Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants Edward Snowden pardoned by President Trump

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?
Of course not.

Really? Why not? Where does it say he can't?
If he could, we would have been under a dictatoship, long, long ago.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?
Of course not.

Really? Why not? Where does it say he can't?
If he could, we would have been under a dictatoship, long, long ago.

I agree. I'm sure there are people who disagree.

Again, where does the Constitution say he can't? Was it mistake to not have something in the document that says, "Uhhh...the Presiden't can't pardon himself."?

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?
Of course not.

Really? Why not? Where does it say he can't?
If he could, we would have been under a dictatoship, long, long ago.

I agree. I'm sure there are people who disagree.

Again, where does the Constitution say he can't? Was it mistake to not have something in the document that says, "Uhhh...the Presiden't can't pardon himself."?
Possibly, as they thought the system in place might be self correcting to the point, it would never happen and (of course) never has. I do not even entertain it is as a possibility and neither should you. Trump has caused legal scholars and legal scholar wannabes to write articles on the question and as you probably know, there have been some on both sides. Could be a supreme court question, but I doubt it. If you think he can or are willing to argue logically that he could, all you need is a year or so in a night school, law school, get past the bar, and you too can have a job in the Barr Justice Department.
Possibly, as they thought the system in place might be self correcting to the point, it would never happen and (of course) never has.
Never is a long time.

I do not even entertain it is as a possibility and neither should you.
I also didn't think we would ever get to the point where the Congress approves money for a program--lets call it the X99 airplane--and the president says, "'s going to build a wall". Or in a Biden administration, "No, it's going to fund medicare for all" or "Solar panels on every rooftop". Why can he do that? Because he calls it a "national emergency" and presto!!! he can move money from one program to a campaign promise. Tell me that you always assumed this could happen.

Trump has caused legal scholars and legal scholar wannabes to write articles on the question and as you probably know, there have been some on both sides. Could be a supreme court question, but I doubt it. If you think he can or are willing to argue logically that he could, all you need is a year or so in a night school, law school, get past the bar, and you too can have a job in the Barr Justice Department.


Your apathy is fine. And the political reality of there being absolutely nothing that can ever be done to the embetterment of the nation due to the Constitutional amendment process being reliant on unity in a divisive time is well established.

Pointing out that both parties are exploiting loopholes may, one day, result in some change. Some day.
Possibly, as they thought the system in place might be self correcting to the point, it would never happen and (of course) never has.
Never is a long time.

I do not even entertain it is as a possibility and neither should you.
I also didn't think we would ever get to the point where the Congress approves money for a program--lets call it the X99 airplane--and the president says, "'s going to build a wall". Or in a Biden administration, "No, it's going to fund medicare for all" or "Solar panels on every rooftop". Why can he do that? Because he calls it a "national emergency" and presto!!! he can move money from one program to a campaign promise. Tell me that you always assumed this could happen.

Trump has caused legal scholars and legal scholar wannabes to write articles on the question and as you probably know, there have been some on both sides. Could be a supreme court question, but I doubt it. If you think he can or are willing to argue logically that he could, all you need is a year or so in a night school, law school, get past the bar, and you too can have a job in the Barr Justice Department.


Your apathy is fine. And the political reality of there being absolutely nothing that can ever be done to the embetterment of the nation due to the Constitutional amendment process being reliant on unity in a divisive time is well established.

Pointing out that both parties are exploiting loopholes may, one day, result in some change. Some day.
Yes, never is a long time.
If he had done this in year one instead of year 3 after being impeached once and an election process already taken place, it would have been part of the impeachment.
Possibly, as they thought the system in place might be self correcting to the point, it would never happen and (of course) never has.
Never is a long time.

I do not even entertain it is as a possibility and neither should you.
I also didn't think we would ever get to the point where the Congress approves money for a program--lets call it the X99 airplane--and the president says, "'s going to build a wall". Or in a Biden administration, "No, it's going to fund medicare for all" or "Solar panels on every rooftop". Why can he do that? Because he calls it a "national emergency" and presto!!! he can move money from one program to a campaign promise. Tell me that you always assumed this could happen.

Trump has caused legal scholars and legal scholar wannabes to write articles on the question and as you probably know, there have been some on both sides. Could be a supreme court question, but I doubt it. If you think he can or are willing to argue logically that he could, all you need is a year or so in a night school, law school, get past the bar, and you too can have a job in the Barr Justice Department.


Your apathy is fine. And the political reality of there being absolutely nothing that can ever be done to the embetterment of the nation due to the Constitutional amendment process being reliant on unity in a divisive time is well established.

Pointing out that both parties are exploiting loopholes may, one day, result in some change. Some day.
real change law is very slow even if there is agreement by most that it is just. Almost impossible if there is no agreement that it is just, even if it actually is just. See passage of equal rights amendment, still not adopted to the Constitution.
Tulsi Gabbard also wants Snowden pardoned

Tulsi Gabbard also wants Snowden pardoned

Another reason she might not have gained traction. She has certain security clearances and knows how they work and the law regarding classified information and it's unauthorized use, release or disclosure.
There really is nothing to pardon Snowden over. He exposed an unconstitutional, corrupt spy network on the citizens of the country.

We should be asking where we place his statue.
Snowden was just interviewed for the 3rd time by Brian Williams (Williams has a show at 11 ET, 6AM Moscow time, so it's the most convenient)

Snowden says he hasn't requested a pardon from Trump, but he would accept it, and even would accept an offer to work for the US government

he said Reality Winner and other whistle blowers should be pardoned, and that there is "a war on whistle blowers"

when asked if Putin has anything to do with all this pardon talk, Snowden claimed: "I'm not sure Putin even knows I exist"
"i participated in the most significant change in the history of espionage: the change from targeted surveillance of individuals to the mass surveillance of entire populations" - Snowden admits

since he participated in it, shouldn't he by his own standards be brought him and locked up?

Snowden worked on a project to ensure that even if the NSA's headquarters was reduced to ash in a nuclear blast, no data would ever be lost

he later called it a "tragic mistake"
"i participated in the most significant change in the history of espionage: the change from targeted surveillance of individuals to the mass surveillance of entire populations" - Snowden admits

since he participated in it, shouldn't he by his own standards be brought him and locked up?

Maybe we should blame Einstein for
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
without Snowden, America would have just spied on the world without telling a soul

and they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for these doggone meddling kids!
"i participated in the most significant change in the history of espionage: the change from targeted surveillance of individuals to the mass surveillance of entire populations" - Snowden admits

since he participated in it, shouldn't he by his own standards be brought him and locked up?

Maybe we should blame Einstein for
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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