Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

I think the success of movies like "9 to 5" that starred Jane Fonda, showed that it was illegal for studios to not cast her as much as they should have.
They would not have taken any financial hit.

I think that actually Fonda's politics would instead of increased the revenue of Fonda movies.

Would it have, though? Again, it's a matter of where on the time line you show up.

During the 1970s, the backlash hadn't quite hit yet. Most people were just glad Vietnam was over, the hippies all got jobs and haircuts, Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft resistors. It seemed like we were putting the nightmare behind us.

Then the historical revisionism began. You had movies like First Blood and Missing in Action, which began the "Stabbed in the Back" myth of Vietnam. We weren't defeated, we were stabbed in the back by the hippies and Jane Fonda. Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause, and people thought he was nuts for saying it, during the 1980 campaign. But turned out to resonate with people who just didn't want to admit America could lose a war. (Even a completely pointless war we were lied into getting into).

So in the midst of this, you saw Jane Fonda's fortunes decline in the kinds of movies she was getting. Part of it was that she only wanted to do serious films with a message, which kind of limited her, but part of it was Hollywood realizing she was box office toxic.

Her first movie after Golden Pond was "Rollover" 1981. It lost money, only making 10 million on a 16 million budget.

Her next big movie after that was Agnes of God (1985) It made $25MM on a $10MM budget. Not a loss totally, but not stellar. People in Hollywood were realizing her name was toxic because people resented her activism. A common T-shirt I saw in the 1980's 'Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales".

Her next movie was "The Morning After" (1986). Again, made 25MM on a 10MM budget.

Her last movie before she "retired" was Old Gringo. Made 3 million on a 35MM budget.

Again, if you're going to constantly whine about me calling you a liar and want to report me for it you might start out with the obvious: DON'T LIE...

I didn't report you for your childish name-calling. I reported you on accusing me of crimes. That's against forum rules.

Ah, yes, drag those goal posts! Glad to see you finally admit that Fonda's most successful movie (nominated for an Oscar) was in 1981!

She didn't "stop acting" in 1990, you lackwit...she married Ted Turner and retired.

See the discussion above, Ditchweed. After Golden Pond, she made a series of bombs because in the Reagan Era of bullshit patriotism, her brand became toxic.
Would it have, though? Again, it's a matter of where on the time line you show up.

During the 1970s, the backlash hadn't quite hit yet. Most people were just glad Vietnam was over, the hippies all got jobs and haircuts, Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft resistors. It seemed like we were putting the nightmare behind us.

Then the historical revisionism began. You had movies like First Blood and Missing in Action, which began the "Stabbed in the Back" myth of Vietnam. We weren't defeated, we were stabbed in the back by the hippies and Jane Fonda. Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause, and people thought he was nuts for saying it, during the 1980 campaign. But turned out to resonate with people who just didn't want to admit America could lose a war. (Even a completely pointless war we were lied into getting into).

So in the midst of this, you saw Jane Fonda's fortunes decline in the kinds of movies she was getting. Part of it was that she only wanted to do serious films with a message, which kind of limited her, but part of it was Hollywood realizing she was box office toxic.

Her first movie after Golden Pond was "Rollover" 1981. It lost money, only making 10 million on a 16 million budget.

Her next big movie after that was Agnes of God (1985) It made $25MM on a $10MM budget. Not a loss totally, but not stellar. People in Hollywood were realizing her name was toxic because people resented her activism. A common T-shirt I saw in the 1980's 'Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales".

Her next movie was "The Morning After" (1986). Again, made 25MM on a 10MM budget.

Her last movie before she "retired" was Old Gringo. Made 3 million on a 35MM budget.

I'm not sure which would be funnier: The fact that you're so well versed in the increasingly failing career of Jane Fonda or that you wasted time on Google looking up so much shit that no one really gives a fuck about...

I didn't report you for your childish name-calling. I reported you on accusing me of crimes. That's against forum rules.

I see.

So you take the position that it's okay stealing from an employer; which tacitly identifies you as a thief, and then you want to whine because I point that out?

