Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

You do realize it takes quite a bit of training to fire an anti-aircraft gun, right? Not that she actually fired it.

the viet coolies load it and aim it

all Fonda has to do is pull the trigger and an American air crew dies or gets captured

she’s a charming little bitch, aint she?
et you and those who share your views don't defend Carno like you do Fonda, Kapernick, Dixie Chicks now just the Chicks or pretty much any other liberal who gets on the wrong end of this cancel culture shit when they pop off without thinking. Personally I am sick of this cancel culture bullshit and trying to destroy someone for daring to express and opinion or viewpoint you don't like someone wants to cast Jane Fonda in a movie fine you want to buy music from the Chicks as they are now called be my guest if there is some team that wants to take a chance on Kapernick go for it I'm not going to start a boycott or protest over any of it. I wish more people would stand up and tell these cancel culture mobs to fuck off no matter who they are going after.

You sound like the guy who whines about the snowball fight after you get the snowballs thrown at you.

Because it’s a political witch hunt. The mayor and DA are all corrupt shills who caved to the lynch mob.

Okay... Yes, clearly the mob, the mayor, the DA, everyone who took the tape, and the coroner, all of whom ruled it a homicide are in the wrong...

Do you get equally "disappointed" when someone makes the sign of the cross before going into a boxing ring or an octagon? Or do you just have an issue with Little Timmy Whitebread?

Oh, lord, let me beat this other person senseless.

Little Timmy was the one who made an issue of his sky man being invested in a football game.

the viet coolies load it and aim it

all Fonda has to do is pull the trigger and an American air crew dies or gets captured

she’s a charming little bitch, aint she?

Except she didn't fire it and there wasn't an active air raid going on at the time.

The reason why they were firing that gun is we kept bombing their schools and hospitals.
Okay... Yes, clearly the mob, the mayor, the DA, everyone who took the tape, and the coroner, all of whom ruled it a homicide are in the wrong...
Just like the Trayvon Martin case, yes.
Oh, lord, let me beat this other person senseless.

The only thing you beat senseless is your dick, dipshit...

Little Timmy was the one who made an issue of his sky man being invested in a football game.

He never made it an issue. He never said "Everyone look at me while I genuflect in prayer to God almighty."

He just quietly did it.

It was dipshit little fucks like you who decided your vaginas hurt because of it...
Just like the Trayvon Martin case, yes.

You mean the first time they fucked up a case?

Sorry, man, no one is going to let Chauven off because they'll burn down the city if the do.

He never made it an issue. He never said "Everyone look at me while I genuflect in prayer to God almighty."

He just quietly did it.

It was dipshit little fucks like you who decided your vaginas hurt because of it...

Actually, it just resulted in a lot of mockery because he so trivialized his faith.

Just like the Trayvon Martin case, yes.

You mean the first time they fucked up a case?

Sorry, man, no one is going to let Chauven off because they'll burn down the city if the do.

He never made it an issue. He never said "Everyone look at me while I genuflect in prayer to God almighty."

He just quietly did it.

It was dipshit little fucks like you who decided your vaginas hurt because of it...

Actually, it just resulted in a lot of mockery because he so trivialized his faith.

Those mocking him are the ones who trivialized it, but I wouldn't expect an ignoramus to realize that...
The biggest example of right wing cancel culture were the red scares and Joe McCarthy.

Both wings are off the same bird. That is why it is best not to be a part of any wing and use your own logical thinking skills and what is best for freedom and liberty for all. All we all really want is to just be left alone and live our lives the way we want as long as we aren't hurting others.
Freedom and liberty for all is a work in progress that only exists because busybodies and agitators can't just selfishly mind their own business while others get trampled. It's messy, arbitrary, often petty but in the end these social conflicts have to happen for the operating system of society to remain strong.
Agitator's are alright if there cause is just. Domestic terrorist like Antifa and Black Lives Matter are not acceptable.
While I don't share his beliefs, Tim Tebow was vilified by the left for kneeling in silent prayer. No more disruptive than anything Kaepernick did, the act was considered intolerant and outright disgusting by the shit-stained left.

