Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
What planet do you live on? Every Mexican has 5 to 12 kids picking peppers
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
What planet do you live on? Every Mexican has 5 to 12 kids picking peppers

The real world does not conform to your stereotypes.
Ok................time to solve the problem...............America needs to do more fucking..........

That is all.

What to do with losers like bobobrainless? No woman in her right mind would let him within arms reach (and his 'interests' seem to lie elsewhere).
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

The world is at risk of entering “hothouse” conditions where global average temperatures will be 4-5 degrees Celsius higher even if emissions reduction targets under a global climate deal are met, scientists said in a study published on Monday.

The report comes amid a heatwave that has pushed temperatures above 40C (104 Fahrenheit) in Europe this summer, causing drought and wildfires, including blazes in Greece in July that killed 91 people.

Around 200 countries agreed in 2015 to limit temperature rise to “well below” 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels, a threshold believed to be a tipping point for the climate.

However, it is not clear whether the world’s climate can be safely “parked” near 2C above pre-industrial levels or whether this might trigger other processes which drive further warming even if the world stops emitting greenhouse gases, the research said.

Even If Emission Reduction Targets Are Met, Earth Still Heading Towards 'Hothouse' State | HuffPost
Ocean ecosystems plagued by agricultural runoff

Researchers have long suspected that fertilizer runoff from big farms can trigger sudden explosions of marine algae capable of disrupting ocean ecosystems and even producing "dead zones" in the sea. Now a new study by Stanford University scientists presents the first direct evidence linking large-scale coastal farming to massive algal blooms in the sea.

A red tide ravaging Florida may have killed a whale shark for the first known time

A biologist from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission sampled the shark's muscle, liver, intestines and stomach contents. The muscles and organs tested positive for brevetoxin, a neurotoxin created by a harmful algae called Karenia brevis.

the timing and location implicate the harmful algal bloom, or “red tide,” as the most likely cause. “This whale shark was definitely exposed to the bloom, and we know brevetoxins” are deadly to fish, said Kelly Richmond, a spokeswoman for the commission.

more than 100 turtle deaths have been recorded — 50 in the past month. Green sea turtles, loggerheads, and Kemp's ridley (a critically endangered species) are among the casualties.

So fuck you and your "life is precious" bullshit. Fuck the japs killed at Heroshima or Nakasaki. Lets worry about these animals and our ecosystem. We're going to destroy the entire planet you fucking morons. Lets cut the human population in half so the rest of the planet can survive. God you are a fucking idiot.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
The consequences of a growing global population
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
The consequences of a growing global population

Holy crap, how stupid are you? That dead whale shark is smarter than you. Cetacean stranding has been happening throughout all of human history, dumbass. If every trace of humanity were erased from the planet, it would still happen. You should give it a try.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
The consequences of a growing global population

Holy crap, how stupid are you? That dead whale shark is smarter than you. Cetacean stranding has been happening throughout all of human history, dumbass. If every trace of humanity were erased from the planet, it would still happen. You should give it a try.

Did you miss this part dumbass? A red tide ravaging Florida may have killed a whale shark for the first known time
Unkotare is an idiot 'Environmental Nightmare' After Thousands Of Atlantic Salmon Escape Fish Farm

What is the biggest source of pollution in the ocean?
Most ocean pollution begins on land

Oceanic Dead Zones Continue to Spread
Fertilizer runoff and fossil-fuel use lead to massive areas in the ocean with scant or no oxygen, killing large swaths of sea life and causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage

This planet and even us humans would be better off if we cut our population in half. I've done my job. Zero kids. How about you?


So fuck you and your "life is precious" bullshit. .... Lets worry about these animals and our ecosystem. We're going to destroy the entire planet you fucking morons. Lets cut the human population in half so the rest of the planet can survive. .....

Animals have come and gone along with plants and entire ecosystems throughout the history of this planet. Humans may be gone one day as well. We haven't been here that long. The earth has gone through phases of heating and cooling since long before there were people, and it will continue to do so in relation to solar and volcanic activity.

You're too stupid to realize how irrational you are. The planet will carry on just fine with or without us. Your typical, mindless leftist disdain for human life is noted. Excepting yourself, human life IS precious. Most humans know this. If you want to cut the human population in half, go buy a saw and start with yourself. No one would miss you. NO ONE. Your boat won't shed a tear.

So fuck you and your "life is precious" bullshit. .... Lets worry about these animals and our ecosystem. We're going to destroy the entire planet you fucking morons. Lets cut the human population in half so the rest of the planet can survive. .....

Animals have come and gone along with plants and entire ecosystems throughout the history of this planet. Humans may be gone one day as well. We haven't been here that long. The earth has gone through phases of heating and cooling since long before there were people, and it will continue to do so in relation to solar and volcanic activity.

You're too stupid to realize how irrational you are. The planet will carry on just fine with or without us. Your typical, mindless leftist disdain for human life is noted. Excepting yourself, human life IS precious. Most humans know this. If you want to cut the human population in half, go buy a saw and start with yourself. No one would miss you. NO ONE. Your boat won't shed a tear.

