course, but be sure that the Democrats and MSM will paint anybody opposing it as being supporters of white supremacy.


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