Congressional Summer Recess and news cycle


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
The news about the Hunter Biden payments and the Biden family’s 20 LLC’s together with the latest whistleblower testimony in Congress ought to be much bigger news. But our left wing tilted Main Stream Media — which serves as the mouthpiece for the Democrat Party and the Democrat government — is keeping it as much on the down low as they can.

Timing may be why. I had to make a road trip today and tried my car’s radio. I found some scratchy station talking politics. It was some Hannity affiliate. I hadn’t heard Hannity on radio in many years.

Anyway, I believe his guest was Bill O’Reilly. One of them suggested that this news is getting a slow walk treatment from the MSM precisely because Congress will be on summer recess in just over a week.

The news cycle artists can then try to focus the attention of the American people elsewhere. Made me wonder. Even if the “news” folks don’t point us in another direction, will it matter? Are the American people l, at this point, so inured to reports of political corruption that they even need to have their attention diverted by the media to a less damaging story?

Do we, as a people, actually give a fuck anymore about the prospect that our President might be fully corrupted?
Also, related:

In another effort to distract any of the American people who may be at least somewhat concerned with Brandon’s possible corruption problem, Mark Levin is speculating that the new (and completely expected) Jack Smith indictment against Trump will drop tomorrow.

Don’t look here. No no. There’s nothing to see here. Look over there! Quick!
The MSM's dam of covering up for the Bidens is beginning to break.
NBC reported on the Hunter plea deal falling thru and even showed his terms for release.
The press conference showed how KJP's lies about the WH changing from "Joe never discussed" to "Joe was never involved" with Hunter's business dealings.
The House Republicans smell Biden blood in the water.
An Impeachment Inquiry is imminent....
Here is some good news from the MSM. Looks like those citizens like us complaining and discussing online and writing our congressmen may do some good. Let us help out and e-mail our elected officials in support of lawmakers and the executive branch of government banned from trading stocks.

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