Connect The Dots: Bill's Wife To Be Indicted?????

Hillary has too much dirt on other politicians to be indicted, never going to happen imo.

I'd love to hear your explanation for the two 'dots.'

1. Warren is not Clinton, so I fail to see how Trumps insult can indicate any wrong doing on Hillary's part.
2. Any sane person would see the awful legacy he was referring to was the constant obstruction and gridlock practiced by the right over the last 8 years.

Of course, I can see how the diseased mind of a crazy right winger might try to twist things.
Gridlock by the right?
who's desk was covered with over 800 bills that were just sitting there as he refused to bring them up to a Senate vote?
sorry, but it was the left that caused the Gridlock. If the right didnt vote the way they wanted, they would rather shut down the government than pass what congress sent to them.
Republicans did their job. The democrats refused to.

I'm sick of the lefts lies and propaganda, they need to be destroyed once and for all.

Can we keep one or two- in a zoo, or museum- as a cautionary warning.
While I probably disagree with your politics, your analysis is spot on in addressing the clusterfuck of raw stupidity found in PC's posts. Speaking as a conservative, can we work out some kind of deal where we trade her to your side?

A trade to "my side"? I've been a conservative myself for over 70 years. I was a Republican before many folks on this board were shitting their diapers. I ceased being a Republican on August 9, 1974 when Nixon got on Marine 1 for the last time and flew away into history. I didn't change. The GOP changed and has devolved into some ugly manifestation of the far right. From '74 forward, I've discovered one could been a conservative and not belong to a tribe or herd and be required to prattle the "party line".

Look at my Sig line on my post. I have found profound wisdom in Madison's words he wrote in 1787 about the "violence of faction". Now consider the sum total of the posts you've read on this forum. Does faction bring about any type of harmony and reasonable discourse or does it produce mostly acrimony. Over the last 60 years, it has brought this once great Nation nearer to its fall. If I'm mistaken for something I'm not, then its the other person's poor assumptions at fault. Too many folks get all their exercise jumping to conclusions.

Bottom line that's why I'm an Indy. No organization tells me what to think or what propaganda to believe. 50 odd years ago I took and oath to protect and defend the Constitution. I took that oath very seriously, and within that contract there was no expiration date on that oath. So I just go along upholding the Constitutional principles I was raised with and learned, regardless of the pressures from any bloody faction. To Hell with what others may judge, I'll let My God take charge of that task!
While I probably disagree with your politics, your analysis is spot on in addressing the clusterfuck of raw stupidity found in PC's posts. Speaking as a conservative, can we work out some kind of deal where we trade her to your side?

A trade to "my side"? I've been a conservative myself for over 70 years. I was a Republican before many folks on this board were shitting their diapers. I ceased being a Republican on August 9, 1974 when Nixon got on Marine 1 for the last time and flew away into history. I didn't change. The GOP changed and has devolved into some ugly manifestation of the far right. From '74 forward, I've discovered one could been a conservative and not belong to a tribe or herd and be required to prattle the "party line".

Look at my Sig line on my post. I have found profound wisdom in Madison's words he wrote in 1787 about the "violence of faction". Now consider the sum total of the posts you've read on this forum. Does faction bring about any type of harmony and reasonable discourse or does it produce mostly acrimony. Over the last 60 years, it has brought this once great Nation nearer to its fall. If I'm mistaken for something I'm not, then its the other person's poor assumptions at fault. Too many folks get all their exercise jumping to conclusions.

Bottom line that's why I'm an Indy. No organization tells me what to think or what propaganda to believe. 50 odd years ago I took and oath to protect and defend the Constitution. I took that oath very seriously, and within that contract there was no expiration date on that oath. So I just go along upholding the Constitutional principles I was raised with and learned, regardless of the pressures from any bloody faction. To Hell with what others may judge, I'll let My God take charge of that task!
My bad. I was making an assumption. My apologies.

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