Connect The Dots: Bill's Wife To Be Indicted?????

If our stupid courts would accept conspiracy theories instead of demanding actual evidence, we could have indicted Hillary decades ago

I can help!

OMG.....tell us about Vince Foster!

To make up for the upbringing that you should have been provided, I'm gonna suggest you pick up a copy of Sissela Bok's classic, "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life."

Maybe....just maybe, you'd be less likely to shrug away the dishonesty you both evince and accept in your political favorites.

Or not.
If our stupid courts would accept conspiracy theories instead of demanding actual evidence, we could have indicted Hillary decades ago

I can help!

OMG.....tell us about Vince Foster!

To make up for the upbringing that you should have been provided, I'm gonna suggest you pick up a copy of Sissela Bok's classic, "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life."

Maybe....just maybe, you'd be less likely to shrug away the dishonesty you both evince and accept in your political favorites.

Or not.

Why don't you cut and paste the best parts for us?

If our stupid courts would accept conspiracy theories instead of demanding actual evidence, we could have indicted Hillary decades ago

I can help!

OMG.....tell us about Vince Foster!

To make up for the upbringing that you should have been provided, I'm gonna suggest you pick up a copy of Sissela Bok's classic, "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life."

Maybe....just maybe, you'd be less likely to shrug away the dishonesty you both evince and accept in your political favorites.

Or not.

Why don't you cut and paste the best parts for us?


Does something in the cut and paste format mean it is untrue?


Then, your perseveration merely means you can't deny the truth presented, doesn't it.
It's an attack on mindless GOP obstruction and resultant DC disfunction, and the W catastrophe, duh. Bill is a Dem duh.

So sorry.
The concepts in this thread are beyond your limited ability....come back when the conversation gets around to monster trucks.
just so i'm clear here - does the op really mean to insinuate that trump insulting warren and bill clinton chastising the republican congress means that hillary clinton is going to jail?
How could he be chastising the Republicans? Obama got everything he wanted. Obama owns this economy.
Does something in the cut and paste format mean it is untrue?
When you C&P, Chica, and come up with the type of horseshit like your OP for this thread, OH HELL YES, there is a 99.9% chance of thoroughbred HORSESHIT lacking in truth!

You're extrapolating from data not in evidence and assuming it to be something it's not. Has Obama been in office for eight years at this time? NO! Was Clinton 41 talking about the state of the economy since the Bush 43 induced economic crash eight years ago that has devastated the economy for so long? YES!

Chica, your failed turds smeared across this forum stink to high heaven!

Poor, poor Republicans

Can't convince the courts to believe their conspiracy theories about Hillary

What's the matter........Fox viewers believe it
just so i'm clear here - does the op really mean to insinuate that trump insulting warren and bill clinton chastising the republican congress means that hillary clinton is going to jail?
How could he be chastising the Republicans? Obama got everything he wanted. Obama owns this economy.
He got nothing but ACA and a tiny tax hike on the rich.
just so i'm clear here - does the op really mean to insinuate that trump insulting warren and bill clinton chastising the republican congress means that hillary clinton is going to jail?
How could he be chastising the Republicans? Obama got everything he wanted. Obama owns this economy.
He got nothing but ACA and a tiny tax hike on the rich.
He got everything look it up.

Astounding how they need to find some excuse for the most inept President in this nation's history.

Even Obama must look at the endless list of his failed endeavors and laugh at the dolts who actually accepted this sort of performance....and voted for it.
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Now....after the unbroken list of domestic and foreign policy failures by Obama the Democrat....why would you gleefully look forward to more of same via Bill's wife???

Why do you hate your country?
Why do you hate your country? If you believe that one human is more noble than another human and plays the same political games?

Many RWers worship rich people for the money they have accumulated. They equate a large bank account with nobility. There is nothing noble about the way Trump conducts himself in public. If he was poor and acted that way in any bar in America he would be thrown out on the street.

Now these superficial twits believe if one does NOT worship wealthy people that they must hate America. The values these cretins stand for are disgusting.

1. "Many RWers worship rich people..."


Or is the source your fevered imagination....and resentment of any who have outpaced you in life?