Except nobody insisted on firing him.

Tebow knelt in an act of silent, personal prayer. Kapernick knelt in an act of public defiance. The left looked at Tebow as some sort zealot and at Kaepernick as some sort of hero. Kapernick is no hero and Tebow is no zealot, yet only the act of one of them is acceptable to the dumbfucks who inhabit the left...

Kapernick kneeled because he lives in a country where police can murder people like him, with no consequences. That's kind of a big deal.

Tebow kneeled because he thinks his Imaginary Friend in the Sky is invested in him winning a football game.

Frankly, I've always wondered about a God who really is invested in who wins a football game but could care less about starving children in Africa.

It kind of trivializes your God, doesn't it?

How many times does your ignorant ass have to be told that the no talent bitch Kraperlimpdick was only crying because the team told him he wasn’t going to start. As revealed by his teammates who thought him a crybaby. Here’s an idea. Leave the country. Nobody will miss you.

He can take his Barry Sotoro Fro over to North Korea.
Your problem is not with the expression, it is with the opinion.

No, I have a problem with the hypocrisy.

The idiot left vilifies Tebow for kneeling for his beliefs, yet they praise Kaepernick for doing the same.

It's no more complicated than that...

Tebow made a show of his faith. The BIBLE, the same BIBLE you and Tebow are supposed to be following clearly labels Tebow's actions hypocrisy.

First, dipshit, I don't believe the Bible is anything but a barely readable book, and nothing more. I don not subscribe to its teachings, so you only put your ignorance on display by saying it's the "same Bible" I'm supposed to be following.

Second, his display was no different than a ballplayer who signs the cross across his chest as he steps to the plate or a boxer as he enters the ring.

Why are those displays of faith okay?

I said I was disappointed in his hypocrisy. You on the other hand clearly support and embrace hypocrisy.

Those who denegrate Tebow and support Kaepernick are ignorant little hypocrites...

And, of course, this is yet another imagined injury "conservatives" whine about.

No injury at all...

So why don't you tell us why you are so heavily in favor of murdering innocent, unarmed Black men? Is it a sexual thrill?

Where in the fuck did you get the impression that I'm in favor of murdering innocent, unarmed black men? What an absolutely ridiculously ignorant thing to suggest.

Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns...
Your problem is not with the expression, it is with the opinion.

No, I have a problem with the hypocrisy.

The idiot left vilifies Tebow for kneeling for his beliefs, yet they praise Kaepernick for doing the same.

It's no more complicated than that...

Tebow made a show of his faith. The BIBLE, the same BIBLE you and Tebow are supposed to be following clearly labels Tebow's actions hypocrisy.

First, dipshit, I don't believe the Bible is anything but a barely readable book, and nothing more. I don not subscribe to its teachings, so you only put your ignorance on display by saying it's the "same Bible" I'm supposed to be following.

Second, his display was no different than a ballplayer who signs the cross across his chest as he steps to the plate or a boxer as he enters the ring.

Why are those displays of faith okay?

I said I was disappointed in his hypocrisy. You on the other hand clearly support and embrace hypocrisy.

Those who denegrate Tebow and support Kaepernick are ignorant little hypocrites...

And, of course, this is yet another imagined injury "conservatives" whine about.

No injury at all...

So why don't you tell us why you are so heavily in favor of murdering innocent, unarmed Black men? Is it a sexual thrill?

Where in the fuck did you get the impression that I'm in favor of murdering innocent, unarmed black men? What an absolutely ridiculously ignorant thing to suggest.

Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns...

If, little one, you are not opposed to murdering Black men then you are by definition in favor of murdering Black men.
There is no middle ground as in "well, i think murdering Black men might not be ok except when it is ok."
And given your attitude you are indeed heavily in favor of murdering Black men.