These are forecast to be the world’s biggest cities in 2100: New York doesn’t even crack the top 20

The list includes many cities that westerners won’t have even heard of, let alone be able to place on a map.

Your dumb ass thinks the planet will be better off in 2100? God you are fucking stupid.

Africa’s population is growing at a much faster rate than the rest of the world. While roughly one in seven people in the world today are from Africa, the UN predicts that will rise to almost one in two by 2100.

In contrast, Europe’s population is projected to fall steadily over the same period, from 742 million to 653 million. After a period of growth, Asia is also expected to shrink, ending up with a population more or less the same as today.

Overall, the global population will likely grow to 11 billion over the next 82 years, and cities will get bigger too—especially in Africa.

High birth rates in the continent ensure that even if there is a decrease in fertility in the coming years, the huge number of young people already living means a huge population boom is now inevitable.

Tokyo, the template for science fiction’s city of the future, currently has the largest population in the world at 36 million. But by 2100, it’s projected to have shrunk by 29 percent, making it only the 28th largest city in the world. This population dive is fueled by Japan’s low birth rate and anti-immigration policies.

European cities face a similar fate. By 2100, no European cities will be among the 60 largest. Paris is predicted to be the 67th biggest city in the world, with London the only other European city in the top 100, at 86th.

Cities in the U.S. will be largely overtaken too. New York City, currently the sixth largest in the world, is predicted to grow 55 percent. But even so, it will still drop down the list of biggest cities, coming in at number 22.

Los Angeles just about scrapes into the top 40. The only other American cities on the list of the 100 biggest urban centers are Chicago (57), Miami (89), Philadelphia (91) and Dallas (100).

Click through this slideshow to find out which cities are forecast to be the world’s biggest by the year 2100.

This is not good. Except for the part where our numbers shrink.
.... I've done my job. Zero kids. .....

That's not you "doing your job," it's every woman in the world making their choice when it comes to the likes of you.

Life is truly precious, and will carry on regardless of irrelevant closet clowns like you.

The next generation (when your boat has a little rowboat of its own) will face novel challenges related to a declining, aging population. Everything will depend on their wisdom.

So fuck you and your "life is precious" bullshit. .... Lets worry about these animals and our ecosystem. We're going to destroy the entire planet you fucking morons. Lets cut the human population in half so the rest of the planet can survive. .....

Animals have come and gone along with plants and entire ecosystems throughout the history of this planet. Humans may be gone one day as well. We haven't been here that long. The earth has gone through phases of heating and cooling since long before there were people, and it will continue to do so in relation to solar and volcanic activity.

You're too stupid to realize how irrational you are. The planet will carry on just fine with or without us. Your typical, mindless leftist disdain for human life is noted. Excepting yourself, human life IS precious. Most humans know this. If you want to cut the human population in half, go buy a saw and start with yourself. No one would miss you. NO ONE. Your boat won't shed a tear.
Humans have come and gone too.

I'm not worried about the planet. I'm worried about the planet remaining habitable for humans for as long as possible. Your population growth is shortening our lifespan.
.... I've done my job. Zero kids. .....

That's not you "doing your job," it's every woman in the world making their choice when it comes to the likes of you.

Life is truly precious, and will carry on regardless of irrelevant closet clowns like you.

The next generation (when your boat has a little rowboat of its own) will face novel challenges related to a declining, aging population. Everything will depend on their wisdom.

What harm would come from cutting the population in half?

Don't say business because you don't have a clue about business. Remember those who can do and those who can't teach.
The planet and humans will be just fine even better off with a shrinking human population. Unfortunately Africa is going to have a human boom.

So fuck you and your "life is precious" bullshit. .... Lets worry about these animals and our ecosystem. We're going to destroy the entire planet you fucking morons. Lets cut the human population in half so the rest of the planet can survive. .....

Animals have come and gone along with plants and entire ecosystems throughout the history of this planet. Humans may be gone one day as well. We haven't been here that long. The earth has gone through phases of heating and cooling since long before there were people, and it will continue to do so in relation to solar and volcanic activity.

You're too stupid to realize how irrational you are. The planet will carry on just fine with or without us. Your typical, mindless leftist disdain for human life is noted. Excepting yourself, human life IS precious. Most humans know this. If you want to cut the human population in half, go buy a saw and start with yourself. No one would miss you. NO ONE. Your boat won't shed a tear.


The list includes many cities that westerners won’t have even heard of, let alone be able to place on a map......

No doubt that's true for you. A shrinking, aging population is on the way.
.... I've done my job. Zero kids. .....

That's not you "doing your job," it's every woman in the world making their choice when it comes to the likes of you.

Life is truly precious, and will carry on regardless of irrelevant closet clowns like you.

The next generation (when your boat has a little rowboat of its own) will face novel challenges related to a declining, aging population. Everything will depend on their wisdom.

What harm would come from cutting the population in half?.....

Start with yourself and let us know how you liked it.

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