2. What is amusing is that only Leftists such as yourself imbued their political candidate with deification.
Remember all the Liberals who claimed Obama was God, Jesus, whatever...and demanded his worship?
How'd that work out?
He is the most abject failure in our history.....which suggests you are the same.

Only sarcastic right wing idiots referred to him that way.

the fact that she can't post a single sentence without using the term "leftists" disqualifies her from any opinion she might want to offer.
No, it does not. However, the fact that she is a fucking nut does.
If our stupid courts would accept conspiracy theories instead of demanding actual evidence, we could have indicted Hillary decades ago

I can help!

OMG.....tell us about Vince Foster!

To make up for the upbringing that you should have been provided, I'm gonna suggest you pick up a copy of Sissela Bok's classic, "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life."

Maybe....just maybe, you'd be less likely to shrug away the dishonesty you both evince and accept in your political favorites.

Or not.

Why don't you cut and paste the best parts for us?


Does something in the cut and paste format mean it is untrue?


Then, your perseveration merely means you can't deny the truth presented, doesn't it.

Heh heh heh heh....
Hillary has too much dirt on other politicians to be indicted, never going to happen imo.

I'd love to hear your explanation for the two 'dots.'

1. Warren is not Clinton, so I fail to see how Trumps insult can indicate any wrong doing on Hillary's part.
2. Any sane person would see the awful legacy he was referring to was the constant obstruction and gridlock practiced by the right over the last 8 years.

Of course, I can see how the diseased mind of a crazy right winger might try to twist things.
Gridlock by the right?
who's desk was covered with over 800 bills that were just sitting there as he refused to bring them up to a Senate vote?
sorry, but it was the left that caused the Gridlock. If the right didnt vote the way they wanted, they would rather shut down the government than pass what congress sent to them.
Republicans did their job. The democrats refused to.
Does something in the cut and paste format mean it is untrue?
When you C&P, Chica, and come up with the type of horseshit like your OP for this thread, OH HELL YES, there is a 99.9% chance of thoroughbred HORSESHIT lacking in truth!

You're extrapolating from data not in evidence and assuming it to be something it's not. Has Obama been in office for eight years at this time? NO! Was Clinton 41 talking about the state of the economy since the Bush 43 induced economic crash eight years ago that has devastated the economy for so long? YES!

Chica, your failed turds smeared across this forum stink to high heaven!

While I probably disagree with your politics, your analysis is spot on in addressing the clusterfuck of raw stupidity found in PC's posts. Speaking as a conservative, can we work out some kind of deal where we trade her to your side?

My favorite comments from PC is when she cites herself. Ha ha ha!
Hillary has too much dirt on other politicians to be indicted, never going to happen imo.

I'd love to hear your explanation for the two 'dots.'

1. Warren is not Clinton, so I fail to see how Trumps insult can indicate any wrong doing on Hillary's part.
2. Any sane person would see the awful legacy he was referring to was the constant obstruction and gridlock practiced by the right over the last 8 years.

Of course, I can see how the diseased mind of a crazy right winger might try to twist things.
Gridlock by the right?
who's desk was covered with over 800 bills that were just sitting there as he refused to bring them up to a Senate vote?
sorry, but it was the left that caused the Gridlock. If the right didnt vote the way they wanted, they would rather shut down the government than pass what congress sent to them.
Republicans did their job. The democrats refused to.
Right. Thank god for Republican "obstruction".
Hillary has too much dirt on other politicians to be indicted, never going to happen imo.

I'd love to hear your explanation for the two 'dots.'

1. Warren is not Clinton, so I fail to see how Trumps insult can indicate any wrong doing on Hillary's part.
2. Any sane person would see the awful legacy he was referring to was the constant obstruction and gridlock practiced by the right over the last 8 years.

Of course, I can see how the diseased mind of a crazy right winger might try to twist things.
Gridlock by the right?
who's desk was covered with over 800 bills that were just sitting there as he refused to bring them up to a Senate vote?
sorry, but it was the left that caused the Gridlock. If the right didnt vote the way they wanted, they would rather shut down the government than pass what congress sent to them.
Republicans did their job. The democrats refused to.

I'm sick of the lefts lies and propaganda, they need to be destroyed once and for all.

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