You really are a delicate little flower, aren't you?

See the discussion above, Ditchweed. After Golden Pond, she made a series of bombs because in the Reagan Era of bullshit patriotism, her brand became toxic.

Yes, it did. People were sick and tired of her anti-American rhetoric.

I did find it particularly satisfying that the bitch had to play a Republican in "The Butler" in order to get a paycheck...
Would it have, though? Again, it's a matter of where on the time line you show up.

During the 1970s, the backlash hadn't quite hit yet. Most people were just glad Vietnam was over, the hippies all got jobs and haircuts, Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft resistors. It seemed like we were putting the nightmare behind us.

Then the historical revisionism began. You had movies like First Blood and Missing in Action, which began the "Stabbed in the Back" myth of Vietnam. We weren't defeated, we were stabbed in the back by the hippies and Jane Fonda. Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause, and people thought he was nuts for saying it, during the 1980 campaign. But turned out to resonate with people who just didn't want to admit America could lose a war. (Even a completely pointless war we were lied into getting into).

So in the midst of this, you saw Jane Fonda's fortunes decline in the kinds of movies she was getting. Part of it was that she only wanted to do serious films with a message, which kind of limited her, but part of it was Hollywood realizing she was box office toxic.

Her first movie after Golden Pond was "Rollover" 1981. It lost money, only making 10 million on a 16 million budget.

Her next big movie after that was Agnes of God (1985) It made $25MM on a $10MM budget. Not a loss totally, but not stellar. People in Hollywood were realizing her name was toxic because people resented her activism. A common T-shirt I saw in the 1980's 'Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales".

Her next movie was "The Morning After" (1986). Again, made 25MM on a 10MM budget.

Her last movie before she "retired" was Old Gringo. Made 3 million on a 35MM budget.

I'm not sure which would be funnier: The fact that you're so well versed in the increasingly failing career of Jane Fonda or that you wasted time on Google looking up so much shit that no one really gives a fuck about...

I didn't report you for your childish name-calling. I reported you on accusing me of crimes. That's against forum rules.

I see.

So you take the position that it's okay stealing from an employer; which tacitly identifies you as a thief, and then you want to whine because I point that out?

You really are a delicate little flower, aren't you?

See the discussion above, Ditchweed. After Golden Pond, she made a series of bombs because in the Reagan Era of bullshit patriotism, her brand became toxic.

Yes, it did. People were sick and tired of her anti-American rhetoric.

I did find it particularly satisfying that the bitch had to play a Republican in "The Butler" in order to get a paycheck...
With all due respect you are insulting.


Would it have, though? Again, it's a matter of where on the time line you show up.

During the 1970s, the backlash hadn't quite hit yet. Most people were just glad Vietnam was over, the hippies all got jobs and haircuts, Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft resistors. It seemed like we were putting the nightmare behind us.

Then the historical revisionism began. You had movies like First Blood and Missing in Action, which began the "Stabbed in the Back" myth of Vietnam. We weren't defeated, we were stabbed in the back by the hippies and Jane Fonda. Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause, and people thought he was nuts for saying it, during the 1980 campaign. But turned out to resonate with people who just didn't want to admit America could lose a war. (Even a completely pointless war we were lied into getting into).

So in the midst of this, you saw Jane Fonda's fortunes decline in the kinds of movies she was getting. Part of it was that she only wanted to do serious films with a message, which kind of limited her, but part of it was Hollywood realizing she was box office toxic.

Her first movie after Golden Pond was "Rollover" 1981. It lost money, only making 10 million on a 16 million budget.

Her next big movie after that was Agnes of God (1985) It made $25MM on a $10MM budget. Not a loss totally, but not stellar. People in Hollywood were realizing her name was toxic because people resented her activism. A common T-shirt I saw in the 1980's 'Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales".

Her next movie was "The Morning After" (1986). Again, made 25MM on a 10MM budget.

Her last movie before she "retired" was Old Gringo. Made 3 million on a 35MM budget.

