Congressman Alcee Hastings (D) Says $174K Salary Isn't Enough to Live On

Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
Says a paid contributor. We see you are paid minimum wage.
Does your job require you to maintain two full-time residences, one of them in the 4th most expensive city in the country?
They can find housing out in the suburbs. They can rent a place and then have one of their higher paid aides as a room mate to offset the cost of housing. One does what hey need to do based on their level of income. They can take the metro which covers a wide area around DC.... It's called living within one's means.

You're not asking them to live "within their means", you're suggesting that they live within your arbitrary decision of what their "needs" are.

Give me a reason that your feelings on this should be relevant to anyone.
Umm. My discussion is without passion or prejudice. I am simply expressing my expertise with managing a personal budget.


No, all you are doing is making emotional claims as to what you think is "right".

And no I am not asking them to live within their means, I demand they live within their means. They represent US.. They are paid by US. "US" is the rest of the great unwashed masses that are required to.....wait for it.....Live within our means.

You're not making any sense. How are Congressmen currently not "living within their means"?

I find it so hypocritical of you lefties how you scream your heads off about the "wealthy" and how they 'have enough', 'don't pay their fair share', have too much' 'should pay 90% tax rates'...yet, when it comes to politicians, you offer a hall pass.

I find it hypocritical that when it comes to tax increases, 6 figures is "barely middle class", but when it comes to civil salaries, it's somehow supposed to be staggeringly high. You'd have a valid argument if politicians in this country made a thousand times what they make a year now - until then, you're so full of shit your eyes have turned brown.

Go pound sand.
You'll realize you're looking in the wrong place for sympathy.


Who the fuck cares about your sympathy?

Tell ya what, see the Padre on your way out. He'll punch your ticket for you. Get my meaning?

For you to tell me what I mean is not only presumptuous, it is in very poor form...
The "Padre" punching you ticket is a reference to you looking for sympathy for these people. You'll get none from me....Hence you little visit to the Priest. He can pat you opn the head and tell you how he agrees with you.
I cannot believe a person who seems to be of reasonable intelligence would require an explanation....
And now you will reply with some snarky retort. Don't bother. I'm way ahead of you.
Who the fuck says six figures is 'barely middle class".....Look, I don't give a shit where one lives. If the household is grossing over $100k per year, they are well to do....Now, one could take two identical households with identical incomes living in identically priced homes in the same community. One will live well off. The other can be barely getting by. it all boils down to....wait for within one's means.
No public worker ( see wages here. )should make a six figure income. Yet, there are 250 teachers and faculty in my home school district in NJ that gross over $100k per year. That is HALF of the total faculty and administration.....Prior to 2010, Superintendents were being paid in excess of $300k per year plus bonuses plus expense accounts plus housing allowances. The Christie admin listened to tax payers who are completely tapped out, capped superintendent salaries at $190k per year.
You are not going to change my mind. I am not alone in these ideas. Get it?
You may now have the last word.


Why the fuck would I care whether or not you "sympathize" with Congressmen, or whether or not I can "change your mind"? Do you think that your opinion actually means anything?

All I've been doing is asking you to make an argument that doesn't revolve around "they're bad cause I say so, and should make less too", which you've consistantly been unable to do.

I'll ask it again, to make sure I'm being clear.

Can you give me an objective metric in which to measure the merit of a legislator that isn't based on your emotions?
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
Says a paid contributor. We see you are paid minimum wage.
Dipshit doesn't seem to understand the words PUBLIC SERVANT
$174K sucks for an executive salary
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
He may have a point. It costs $47 to park a car at a Nationals game and a round trip metro fare to the game is about $9 per person.
That's why I ride my bike there.
You ride a bike through THAT neighborhood?
There is only one treacherous stretch along the way. The rest has been mostly gentrified (that's the left wing euphemism for hypocritical lefty whites kicking blacks out of the 'hood).
Did he run for office to get rich, or serve the people?

If it was to get rich...

if he is NOT getting rich as a congress critter he is not doing something right, nearly every former politician leaves office a millionaire.
Did he run for office to get rich, or serve the people?