As noted, you objection here is not over what Kaepernick did but WHY he did it. You hate the opinion and therefore hate the man.
That is you little one. A racist hate monger.
Live with it.

Do you drink a lot often?
Those mocking him are the ones who trivialized it, but I wouldn't expect an ignoramus to realize that...

No, actually, guy, what trivialized it was that you think that the most important thing your Magic Sky Fairy has to do in the world is make sure that a team wins a football game.

He can't be bothered to cure AIDS or help starving children in Africa, but man, he's going to make sure that Tebow wins that game because Tebow prays in the End Zone.

So, yes, it is open to mockery.
No, actually, guy, what trivialized it was that you think that the most important thing your Magic Sky Fairy has to do in the world is make sure that a team wins a football game.

You're a fucking retard.

Do you know what "agnostic" is, dipshit? Go educate yourself because, right now, all you're doing is making yourself look really, really stupid...

He can't be bothered to cure AIDS or help starving children in Africa, but man, he's going to make sure that Tebow wins that game because Tebow prays in the End Zone.

Last I checked, Tebow's not a doctor or a researcher. Ergo, the likelihood of him curing anything is nil. See, if you weren't mentally retarded, you would know that...

So, yes, it is open to mockery.

Only from pointy-headed non-thinking retards like you.

As for what Tebow does as far as charitable work, happy reading, asshole: How the Tim Tebow Foundation Helps | TTF Stories

I have absolutely no doubt that you will foolishly attempt to diminish and demean everything on that site, but he's doing a fuck of a lot more than you are, so when criticize him for what "he can't be bothered with", you only make yourself look stupid, ignorant and retarded...
You're a fucking retard.

Do you know what "agnostic" is, dipshit? Go educate yourself because, right now, all you're doing is making yourself look really, really stupid...

Who said I was talking about you personally? Your reading comprehension skills seem kind of poor.

Last I checked, Tebow's not a doctor or a researcher. Ergo, the likelihood of him curing anything is nil. See, if you weren't mentally retarded, you would know that...

Um, go back and read what I said... I wasn't asking why Tebow doesn't do that, I asked why GOD doesn't do that. I mean, God can rig a football game but can't cure a plague or a famine?

Only from pointy-headed non-thinking retards like you.

Uh, no, guy, the idea that you need to pray to a Sky Pixie to win a football game is kind of silly. That's why he gets mocked.
Just like the Trayvon Martin case, yes.

You mean the first time they fucked up a case?

Sorry, man, no one is going to let Chauven off because they'll burn down the city if the do.

He never made it an issue. He never said "Everyone look at me while I genuflect in prayer to God almighty."

He just quietly did it.

It was dipshit little fucks like you who decided your vaginas hurt because of it...

Actually, it just resulted in a lot of mockery because he so trivialized his faith.

Those mocking him are the ones who trivialized it, but I wouldn't expect an ignoramus to realize that...

Joey isn't an ignoramus. Joey is an ignoranus.
Have you stopped sucking little boy dicks yet

Vile and against usmb rules.

Stupid pig.
Was the post to which I was responding against the rules?
If not, why not?
If not then why are you complaining to me.
I simply responded. I didn't initiate the accusations.
complain to the mods.
The one that is deleted which inferred that a poster was into pedophilia. You can't that stupid that you couldn't tell or maybe you are a disgusting piece of filth, I don't know.
Have you stopped sucking little boy dicks yet

Vile and against usmb rules.

Stupid pig.
Was the post to which I was responding against the rules?
If not, why not?
If not then why are you complaining to me.
I simply responded. I didn't initiate the accusations.
complain to the mods.
The one that is deleted which inferred that a poster was into pedophilia. You can't that stupid that you couldn't tell or maybe you are a disgusting piece of filth, I don't know.
I'm only responding so more folks will get to read your glorious words.

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