I'm not sure which would be funnier: The fact that you're so well versed in the increasingly failing career of Jane Fonda or that you wasted time on Google looking up so much shit that no one really gives a fuck about...

I didn't report you for your childish name-calling. I reported you on accusing me of crimes. That's against forum rules.

I see.

So you take the position that it's okay stealing from an employer; which tacitly identifies you as a thief, and then you want to whine because I point that out?

You really are a delicate little flower, aren't you?

See the discussion above, Ditchweed. After Golden Pond, she made a series of bombs because in the Reagan Era of bullshit patriotism, her brand became toxic.

Yes, it did. People were sick and tired of her anti-American rhetoric.

I did find it particularly satisfying that the bitch had to play a Republican in "The Butler" in order to get a paycheck...
With all due respect you are insulting.



With all due respect, you're irrelevant...


I'm not sure which would be funnier: The fact that you're so well versed in the increasingly failing career of Jane Fonda or that you wasted time on Google looking up so much shit that no one really gives a fuck about...

Uh, people are discussing it here, so people care... um, yeah.. okay.

So you take the position that it's okay stealing from an employer; which tacitly identifies you as a thief, and then you want to whine because I point that out?

I don't take a position one way or the other, since you never actually explained what he did. You avoided that topic. But this is off topic to this thread. Accusing forum members of criminal activity is against forum rules. Reported again.

Yes, it did. People were sick and tired of her anti-American rhetoric.

I did find it particularly satisfying that the bitch had to play a Republican in "The Butler" in order to get a paycheck...

Did she do it for the paycheck, or did she do it because she was interested in the story? haven't seen the movie and I doubt you have, either.
I'm not sure which would be funnier: The fact that you're so well versed in the increasingly failing career of Jane Fonda or that you wasted time on Google looking up so much shit that no one really gives a fuck about...

Uh, people are discussing it here, so people care... um, yeah.. okay.

Yeah, but you were Johnny On The Spot with cinematic stats that no normal person would ever give a fuck about.

That's dedication...
So you take the position that it's okay stealing from an employer; which tacitly identifies you as a thief, and then you want to whine because I point that out?

I don't take a position one way or the other, since you never actually explained what he did. You avoided that topic. But this is off topic to this thread. Accusing forum members of criminal activity is against forum rules. Reported again.
You're a fuckin' idiot.

I absolutely explained what he did. You've spent pages, in fact, responding to it. For you to now say that I've haven't said what he did makes you look like an insufferable dipshit.

And I've not accused you of criminal activity. I've merely expressed my opinion that you're a thief. In support of that opinion, everyone should take note that you've not once denied that...

Yes, it did. People were sick and tired of her anti-American rhetoric.

I did find it particularly satisfying that the bitch had to play a Republican in "The Butler" in order to get a paycheck...

Did she do it for the paycheck, or did she do it because she was interested in the story? haven't seen the movie and I doubt you have, either.

"The Butler"?

I absolutely did. Forrest Whittaker was great in it...
Yeah, but you were Johnny On The Spot with cinematic stats that no normal person would ever give a fuck about.

Actually, I'm Johnny on the spot with a lot of trivia... Probably someone you'd never want to play Trivial pursuit against...

For you to now say that I've haven't said what he did makes you look like an insufferable dipshit.

You didn't explain WHY he did it, so you didn't really explain what he did.

Other violations of forum rules reported... I'm done with you.
Yeah, but you were Johnny On The Spot with cinematic stats that no normal person would ever give a fuck about.

Actually, I'm Johnny on the spot with a lot of trivia... Probably someone you'd never want to play Trivial pursuit against...


The guys who always won at Trivial Pursuit were the guys whose only dates were with Rosie Palm and her five sisters...
For you to now say that I've haven't said what he did makes you look like an insufferable dipshit.

You didn't explain WHY he did it, so you didn't really explain what he did.

Other violations of forum rules reported... I'm done with you.

Well, I did explain what he did. If you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that, well, ain't my problem.

Oh, and reporting me?


For what? LOLOL!!
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The guys who always won at Trivial Pursuit were the guys whose only dates were with Rosie Palm and her five sisters...