If it was to get rich...

if he is NOT getting rich as a congress critter he is not doing something right, nearly every former politician leaves office a millionaire.

Yup and many go on to become lobbyists who make millions.

They will also be subsidized by we the taxpayer on benifits and retirements.

Tough life. NOT.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage

Sorry. All those Senators, Congressman and those that work in DC think they are better than everyone else.

They are public servants no matter how grand a title theyhave. Why should we taxpayers pay them more. Hell. Add up all those perks along with retirement and payed HC and they are doing quite well.

They do far better than a lot of people. Me included.
You think you are better than me?

You should earn no more than the guy sweeping the Senate floor

Nope. But they think they are better than everyone and the floor sweeper probably makes more than I do.

They are public servants with ego's the size of DC.
They can find housing out in the suburbs. They can rent a place and then have one of their higher paid aides as a room mate to offset the cost of housing. One does what hey need to do based on their level of income. They can take the metro which covers a wide area around DC.... It's called living within one's means.

You're not asking them to live "within their means", you're suggesting that they live within your arbitrary decision of what their "needs" are.

Give me a reason that your feelings on this should be relevant to anyone.
Umm. My discussion is without passion or prejudice. I am simply expressing my expertise with managing a personal budget.


No, all you are doing is making emotional claims as to what you think is "right".

And no I am not asking them to live within their means, I demand they live within their means. They represent US.. They are paid by US. "US" is the rest of the great unwashed masses that are required to.....wait for it.....Live within our means.

You're not making any sense. How are Congressmen currently not "living within their means"?

I find it so hypocritical of you lefties how you scream your heads off about the "wealthy" and how they 'have enough', 'don't pay their fair share', have too much' 'should pay 90% tax rates'...yet, when it comes to politicians, you offer a hall pass.

I find it hypocritical that when it comes to tax increases, 6 figures is "barely middle class", but when it comes to civil salaries, it's somehow supposed to be staggeringly high. You'd have a valid argument if politicians in this country made a thousand times what they make a year now - until then, you're so full of shit your eyes have turned brown.

Go pound sand.
You'll realize you're looking in the wrong place for sympathy.


Who the fuck cares about your sympathy?

Tell ya what, see the Padre on your way out. He'll punch your ticket for you. Get my meaning?

For you to tell me what I mean is not only presumptuous, it is in very poor form...
The "Padre" punching you ticket is a reference to you looking for sympathy for these people. You'll get none from me....Hence you little visit to the Priest. He can pat you opn the head and tell you how he agrees with you.
I cannot believe a person who seems to be of reasonable intelligence would require an explanation....
And now you will reply with some snarky retort. Don't bother. I'm way ahead of you.
Who the fuck says six figures is 'barely middle class".....Look, I don't give a shit where one lives. If the household is grossing over $100k per year, they are well to do....Now, one could take two identical households with identical incomes living in identically priced homes in the same community. One will live well off. The other can be barely getting by. it all boils down to....wait for within one's means.
No public worker ( see wages here. )should make a six figure income. Yet, there are 250 teachers and faculty in my home school district in NJ that gross over $100k per year. That is HALF of the total faculty and administration.....Prior to 2010, Superintendents were being paid in excess of $300k per year plus bonuses plus expense accounts plus housing allowances. The Christie admin listened to tax payers who are completely tapped out, capped superintendent salaries at $190k per year.
You are not going to change my mind. I am not alone in these ideas. Get it?
You may now have the last word.


Why the fuck would I care whether or not you "sympathize" with Congressmen, or whether or not I can "change your mind"? Do you think that your opinion actually means anything?

All I've been doing is asking you to make an argument that doesn't revolve around "they're bad cause I say so, and should make less too", which you've consistantly been unable to do.

I'll ask it again, to make sure I'm being clear.

Can you give me an objective metric in which to measure the merit of a legislator that isn't based on your emotions?
Ugh.....I don't care. You're just being told.
I made my arguments very clear. Simply put, one does their job and gets paid a certain amount. It is up to that person to manage their finances according to their income. That's the definition of living within one's means.
This person took the job for which he was elected. He was well aware of the pay scale. If the job didn't pay enough, he should have sought work elsewhere.
One doesn't get a do over just because they can't control their spending. Not my problem. Not the problem of the taxpayers. Members of Congress are paid very well. Three times the national average. 'Nuff said.

