Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

White Supremacy = noticing Michelle Obama is a MAN named Michael Robinson

Holy cow. This is government overreach on steroids.
If this bill criminalizing white supremacy speech flies, the government can criminalize pretty much anybody they want to criminalize.

It won't fly of course, but be sure that the Democrats and MSM will paint anybody opposing it as being supporters of white supremacy.

This is so they can claim the RNC is racist for the next election cycle. Its pure bull shit, but it will energize the useful idiots of the left.
Holy cow. This is government overreach on steroids.
If this bill criminalizing white supremacy speech flies, the government can criminalize pretty much anybody they want to criminalize.

It won't fly of course, but be sure that the Democrats and MSM will paint anybody opposing it as being supporters of white supremacy.

The Marxists so much wants to get US involved in a civil war. Why else are they stupidly pushing US farther and farther.
Punish superior performance and achievement by calling it racist because uninspired moochers won’t make effort.
That is the sole purpose of the welfare state. Total government dependency. You must punish anyone who wants to excel and exit this dependency, or risk losing those in dependent slavery. Once someone can excel and get out of the slave/dependent roll, they lose control of them.

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