Wow.. weirdly obsessing about my sex life... um... yeah... okay.... no, you are a weird stalker at all.
Well, I did explain what he did. If you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that, well, ain't my problem.

No, you didn't explain WHY he did it. I don't really care "what" you "claimed" he did, because frankly, the story just plain old didn't add up. 2 = X = Y, you don't really know what Y means if you don't know what X is. It's simple math.

Also- off topic... has nothing to do with cancel culture....Do you have anything intelligent to say about that?
Actually, I was unaware your sex life consisted of nothing more then pleasuring yourself.

How sad for you...

Funny, I'm sure you spend all night thinking about me, which is really, really sad.

I must have seriously bruised your ego.
Well, I did explain what he did. If you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that, well, ain't my problem.

No, you didn't explain WHY he did it. I don't really care "what" you "claimed" he did, because frankly, the story just plain old didn't add up. 2 = X = Y, you don't really know what Y means if you don't know what X is. It's simple math.

Also- off topic... has nothing to do with cancel culture....Do you have anything intelligent to say about that?

Joey, c'mere, Sport. We need to talk.

See, you've got a problem here. You think that you're a lot more significant than you are. I'm not saying that to be mean, pal. I'm simply pointing out to you (because someone needs to) that nobody gives a fuck about you. You're unimportant. As such, nobody cares about what you think you should be privy to, either.

You've admitted to being dishonest.

You've admitted to being a liar.

You've not condemned the act of stealing from an employer, so the only conclusion which can be reached is that you condone such theft and, by extension, could very well be a thief yourself, especially considering all of those important Klinger-like assignments you had while you were a slack-jawed supply clerk in the Army...
Actually, I was unaware your sex life consisted of nothing more then pleasuring yourself.

How sad for you...

Funny, I'm sure you spend all night thinking about me, which is really, really sad.

I must have seriously bruised your ego.

You suffer delusions of grandeur to the nth degree.

I guess I can see why. That's the only way you can convince yourself that anyone gives a shit about you or your ignorant opinions.

Oh, and your post was off topic. Reported.

Joey, c'mere, Sport. We need to talk.

See, you've got a problem here. You think that you're a lot more significant than you are. I'm not saying that to be mean, pal. I'm simply pointing out to you (because someone needs to) that nobody gives a fuck about you. You're unimportant. As such, nobody cares about what you think you should be privy to, either.

Then why have you spent like a month stalking me... I mean, it was flattering at first, but now it's getting a bit creepy.

Do you have anything to add to the topic of the thread?
Joey, c'mere, Sport. We need to talk.

See, you've got a problem here. You think that you're a lot more significant than you are. I'm not saying that to be mean, pal. I'm simply pointing out to you (because someone needs to) that nobody gives a fuck about you. You're unimportant. As such, nobody cares about what you think you should be privy to, either.

Then why have you spent like a month stalking me... I mean, it was flattering at first, but now it's getting a bit creepy.

Do you have anything to add to the topic of the thread?
You should educate yourself on h0ow internet forums and threads on those forums work.

Because right now you just look like a fuckin' idiot...
You should educate yourself on h0ow internet forums and threads on those forums work.

Because right now you just look like a fuckin' idiot...

Um, yeah, the way they are supposed to work is you discuss the topic, not weirdly stalk people because they hurt your little feelings.

I'm just putting you on ignore now... maybe in a month or so, I'll take you off....
Joey, c'mere, Sport. We need to talk.

See, you've got a problem here. You think that you're a lot more significant than you are. I'm not saying that to be mean, pal. I'm simply pointing out to you (because someone needs to) that nobody gives a fuck about you. You're unimportant. As such, nobody cares about what you think you should be privy to, either.

Then why have you spent like a month stalking me... I mean, it was flattering at first, but now it's getting a bit creepy.

Do you have anything to add to the topic of the thread?
You should educate yourself on h0ow internet forums and threads on those forums work.

Because right now you just look like a fuckin' idiot...
It's a look Joey is quite used to by now.

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