As far as doing their job....The simple answer is to check with the population. Again, you lefties are in love with polling data.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?
$174K sucks for an executive salary
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
That's your opinion. Don't forget that.
$174K sucks for an executive salary
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
What work?.....You guys are the ones complaining that Congress 'doesn't get things done( translated to "doing the bidding of Obama).....So what are talking here.
They are paid plenty. They would be wise to shut their mouths and take what they get.
He may have a point. It costs $47 to park a car at a Nationals game and a round trip metro fare to the game is about $9 per person.
That's why I ride my bike there.
You ride a bike through THAT neighborhood?
There is only one treacherous stretch along the way. The rest has been mostly gentrified (that's the left wing euphemism for hypocritical lefty whites kicking blacks out of the 'hood).
My buddy told me about the Mc Donald's near the stadium where you have to pay a quarter to use the bathroom. The intent is to keep the bums out.
$174K sucks for an executive salary
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
That's your opinion. Don't forget that.

Opinion supported by fact

Look at the campaigns of Carly Fiorino or Linda McMahon willing to spend their personal fortunes for a job that won't pay what they invested to get elected
Did he run for office to get rich, or serve the people?

If it was to get rich...

if he is NOT getting rich as a congress critter he is not doing something right, nearly every former politician leaves office a millionaire.

Yup and many go on to become lobbyists who make millions.

They will also be subsidized by we the taxpayer on benifits and retirements.

Tough life. NOT.
There should be a federal ban on all lobbying by former members of Congress.
There is too much back room dealing. Too many hands in the cookie jar. Too much, "we've always done it this way"...
$174K sucks for an executive salary
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
What work?.....You guys are the ones complaining that Congress 'doesn't get things done( translated to "doing the bidding of Obama).....So what are talking here.
They are paid plenty. They would be wise to shut their mouths and take what they get.

The entire federal government pay is capped by what a Congressman makes. It limits the qualityof exxecutives you can attract from the private sector
They aren't executives. They are public servants. Their salary and perks should be cut in half.
You get what you pay for

If you want to hire $85 k executives, that is what you will get
Ok...And who says money is always THE solution?....These people are barely out of reach of the pitchforks. For a group of people paid so well they are no where near earning it.
Do you really think if the salary was say half a million we'd get members of Congress who do twice as well as the ones up there now?....
HA.....Any other jokes you have?
Money is not the solution at all

Most mega wealthy would gladly take a congressman's position for nothing. Power has its benefits

But congressional salaries also cap Federal salaries. This limits what you can pay executives who actually do the work
That's your opinion. Don't forget that.

Opinion supported by fact

Look at the campaigns of Carly Fiorino or Linda McMahon willing to spend their personal fortunes for a job that won't pay what they invested to get elected
Now how did we get from a Congressman who claims he cannot afford his lifestyle on his salary to mega wealthy people like Fiorino and Mac Mahon....Heck John Corzine spent $60 million of his own money to get elected to the Governor's seat in NJ. Who cares.
Not even close to the point.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

No, congress does not deserve a raise.
I would love to hear a single argument that Congressmen or Senators should be paid less that isn't based entirely on jealousy and emotion.

I know, it's not fair. But if you work hard and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, you can make that much too.

In fact, the only reason you're not making that much is because you're not working hard enough.

The positions we're talking about one has to go out of one's way to attain. They're not positions taken out of necessity: one doesn't become a Senator or Representative in order to put food on the table and clothes on one's back. They are positions of servitude (or at least they're supposed to be).
As I've said, if one really can't live with the pay, then pack it in and go home and let someone who holds the responsibility of office higher than the wages take the position. Realistically, they should receive nothing more than a minor stipend to cover food and lodging and perhaps to cover office expenses. They're not there to earn a living; they're there to serve the interests of their constituents.
At least in theory.
Back in the real world...
So a Representative has equal job responsibilitys as an executive of a company? You have got to be kidding, or is it that you have no idea of what you are talking about?

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