Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

How about we criminalize Negrology? Make it a crime to be an asshole by being a low life welfare queen Negro piece of shit.
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Pushing a bill that won't go anywhere to push an agenda.

We need a bill to make race-baiters like SJL illegal.
No. Her speech, no matter how ignorant or stupid, should be as legal as anybody elses.

But what we need is a responsible independent media that would expose such ignorance and stupidity for what it is.
No. Her speech, no matter how ignorant or stupid, should be as legal as anybody elses.

But what we need is a responsible independent media that would expose such ignorance and stupidity for what it is.

Yes, I agree. I was being sarcastic. I support people's 1A rights without equivocation of any sort.

Agree on the media as well. They're useless and have completely squandered their constitutionally protected right to go from a critical component of a system of checks on power to a corrupted propaganda community for sale to the highest bidder. That transition cannot be exaggerated in terms of its detrimental effects on society in multiple ways and is an utter disgrace.
How about we criminalize Negrology? Make it a crime to be an asshole by being a low life welfare queen Negro asshole.
Um not really helpful Flash--I reject racist comments by Patriots as much as I do leftists-- but I understand the context.

I'm pretty sure anybody supporting SJL's bill or its content would be screaming in opposition to criminalizing anybody opposing speaking out against white supremacy or speaking anything else that they ignore, condone, support however disgusting or hateful.

I would hope all Patriots would condemn criminalizing speech of any sort other than that intended to incite riot or encourage other criminal activity that would personally or materially harm people. Racist or other politically incorrect opinions may be fair game for criticism and contempt, but they should never fall into the criminal category.
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Um not really helpful Flash, but I understand the context.

I'm pretty sure anybody supporting SJL's bill or its content would be screaming in opposition to criminalizing anybody speaking out against white supremacy or speaking anything else that they ignore, condone, support however disgusting or hateful.

I would hope all Patriots would condemn criminalizing speech of any sort other than that intended to incite riot or encourage other criminal activity that would personally or materially harm people. Racist or other politically incorrect opinions should never fall into that category though.
Blacks are the worst racist in this country.
Speech is the expression of thought however. Unspoken, unexpressed thoughts cannot be known.
It's not lawful to scream "fire" in a crowded room where there's no actual fire either. Nothing is absolute.

You know this.
Too bad these low IQ dumbass ghetto Negroes are the main voting block of the filthy ass Democrat Party that is fucking up this country.

Mathematically that is probably not the case.
Add progressive Lilly white allies that believe that Blacks can't make it without them, and maybe.

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