Congressman Raskin - "You Guys Have Been Taken Over By An Absolute Con Man"

He's saying everything the rest of us have been saying for months. Trump is a con man who was a Democrat longer than he's been a Republican. He still holds a lot of leftist positions. He's to the left of both of his main primary opponents, but his supporters reject them and are behaving like a religious cult.

I wouldn't insult religious cults in that way. :auiqs.jpg:

MAGA is a cult-of- personality.

He's saying everything the rest of us have been saying for months. Trump is a con man who was a Democrat longer than he's been a Republican. He still holds a lot of leftist positions. He's to the left of both of his main primary opponents, but his supporters reject them and are behaving like a religious cult.

Yes, Trump is a shitty human and a lying con man. But the destruction slows down under his watch. we vote for the lying con man.

wheeling wv run away.jpg
The thing is, while I will support Trump if he's the nominee, there is ZERO chance that this country, when push comes to shove, that he will be elected president.
It's a damn shame, because fossil Biden would be so easy to beat, by ANYONE else.
doesnt this belong in the rubber room??
Not sure about the thread, but you certainly do.

trump Look in my eyes.png

Look in my eyes
What do you see?
The cult of personality

I know your anger, I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
Oh, I'm the cult of personality

Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality
The thing is, while I will support Trump if he's the nominee, there is ZERO chance that this country when push comes to shove, that he will be elected president.
It's a damn shame, because fossil Biden would be so easy to beat, by ANYONE else.

Biden could be so easy to beat in a race to the ice cream truck.
The thing is, while I will support Trump if he's the nominee, there is ZERO chance that this country, when push comes to shove, that he will be elected president.
It's a damn shame, because fossil Biden would be so easy to beat, by ANYONE else.

Trump said to his supporters 'you'll never see me again' if he loses to Biden​

Biden could be so easy to beat in a race to the ice cream truck.
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.
  • In a June interview, Trump refused to say whether he would accept the results of the 2020 election if he did not emerge the winner.
  • Trump made similar remarks in 2016 when he rivaled Hillary Clinton for the presidency: "I don't think I'm going to lose, but if I do, I don't think you're ever going to see me again, folks," Trump said. "I think I'll go to Turnberry and play golf or something."

Look in my eyes
What do you see?
The cult of personality
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
Oh, I'm the cult of personality
Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality
The thing is, while I will support Trump if he's the nominee, there is ZERO chance that this country, when push comes to shove, that he will be elected president.
It's a damn shame, because fossil Biden would be so easy to beat, by ANYONE else.
If that was true, the previous election wouldn’t have needed to be stolen.
Trump is what you get when stupid people are allowed to vote. That's where America has failed us.
He's saying everything the rest of us have been saying for months. Trump is a con man who was a Democrat longer than he's been a Republican. He still holds a lot of leftist positions. He's to the left of both of his main primary opponents, but his supporters reject them and are behaving like a religious cult.

Joe was a Democrat at one time also. He is a tool of the world government people and is enshrined in the Progressive Socialist Communist Party of America.
As a native Virginian I learned long ago to never believe anything a Marylander has to say.
If that was true, the previous election wouldn’t have needed to be stolen.

I think it's much different now, and the majority of voters will simply not want to go through what will be in store if he was to win.

From the day he takes office, he will be a lame duck, and outside of certain executive decisions, he won't be able to get much accomplished. Why vote for a guy that you know going in he can only serve four years?
Again, I'll back him to the hilt, if he's the nominee.

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